

Will CFPB Director Cordray Oust Himself? CFPB Legal Battles Update

It’s no secret that manufactured housing, along with others involved in finance, have been struggling for years to adapt to the new world created by Dodd-Frank and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Long awaited changes appear to be underway for the agency, including rumors spreading that Director Richard Cordray …

Will CFPB Director Cordray Oust Himself? CFPB Legal Battles Update Read More


“Pilots like to know where they’re going,” says GOP Senator

“We are going to fight and fight and fight until this bill is dead,” said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York, at a rally outside the Capitol Tuesday. So far, Senator Schumer is getting his wish. For Democrats, ObamaCare is perhaps the single biggest part of the 44th …

“Pilots like to know where they’re going,” says GOP Senator Read More


Sen Minority Leader Schumer Blasts Clinton, Left Leaning Network Digs “Bland” Democratic Rebranding

While most left-leaning along with some of the center-right media are busily undermining President Donald J. Trump’s national agenda items, the Democrats are facing the music of reality checks too. “Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer had choice words for Hillary Clinton in an interview over the weekend,” Fox News reported, …

Sen Minority Leader Schumer Blasts Clinton, Left Leaning Network Digs “Bland” Democratic Rebranding Read More


2018, 2020 Campaigns Underway, Bernie & Jane Sanders, Scandals, and Democratic Party Rebranding

Secretary Hillary Clinton gave what many felt was a graceful exit speech the morning after her election loss.  For his part, then President-elect Donald J. Trump said that he felt differently about going after her for the various allegations of corrupt and illegal activity.  He would let that part of …

2018, 2020 Campaigns Underway, Bernie & Jane Sanders, Scandals, and Democratic Party Rebranding Read More


Matt Drudge Alert – Hateful Leader Warning – TANSTAFL

As a prologue to the headline topic, macro trends are often overlooked for their potential impact on our industry.  Further, polarized politics can dim the understanding of an issue. Let’s draw a bright-line distinction between those voting for ‘progressive’ causes, and their leaders. There are also leaders who may seem …

Matt Drudge Alert – Hateful Leader Warning – TANSTAFL Read More


White House Shake Up, President Trump’s Made in America Plan, and Manufactured Housing

Steve Hilton, who worked with Prime Minister David Cameron in Britain as a counter-establishment figure, shares his perspective that “the Establishment” is effectively trying to force President Donald J. Trump out of office, years before the next election. That commentary from today on Outnumbered, includes observations about Special Counsel Robert …

White House Shake Up, President Trump’s Made in America Plan, and Manufactured Housing Read More


Presidents, Protest Groups, Update on Plot to Disrupt MHI Annual Meeting in Orlando

“I’ve been protested before,” the corporate president said to MHProNews. “That doesn’t scare or bother me,” the caller said in reaction to the report, linked here. Other manufactured home industry business and association professionals who called or messaged MHProNews about the notice that one or more left-wing resident groups were …

Presidents, Protest Groups, Update on Plot to Disrupt MHI Annual Meeting in Orlando Read More


Black Home Ownership Lags Almost a Decade After the Great Recession

“A decade after the housing crash destroyed the American Dream for millions of homeowners, black homeownership rates have dropped to levels not seen since the 1960s, hobbling African-Americans’ efforts to build their wealth,” says the Chicago Tribune. Only 42.2 percent of blacks in the U.S. owned homes in 2016, compared …

Black Home Ownership Lags Almost a Decade After the Great Recession Read More


Energy Secretary Rick Perry, the Law of Supply and Demand

“Here’s a little economics lesson,” said Rick Perry, Secretary of the Department of Energy, in response to a question about how the coal industry can stay competitive, when the shale revolution of the last 10 years has made the supply of natural gas so abundant and cheap. “Supply and demand: You …

Energy Secretary Rick Perry, the Law of Supply and Demand Read More


ELS, UFPI lead gainers, Tricon and Skyline Lead Decliners

If you’re hooked our on new spotlight report feature, or are ready to get the fever – today we have a recap that hot-links several recent ones. Please check back for a new spotlight segment of our broader market report tomorrow. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the industry’s stocks …

ELS, UFPI lead gainers, Tricon and Skyline Lead Decliners Read More


Bernie Sanders, Steve Forbes, Prager U – Tax Reform, Facts, Fiction, and Fake News

If you listen to Senators Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Secretary Hillary Clinton or her supporters – such as Warren Buffett – you’d think that the rich aren’t paying enough in taxes.  Their answer? Raise them. Tax the rich sounds easy, especially when there are fewer of them to vote against …

Bernie Sanders, Steve Forbes, Prager U – Tax Reform, Facts, Fiction, and Fake News Read More


Amid Protests, Controversy – How Healthy is ObamaCare in Your State? New Federal Data Released

Tune in the evening news and one of the routine stories on your favorite channel featured protesters like those in the featured image shown. Some claim they or a loved one will die without ObamaCare being preserved. Others say that the misnamed “Affordable Care Act” program itself is dying of …

Amid Protests, Controversy – How Healthy is ObamaCare in Your State? New Federal Data Released Read More


Governor Signed Manufactured Home ‘Dealer’ License Bill, Now in Effect

Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb signed House Enrolled Act 1119, the “Manufactured Housing Dealer Licensing Bill” into law on Monday April 24, 2017. That bill which took effect July 1, 2017, Ronald L. Breymier, Executive Director of the Indiana Manufactured Housing Association said to MHProNews.com. The new statute requires “that anyone …

Governor Signed Manufactured Home ‘Dealer’ License Bill, Now in Effect Read More


Battle of the Stars, Manufactured Housing, Security, and America First

“It is what our country is, it is a country of immigrants. We have not recently done a very good job of remembering who we are.” – George Clooney, commenting on President Trump’s border and immigration policies.  (1) “He doesn’t feel like Amal and the twins are safe living in …

Battle of the Stars, Manufactured Housing, Security, and America First Read More


British Report on Tough Talking Trump on Trade, Impact

With the G-20 summit underway, HotAir reports on a study out of England that says that President Donald J. Trump’s tough talk on trade could be working for the U.S. It isn’t just the Brits and G20 conference.  China is asking the U.S. not to punish them with sanctions over …

British Report on Tough Talking Trump on Trade, Impact Read More


ADP Jobs Report, Headhunters and Trumponomics

ADP’s June 2017 jobs report is out.  Unemployment is at the lowest point in 16 years, states Bloomberg. The economy added about 179,000 jobs, somewhat less than expected, says Thomson Reuters. CNBC says that wages are rising, some .3 percent in June. Coupled with falling fuel prices, that is good …

ADP Jobs Report, Headhunters and Trumponomics Read More


Clayton Homes, Property Group, buys Site-Builder Oakwood, Industry Market Updates

The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the industry’s stocks in the broader context of the overall market stocks.  By spotlighting the headlines – from both sides of the left-right media divide – this report also helps readers see what are the trends and topics that may be moving the …

Clayton Homes, Property Group, buys Site-Builder Oakwood, Industry Market Updates Read More


Sooner or Later, It’s Moved by Truck

While lumber costs have risen for all of housing – including factory builders – fuel prices are falling. In fact, CNN Money reports that prices are the lowest they’ve been in about 12 years. NBC News in the video below echoes that reality, stating that prices are expected to stay …

Sooner or Later, It’s Moved by Truck Read More


Economic Freedom, Millennial Considers Founders Through Lens of Ron Paul, Walter Williams, Milton Freidman

“A free people [claim] their rights as derived from the laws of nature, and not as the gift of their chief magistrate.” – Thomas Jefferson, Rights of British America, 1774 (1) “A people… who are possessed of the spirit of commerce, who see and who will pursue their advantages may …

Economic Freedom, Millennial Considers Founders Through Lens of Ron Paul, Walter Williams, Milton Freidman Read More

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