“President Donald Trump is the biggest 2020 election issue for small business owners across the U.S., according to the CNBC|SurveyMonkey Small Business Survey for the third quarter 2019,” said CNBC on 8.11.2019.
“A combined 53% of small businesses see the election as a referendum on Trump,” the left-of-center media outlet said in an article by a team of writers.
Bullets per CNBC:
· Twenty-nine percent of business owners said “keeping President Trump in office” was their No. 1 election issue.
· Twenty-four percent said “voting President Trump out of office” was their priority.
· No policy area was even close. Health care was cited by 9% of small business owners; immigration by 7%; climate change by 5%.
· The core issue of “economy and jobs” was not a close second among small business owners around the country, with 16% citing it as their top voting priority.
· The CNBC|SurveyMonkey Small Business Survey for Q3 included responses from approximately 2,300 small business owners across the country, collected between July 29 and Aug. 4.
· Trade, immigration, health-care policy, jobs and the economy — these are the political issues over which elections are often decided. But as of now, policy is taking a backseat to personality.

“When it comes to voting, party identification matters much more than whether someone owns a small business,” stated Laura Wronski, a senior researcher at SurveyMonkey. “People who identify as Democrats, whether or not they own a small business, want to vote for the Democratic candidate. The same is true for Republicans.”
Wronski cautions about making too much of responses to this question at this time, given how early it is in the election season. That’s a point that MHProNews and others have made: regardless of how accurate, or not, a poll is at best it is a snapshot in time for the period it covered. Much can and will change between now and election day, which is November 3, 2020.
“We have Donald Trump on one side and 20-plus Democratic candidates on the other side,” Wronski said. “Partisans want to vote their party’s representative into office — that’s the whole goal of an election — and small business owners are no different than anyone else.”
She noted that Independents care less about which party is in office and more about certain policy issues. When small business owners are asked which issues are of the most importance to them outside an election context, the importance of other issues increase.
“When you take President Trump out of the equation … ‘the economy and jobs’ is the No. 1 issue for small business owners and for people overall,” Wronski said.
The third-quarter survey, 25% of small business owners said “jobs and the economy” were the No. 1 issue that “matters the most” to them at the current time. Immigration was second, at 22%.
Approval ratings for POTUS Trump rise in correlation with the size of a small business, according to their survey.

“There’s not a lot of regulatory or tax threats from Washington,” Karen Kerrigan, president and CEO of SBE Council, a small business trade group said. “The economy is stronger and business doing better. … My guess is that people who want to keep Trump in office are relating it to his policies. There are going to be business owners who may find President Trump, in terms of his personality, tough but may agree with policies.”
Carla McCracken, a small business owner in her 50s, reflected that view. After living in Indianapolis for 30 years and selling six Dunkin Donuts’ franchises in the city, she moved back to her hometown of Spencer, Indiana, with her husband and opened an independent coffee shop there last November.
“Right now, most Democrats are pushing socialism. As a small business owner, I want to be able to make the decisions for my business, not have to follow excessive rules and regulations set out by the government,” said McCracken. “President Trump is running our country like a business, and I see this as a positive, not a negative. I may not agree with everything he says and does, but feel our county is in a much better place than it was before he took office. He’ll get my vote again.”
Keeping President Trump in office is a priority that rises along with the age of small business owners.

Another side of the question is Ben Thomas. He’s an owner of Five Pound Apparel, a retail store in Springfield, Missouri. Thomas believed the uptick happened toward the end of the Obama administration and has continued with Trump in the White House. It’s noteworthy, and not mentioned by CNBC, a point made by the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB). Namely, that small business confidence soared right after Donald J. Trump was declared the winner of the 2016 election.
“I am of the belief that many times the sitting president gets far too much credit/blame for a good or bad economy,” said Thomas…”The core economic value a sitting president can have is to continue to foster a sense of pride and spirit of American ingenuity and entrepreneurship. On those marks, President Trump has done a good job.”
Thomas, who is not registered as either a Republican or Democrat, added, “While there are many things President Trump says that go against the way most Midwest people speak to each other, his actual actions and policies have not had a negative impact on the majority of us. I am far from sure, but I think Trump will win again by a narrow margin.”
MHProNews has noted the strong feelings – for and against – the 45th President of the United States (POTUS). Related reports about the Democratic side of the 2020 field are found below.
That’s a wrap on our first episode today of “News through the Lens of Manufactured Homes, and Factory-Built Housing,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
Soheyla is a managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com. Connect with us on LinkedIn here and here.
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