With the explosive growth in the demand for quarters and camps for the oil and gas industry, Ramtech Building Systems of Mansfield, Texas announced recently that the company is expanding their existing line of product offerings to provide additional modular buildings that will meet the rigors of working in remote, severe, or unfriendly drilling and mining locations while providing for the features and amenities demanded in a very competitive labor environment. Additional standard and custom floor plan designs for small and large man camps, workforce and oilfield housing, offices, sleepers, tool pushers, dining and mess halls, recreation facilities, infirmaries, and wash cars and laundries have been developed to meet the needs of both the end-user operators and turnkey logistics and property management groups involved in the rapidly expanding areas for oil and gas drilling around the continental United States. Ramtech is currently in negotiations with several potential clients for facilities designated for locations in the Bakken Oil Shale Formation in North Dakota and the Eagle Ford Shale Gas Play in South Texas.