Last month, MHProNews published a report that included the following findings from a well-known HUD Code manufactured housing advocacy group based in Washington, D.C.
That report was recently republished 2 days ago by MHR. Eagle-eyed professionals who read the Daily Business News spotted it. Note that per the provider of the information, MHR had the same right to publish that report as MHProNews first did, only this publication did so about 6 weeks ago.
But as another industry professional put it, this was a timely reminder.
That member suggested that the relatively modest numbers expected at the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Annual meeting in Orlando should see what, if anything, MHI has to say about the Pam Danner/Lois Starkey topic.
To date, MHI has reportedly told those members that pressed them on the HUD program administrator Danner that it was a non-issue for the Arlington, VA based group. Others say that MHI is de facto supportive of the Danner status quo.
Some excerpts of the prior report are shown below.
“(1) Is seeking to implement a federal takeover of installation regulation in all fifty states, in derogation of state law and contrary to the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000;

(2) Is seeking to implement extremely costly substantive changes to the existing federal installation standards for “frost-free” shallow foundations through an alleged “Interpretive Bulletin”…
(3) Is destroying the HUD Code on-site completion market through an unnecessarily complex, paperwork-intensive, intricate and costly “on-site completion” rule, in the process rejecting requests by a broad range of program stakeholders and the MHCC to delay and reconsider implementation of the final rule and related pseudo-regulatory HUD “guidance” – which only benefits industry competitors and program contractors;”
With over 20 more bullets, the full report by Mark Weiss, JD, first published on Aug 2, is linked here. Another, more recent report by Weiss is linked here.##
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