There are several kinds of people when it comes to President Donald J. Trump, or any other human being for that matter. Some will only look at the name, and what they think is bad about the man, for whatever reasons. Yet anyone who looks into a mirror closely enough will find flaws. Humanity cries out for the ancient Biblical principle of separating “wheat from chaff” – of separating that which is good from a person or organization – from that which is harmful or problematic.
Similarly, some will blindly accept anything about someone they believe in, be Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan, some star or business legend, sports or news personality, or whomever.
Grounded reality suggests something more pragmatic between such extremes. No American president or politician has yet achieved sainthood. That doesn’t mean there haven’t been great leaders, as well as problematic ones. Intelligent people ought to be discerning. POTUS Trump critic and liberal CNN commentator Van Jones told the conservative crowd at the recent CPAC conference that the 45th president deserves credit for his work on prison reform.
Wheat and chaff. Separate the good from whatever is not.
With that tee up, let’s turn to this headline topic about President Donald J. Trump, who with Energy Secretary Rick Perry – the former Governor of Texas standing by him in the video below – spoke about a legend in the factory-built housing industry.
Why this Video, Why Now?
First, as with many issues that are possible pluses, this topic by the 45th president is one that could benefit manufactured, modular, and other prefabricated housing producers.
Yet once you hear the legend’s name, if you search the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) website today, it’s missing. Not found. By contrast, it’s worth noting that you can find this legendary factory builder’s name previously here on the MHProNews website.
Second, the president is taking about inspirational qualities to these Scouts such as “winning” and “momentum.” Aren’t those potentially positive qualities every business or organization should seek?
Furthermore, with new HUD Code manufactured home shipments year over year (YoY) in decline now for several months, where are the victories or momentum in manufactured housing today?
As the latest – down again – new manufactured home shipment data sinks in, one should consider all that is right, and all that is wrong, with manufactured housing.
It’s time for ‘inspirational dissatisfaction.’
Gripping isn’t the same as problem solving. Rather, dissatisfaction should ideally inspire the search for solutions.
The purpose of MHProNews has in spotlighting any given p issue is in part accountability. But also so that professionals, advocates, investors, and others of good will can examine the facts, evidence, and make more informed choices as a result.
So nagging problems beg to be examined, and then once understood, challenges beg for a solution.
The genius Albert Einstein once commented that it he had an hour to solve a problem, he would spend 55 minutes examining the issue, then, Einstein would spend the last few minutes proposing the solutions.
Part of the premise of free enterprise is that a need can be turned into an opportunity.
Dissatisfaction should inspire the desire for solutions. That requires information, inspiration.
The publisher of MHProNews tells our twelve year old son, “goal and solution orientation, always.” Steven Covey, author of the 7 Habits of Highly Successful People said, “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”
To be understood, factory-built housing pros must grasp the various reasons why manufactured and modular homes are misunderstood.
Got a problem? Look for solutions. President Trump – it must be recalled – was a successful businessman before becoming a candidate for the Oval Office. Mr. Trump was a builder. What this video posted below reminds factory-built housing pros – among other useful things – is to never quit a good cause, especially if it involves something that you love or care deeply about.
If you don’t have momentum, figure out how to get it. We all need mojo to become successful. We need mojo to sustain success too.
The final possible practical use for this video is simple. It is in YouTube! That means your website’s webmaster could post this video on your site too. Why not highlight President Trump’s positive, inspirational talk to Scouts about a factory built housing industry legend?
Perhaps no prior president has a better understanding of factory-building than Donald J. Trump. In this video, Mr. Trump asked that legendary factory builder, “Why did this happen to you?”
Given that our industry was almost 400 percent more productive in 1998, isn’t that a timely question for our industry to ponder?
Perhaps no U.S. vice president has more understanding – and better knows the terminology and lingo of manufactured housing – than VP Mike Pence. MHProNews sources from the production state of Indiana tell us that VP Pence understands our industry.
Why not take his information about a historic innovator and be inspired? Enjoy the video, and then share it with your circle of influence. Then, check out the related reports that reminder readers that this president – and the first lady Melania Trump – may be the only president while in office to visit a manufactured home community. Mr. Trump may be the only man, before becoming president, to be personally involved in the launch of another now-successful factory-builder.
That’s this morning’s “Innovation – Information – Inspiration for Industry Professionals,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (News, analysis, commentary.)
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Submitted by Soheyla Kovach to the Daily Business News for

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