The nay voter, Commissioner Julia DuCharme, said, “At this holiday season it breaks my heart to basically make this family homeless,”according to mvtelegraph.
“My heart says let them have the trailer but my head says that it is wrong because we have a law against it,” commented Commissioner Jim Frost.
Commission Chairman Leroy Candelaria gently suggested Baca could have looked at rules and regulations online before moving his home to a different county and wound up in this situation. “This is one of the saddest things that we have to do as a commission,” Candelaria said, to which Baca responded, “I know now that I didn’t do this right or I wouldn’t be here.”
MHProNews has learned Baca was notified he has 60 days to move the home. ##
(Photo credit: riograndesun/Jeff Tucker–New Mexico)