The SMART2 (Superfast Modular Affordable Robust Transportable) buildings by JAYZ Building Solutions of Melbourne, Australia were created to support affordable housing development, either as a permanent home, an addition to an existing structure or for workforce development sites requiring temporary housing. The Butterfly model can be folded out and installed in four hours, and is available in a 130 square foot size, which can house two miners, or 250 square feet for eight miners. The modular units are designed for a 50-year lifespan, use recyclable outside panels, can withstand a 7.6 Richter Scale earth quake and 170 mph winds, and provide good insulation, waterproofing and fireproofing. The JAYZ InstantSlide model provides quick housing for either two or four people, according to what tells MHProNews.
(Image credit: Building Solutions)