

Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Weekly Recap 3.11.2018 to 3.18.2018

What does “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes, and Factory Built Housing” mean?   Almost anything you can think of has some direct or indirect influence on manufactured homes (MH) and factory-built housing. Two obvious examples.  Tax cuts and regulatory reform are political and economic issues that touched the …

Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Weekly Recap 3.11.2018 to 3.18.2018 Read More


Nobility Homes 2017 Annual, and 1st Quarter 2018 Results, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Update$

Nobility Homes (NOBH) issued its 1st quarter 2018 results, which will be featured in our spotlight for this evening’s manufactured housing industry market report. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline reports are found further …

Nobility Homes 2017 Annual, and 1st Quarter 2018 Results, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Update$ Read More


FTC AntiTrust RAID, Signal$ for U.S. Monopolistic Giant$? Plus MH Market UPdate$

Japan’s FTC raided Amazon offices their over antitrust issues. That’s not to be taken lightly in the U.S., because President Trump and politicos and economists across the left-right media divide have been increasing their concerns. This report follows on the heels of a string of legal, class action, and antitrust …

FTC AntiTrust RAID, Signal$ for U.S. Monopolistic Giant$? Plus MH Market UPdate$ Read More


Senate votes for Changes to Dodd-Frank Regulations

The U.S. Senate voted Wednesday to pass S. 2155, which is a reform of Dodd-Frank that could include some added wiggle room for industry professionals.   The bill is dubbed the “Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act.” S. 2155 passed in a bi-partisan vote – as reported by …

Senate votes for Changes to Dodd-Frank Regulations Read More


First Things First in Manufactured Housing

Every day, owners, managers, and various types of workers head to their place of business.   In manufactured housing, that may be a: land-lease community, a.k.a. ‘mobile home park’ or a manufactured home’ community, retail center – where homes are displayed for the public and sold, production center, where HUD …

First Things First in Manufactured Housing Read More


“It Isn’t A Crime Time to Be Poor” Citizen Tells Anti-Manufactured Home Lawmakers

Property owners outside of manufactured home zoning districts in Lexington who want to replace “mobile homes will now have to do so with single-family homes,” said the Dispatch.   “The Lexington City Council unanimously approved an amendment to city ordinances Monday making that change. Under the new rules, property owners …

“It Isn’t A Crime Time to Be Poor” Citizen Tells Anti-Manufactured Home Lawmakers Read More


NFIB’s Small Business Leadership Updates Stunning Data

“Small business owners are showing unprecedented confidence in the economy as the optimism index continues at record high numbers, rising to 107.6 in February, according to the NFIB Small Business Economic Trends Survey,” the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) tells the Daily Business News in a release. As longtime …

NFIB’s Small Business Leadership Updates Stunning Data Read More


“Influx of Money” vs. “Hiring Compliance” Agents, Attorneys – Plus Manufactured Housing Market UPDate$

Charles Schwab Corp. founder Charles Schwab speaks out on tax and regulatory reforms, pending Dodd-Frank legislation and how that is and is expected to move the markets.  That will be tonight’s spotlight report. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the …

“Influx of Money” vs. “Hiring Compliance” Agents, Attorneys – Plus Manufactured Housing Market UPDate$ Read More


Does Monopoly Power Impact Workers’ Stagnant Wages? MH Industry Impact$

An area of concern raised inside and outside of the manufactured home industry is the issue of monopoly power, and its impact on workers and wages.   From across the political/economic spectrum – progressive to conservative media platforms and think-tanks – their is a growing frequency of reports on the …

Does Monopoly Power Impact Workers’ Stagnant Wages? MH Industry Impact$ Read More


Chicago Fed President on Labor Number$, Plus MH Market UPdate$

The Chicago Fed’s President, Charles Evans provides expert insights into the latest job numbers, which is tonight’s featured spotlight. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline reports are found further below, just beyond the Manufactured …

Chicago Fed President on Labor Number$, Plus MH Market UPdate$ Read More


Warren Wages War

Investors routinely say that they prefer “certainty.” That’s true for investors in manufactured home communities, stocks, or businesses.   The growing economic confidence during the year following the 2016 election witnessed a well-reported rise in stocks.  That was fueled in part by regulatory rollbacks – the “certainty” caused by an …

Warren Wages War Read More


Warning Signs for Senate Democrats, per Survey Monkey Polling

Left-of-center, youth-focused Axios has released their latest polling data, and it doesn’t sound promising for Senate Democrats. Five Senate Democrats would lose to Republican candidates if the elections were held today, per the Axios/Survey Monkey polling. “Democrats are defending 10 Senate seats in states that President Trump won in 2016. …

Warning Signs for Senate Democrats, per Survey Monkey Polling Read More


Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Asks Industry Members to Ask Senators to Support S 2155, Behind the Scenes Details

In a ‘housing alert’ email to association members, the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) urged the industry’s professionals to contact their senators and ask them to vote “Yes” on S. 2155.   “Passage of this language will ensure that manufactured housing retailers and sellers are not subject to compliance requirements clearly …

Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Asks Industry Members to Ask Senators to Support S 2155, Behind the Scenes Details Read More


An Examination of Manufactured Housing as a Community- and Asset-Building Strategy, Harvard JCHS, NeighborWorks, Ford Foundation

It’s a landmark document that is perhaps more relevant now than when it was first published.   It’s the report to the Ford Foundation by Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, done in collaboration with the Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) of Harvard University.   The Daily Business News has cited Harvard’s …

An Examination of Manufactured Housing as a Community- and Asset-Building Strategy, Harvard JCHS, NeighborWorks, Ford Foundation Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Weekly Recap 2.25.2018 to 3.4.2018

  “If you are not catching flak, you are not over the target” – is an Air Force maxim. Its reverse is equally revealing – “If you‘re catching flak, you‘re over the target.” – and it means you are likely near the mark or are scoring direct hits.   There has …

Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Weekly Recap 2.25.2018 to 3.4.2018 Read More


Experts Break Down Anticipated Cost$ of Tariffs on New Manufactured Homes

While not everyone has their anticipated costs down on what the pending tariffs announced by the White House will be on a new manufactured home, one HUD Code builder provided costs, and another factory building pro gave the Daily Business News other related facts.   It is important to note …

Experts Break Down Anticipated Cost$ of Tariffs on New Manufactured Homes Read More


MHPros Sound off on Steel Deal, Wilbur Ross Reacts to Controversy, Plus MH Market UPdate$

The final report tonight will also be on steel, and will contain expert insights from manufactured housing producers. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross is responding in tonight’s video clip to the concerns coming often from Republican sources, as a number of Democrats are happy about the tariff announcements. That will be …

MHPros Sound off on Steel Deal, Wilbur Ross Reacts to Controversy, Plus MH Market UPdate$ Read More


Announced Tariff’s on Chinese Steel, Aluminum Spark Stock Sell-Off, MH Industry Outlook?

Steel and other metals are part of every manufactured home.  It would be unlikely that someone would find a long list of HUD Code manufactured home builders getting excited about the first word on tariffs.   Publicly traded companies involved in manufactured housing watched their stocks lose ground in most …

Announced Tariff’s on Chinese Steel, Aluminum Spark Stock Sell-Off, MH Industry Outlook? Read More


Progressive “Nation” Reports on Monopolies Cites Buffett, Clayton, Others – MH Industry Impact?

It’s a threat to this industry, and the majority of Americans, unlike any the U.S. has experienced before.   Who says?   ‘The Nation,’ a self-described progressive publication in a series of reports on monopolies that specifically mentions manufactured housing, and Warren Buffett’s brands. But as other reports linked reflect, this …

Progressive “Nation” Reports on Monopolies Cites Buffett, Clayton, Others – MH Industry Impact? Read More


Housing, Jobs, Poverty, Opportunity – Kerner Commission Remix, HUD and Manufactured Homes

Just over 50 years have elapsed since then President Lyndon B Johnson announced the formation of the Kerner Commission. It was formed in response to race riots protesting poor housing, insufficient jobs, educational, and other issues in Detroit and other cities across the country.  In the vintage video below, the …

Housing, Jobs, Poverty, Opportunity – Kerner Commission Remix, HUD and Manufactured Homes Read More

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