“Good God. The size of that mountain of paper just shows the level of corruption run roughshod in this country,” said Chris Allie in a comment about the video posted below.
“John Stossel – just telling it how it is. Praises Trump where necessary and criticizes too. That’s real reporting,” said Andrew Hubert about this video about President Donald J. Trump’s regulatory record.
“I’m a huge Trump supporter but I love that John Stossel brings both sides of the argument, he shines a light on the incredible things Trump has done that the MSM won’t make a peep about, while still criticizing him for some of the not so great things he’s done. This is REAL, FAIR, and UNBIASED news!” said the British Patriot.
Stossel does give a reasonably well balanced report for Reason that says that the regulatory vs. deregulatory count is more like 5 to 1 than 22 to 1 the president has touted.
But Forbes reported in May 2019 as follows.
- “In Trump’s first year, the fall 2017 update spoke (criticisms abounded) of beating the two-for-one goal with a 22-to-one out/in ratio.”
- By 2018, “Comparing significant Deregulatory to significant Regulatory actions yielded a ratio of 4 to 1, compared to 2017’s 22-to-one.” But the cause of the slowdow, per the Forbes analysis, was that many of the ‘lower hanging fruit’ deregulatory moves had already occurred. Besides, what the president promised was 2 for 1, and he’s blown that away.
The power to regulate, as Dodd-Frank taught manufactured housing and community lenders, is the power to destroy. As a train-load of new regulations might arise, depending on the outcome of 2020, it is wise for business owners to have their team mates watch a video and read a report like this one. Because more regulations kill jobs, while fewer regulations encourage more jobs.
Its is simple business math.
That’s your almost midnight look at “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
Soheyla is a managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com. Connect with us on LinkedIn here and and here.
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