On the CBS local affiliate KPIX in the San Francisco Bay Area video posted below, the following comment was posted. “Blame the person trying to fix it, when he hasn’t been there barely 3 years, pathetic! Trump fixes this, he wins California!” – Diana Bailey. What Bailey was describing as an effort to “fix it” – the “it” is the affordable housing crisis related issues. The person Bailey said was trying to provide the fix is HUD Secretary Ben Carson.
Lupică posted this comment, “Dr. Carson is right on the money, the white liberals in the Bay area don’t want people of color living anywhere near them.” Lupică was referring to “NIMBYism” – Not in My Back Yard. Another post by avader5 said, “I like that false statement from Gavin Newsom where he says that California will provide shelter for all those who need it…” That posted comment went on to cite some exaggerated statistics about the number of homeless in that state. That noted, avader5’s point that the Golden State leads the nation in homelessness is an embarrassingly accurate tragedy that several medical professionals are warning could turn into a serious public health crisis.
There was a small group of protestors with pre-printed signs that KPIX spotlighted, as the featured image above reflects.
In the video above, Dr. Carson spoke about alternatives and the problems that are at the root of the affordable housing crisis. In the next, more in depth video with Georgia Public Broadcasting/PBS, he specifically mentions manufactured homes.
Secretary Carson tackles the stereotypes briefly in the video above too.
There is little doubt that no other HUD Secretary has done more media engagement to elevate the understanding of modern manufactured homes. He speaks often, as these or other videos reflect, in spotlighting the need for public-private partnerships and for every level of government – local, state, and federal – to each do their part of the job of removing the barriers to affordable housing.
Absent all of these discussions is any mention of HUD’s enhanced preemption authority under the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 to override attempts by local jurisdictions to bar the use of manufactured homes. Mark Weiss, J.D., President and CEO of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) told MHLivingNews this summary of why that provision of the law is important.
What is lacking, as MHARR has pointed out for years, is a trade association that will address post-production issues. While the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) says that they represent all segments of factory-built housing, and they have done some promotional videos and taken other steps, at best these must be seen as ineffective. Another multiyear MHI member chief executive, a non-MHARR company, told MHProNews today that they are seeing no benefit from MHI’s ‘efforts.’
Last week a different non-MHARR MHI member operation spoke of ‘fear’ in speaking out publicly, saying that they had no doubt that “Clayton Homes” and another builder wanted to see them put out of business. Such comments are not uncommon.
As MHProNews, MHLivingNews, MHARR or others strive to hold MHI and their ‘big boy’ members to account for their behaviors and ten of the eleven last months of industry declines in shipments, a basic question arises. Where is the evidence that MHI’s efforts have born measurably good fruit?
There is by contrast significant evidence that it takes public pressure to get MHI to pivot, as the reports linked below reflect.
Secretary Carson is seemingly trying to reach out to our industry with a helping hand. Why hasn’t Berkshire Hathaway, Clayton Homes, or MHI responded robustly and effectively? After examining the evidence, isn’t it clear that a few larger brands are working to consolidate the industry, while potentially millions of Americans could be benefiting from our products and services?
That’s your final ‘almost midnight’ installment for accountability and growth-focused manufactured home “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
Soheyla is a managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com. Connect with us on LinkedIn here and and here.
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