

Measuring Effectiveness, Facts and Course Corrections for Waste, Fraud, Abuse

“Effectiveness is the achievement of the desired objective.” – SoftwareMetrics report comparing private charities to the federal government.     Across the left-right media divide, there are clear indicators of the scope of some problems that impacts every taxpayer, business, and citizen. For example. Arguably the largest competitor to manufactured housing …

Measuring Effectiveness, Facts and Course Corrections for Waste, Fraud, Abuse Read More


Help Others “Get It” – Loans on “Mobile Homes” Promoted by Another U.S. President

  Let’s be honest. Not everyone gets it.  So, savvy industry pros must help others ‘get it.’  That’s a transparent reason why we do reports like this one.   With a pro-business builder in the Oval Office, it’s wise to flashback to a time before President Gerald R. Ford praised …

Help Others “Get It” – Loans on “Mobile Homes” Promoted by Another U.S. President Read More


Paul Manafort Guilty, but No Russia, No Campaign Connection, Cohen Pleads – Plus MH Market Updates

There will be hay made about both of these breaking news stories.  We’ll simplify both in our featured report, linked below.  One prediction, right now.  Expect TV viewers of the POTUS Donald Trump Rally in West Virginia to spike, as the president loves to comment on stage about these types …

Paul Manafort Guilty, but No Russia, No Campaign Connection, Cohen Pleads – Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Introducing the JW Corruption Chronicles, News Reporting Isn’t Dead

Before starting the headline report, some disclosures are warranted. Disclosures. This digital publication is a subsidiary of a privately held LLC, which engages in trade media as well as various expert, marketing and business development services focused on HUD Code manufactured homes (MH), and factory-built housing in general.   A look …

Introducing the JW Corruption Chronicles, News Reporting Isn’t Dead Read More


“We Shouldn’t Fear Our Government,” Feds Pay Out Millions in Case, Plus MH Market Updates

“We Shouldn’t Fear Our Government,” said True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht in a video in our featured report this evening. The IRS targeting scandal of conservative groups during the Obama Administration may not seem to have anything to do with the markets, or manufactured housing, does it? The recent settlement …

“We Shouldn’t Fear Our Government,” Feds Pay Out Millions in Case, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Back to Basics Will Boost Manufactured Home Sales, Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Industry Headline News Recap Aug 5 – Aug 12, 2018

Let’s stress again that there are numbers of honorable operators and professionals in manufactured housing.   Some of those honorable souls would see “the basics” in a similar way that we at MHProNews would agree with too. But perhaps in an ironic way, the fact that not everyone understands what …

Back to Basics Will Boost Manufactured Home Sales, Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Industry Headline News Recap Aug 5 – Aug 12, 2018 Read More


“It’s A Problem That’s Been Bubbling for Years,” Turkey Tank$, Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates

As the United States begins to flex more economic muscle, there are increasing signs in markets from China, Europe to now Turkey that are reflecting weaknesses in markets overseas. Today, Turkey grabbed the headlines, and some experts share their take. It’s a troubling reminder why manufactured housing is a much …

“It’s A Problem That’s Been Bubbling for Years,” Turkey Tank$, Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Facts, It’s About More, Per Economic Expert’s Insight

There appears to be considerable confusion about a variety of facts regarding modern manufactured homes, as well as the manufactured housing industry. Why?  Let’s tee up this topic, before diving into this relevant research, and today’s timely fact check.   Accurate Information Matters When reading mainstream media reports, or research being …

Manufactured Housing Industry Facts, It’s About More, Per Economic Expert’s Insight Read More


Mel Watt Charged With Sexual Harassment – Manufactured Housing Industry Repercussions?

“The mortgage industry and Washington were rocked Friday by news that Federal Housing Finance Agency Director [FHFA] Mel Watt has been accused by an agency employee of sexual harassment,” wrote Rob Blackwell for AmericanBanker.   As many manufactured home industry veterans know, the FHFA was established as the receiver for the Government …

Mel Watt Charged With Sexual Harassment – Manufactured Housing Industry Repercussions? Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Potential – Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Reports, Headline News Recap 7.22.2018 to 7.29.2018

What’s Keeping the Manufactured Housing Industry from Attaining Is Full Potential? Years before the Urban Institute asked last January, “Manufactured homes could ease the affordable housing crisis. So why are so few being made?” MHProNews and MHLivingNews explored that very topic,  day by day, story by story, video by video, …

Manufactured Housing Industry Potential – Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Reports, Headline News Recap 7.22.2018 to 7.29.2018 Read More


Race, Equal Opportunities, Affordable Housing, CNN’s Lydia DePillis, and the Dinesh D’Szouza Reality Check

  “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell, per Goodreads.   What does that quotation mean?  “The meaning of this statement is that someone can redefine who they are and, in fact, what a society is by being able to …

Race, Equal Opportunities, Affordable Housing, CNN’s Lydia DePillis, and the Dinesh D’Szouza Reality Check Read More


Giant Blackstone Enters MHVille, President Touts Record Economic Growth, Plus MH Market Updates

There will be a special report later this evening on the entry of the Blackstone Group (BX) into the manufactured home community space. They’ve been added to our evening closing ticker recap.  But tonight’s feature will be on the economy.  Despite concerns over tariffs, trade and the latest faux gaff, …

Giant Blackstone Enters MHVille, President Touts Record Economic Growth, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


MH Association Spotlighted Candidate in Gubernatorial Race Raises Tax Issue in PAC Campaign Ad

The Florida Manufactured Housing Association (FMHA) spotlighted Adam Putnam earlier this year, after his tour of a HUD Code manufactured home and modular housing factory in Plant City, FL.   Ag Commissioner, Gubernatorial Candidate Adam Putnam Tours Palm Harbor Plant Adam Putnam’s connected political action committee (PAC), called ‘Florida Grown,’ …

MH Association Spotlighted Candidate in Gubernatorial Race Raises Tax Issue in PAC Campaign Ad Read More


Earnings Beats, Trade Deal Announced with EU, Stocks Rise, Plus MH Market Updates

Let’s note from the top that this is just one step in the challenging road of trade negotiations with various economic players globally. The talk from China is still tough. But Mexico’s new president is hinting that there may be a deal.  With that backdrop, what was announced today from …

Earnings Beats, Trade Deal Announced with EU, Stocks Rise, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


‘They’re F-ing Us’ hints President Trump, but “We’re Playing with the Banks Money,” Plus Manufactured Home Market UPdate$

The President of the United States (POTUS) Donald J. Trump coyly hinted that countries he named are ‘f—king us,’ but then said he won’t use that expression for a respected show.  Markets closed down a fraction, and this evening’s focus will be a one on one interview with the president …

‘They’re F-ing Us’ hints President Trump, but “We’re Playing with the Banks Money,” Plus Manufactured Home Market UPdate$ Read More


Who Says Bipartisanship is Dead? House Passes Massive “JOBS & Investor Confidence Act” S 488 by 406 to 4 Vote

“Waters, Hensarling put forth massive bipartisan economic growth bill,” said HousingWire.   The White House press room tells MHProNews, that: “President Donald J. Trump commends the House of Representatives for passing S. 488, the JOBS and Investor Confidence Act of 2018.  This bill would enact commonsense regulatory reforms to help …

Who Says Bipartisanship is Dead? House Passes Massive “JOBS & Investor Confidence Act” S 488 by 406 to 4 Vote Read More


Warren Buffett on Construction and Trucking Labor, Plus Manufactured Housing Markets Updates

The video below with Warren Buffett is perhaps more interesting for what it doesn’t say, than what it does.  That will be our focus report for this evening. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our …

Warren Buffett on Construction and Trucking Labor, Plus Manufactured Housing Markets Updates Read More


Talking Heads Melt Down, Stocks Rise, DoJ Statement, Bannon Says Look More at China, plus MH Market Updates

The Dow is continuing to recover, and other markets also rose today.  But for those who tuned into much of the hypertexturing media coverage since the US-Russia Summit in Helsinki yesterday, one could be left with the impression that the world was about to come to an end.  Far from …

Talking Heads Melt Down, Stocks Rise, DoJ Statement, Bannon Says Look More at China, plus MH Market Updates Read More


Balancing Capital Requirements and Access to Credit

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit met today.  They examined the existing regulatory structure for prudentially regulated financial institutions, with a view to exploring avenues how Congress and regulators can address challenges through policy changes.   “While I believe in robust capital requirements, I don’t …

Balancing Capital Requirements and Access to Credit Read More


Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Industry Research, Reports, Headline News Recap 7.8.2018 to 7.15.2018

Albert Einstein, Zig Ziglar, Martha C. Nussbaum, and Manufactured Housing   There are those who mistakenly think they don’t understand the value of an honest critique.  But the truth is that we all know the value of objective analysis, because we all rate things – be they spoken, written, expressed …

Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Industry Research, Reports, Headline News Recap 7.8.2018 to 7.15.2018 Read More

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