“Razzle Dazzle,” Says Former Manufactured Housing Institute Member

RazzleDazzleManufacturedHousingInstituteMHILogoNewClassofHomesDailyBusinessNewsMHProNewsOnce you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” – Arthur Conan Doyle, per BrainyQuote.

An attendee of multiple MHI events who is an award-winning corporate leader who is also a Daily Business News reader explained what he called their “razzle dazzle.”

He specifically pointed out the Arlington, VA based Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) trade association’s plans, naming their proposed “new class of homes.”


What has this extended MHI research and discussion actually accomplished?” – he rhetorically asked.

America’s affordable housing crisis is growing, yet MHI is still busy talking.”

Research may look like action, he said, but practically speaking, it is just another delay while the industry’s largest players continue to “consolidate” smaller ones

There is no denying that manufactured home production, retail, and communities continues to be absorbed into the hands of the larger MHI member companies. MHI’s own data – as well as third party research – confirms it.  Is that an accident? Coincidence? Or is it their plan?

If the proposed Skyline Champion deals is finalized, then 75 percent of the industry’s production will be in the hands of only 3 companies, all of which are MHI members, per data from MHI, and other sources.




It’s Razzle Dazzle.”

Another skeptical executive told the Daily Business News that it takes skill for MHI to be so wrong, or so late to the dance, so often.  to those MHI defenders who say it is only a ‘conspiracy theory,’ he pointed to numerous reports from inside and out of the factory-built home industry,  and then cited the opening Arthur Conan Doyle quote, used at the top.


  • the National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB) and the National Association of Realtors (NAR) are both saying that only more construction will ease the affordable housing crisis,
  • and MHI has demonstrably done nothing effective,
  • that requires arrogance, incompetence – or is it great skill?

In the wake of a recent Daily Business News report, some ask, is failure to advance the industry being rewarded through higher pay and bonuses to senior MHI staff? If that’s hard to imagine, then see the related MHI produced facts that prove that senior staff are getting more pay – plus “bonuses” – per MHI’s own reports; see that “Busted!” linked in the related resource reports, further below.

Given the various controversial allegations, trends, and mounting evidence against them and their dominant member – Clayton Homes and their Berkshire Hathaway sister operations – it’s understandable that a number of state associations that could, quit MHI. See that and other related evidence in the related reports, linked below.

MHI’s counting the number of potential readers their advertorials might have reached is pathetic, when you realize it only proves how ineffective their work actually is,” said an industry executive.

MHI doesn’t prove they reached 83 million Americans, but even if that claim was true, doesn’t their own facts – upon careful consideration – only reveal how ineffective their work actually is? Some 92,900 new HUD Code homes were shipped in 2017, divided by 83 million MHI claimed = .0011192771, or about 1/10 of 1 percent. Furthermore, tens of thousands of new HUD Code manufactured home sales were already taking place, which means their claimed impact was even weaker than 1/10 of 1 percent. http://www.mhpronews.com/blogs/daily-business-news/we-want-your-money-2018-mhi-membership-infographic-fact-check/


Another pro told MHProNews that the huge claims MHI makes about their advertorials, social media and videos are either a fig leaf designed to make themselves look good, or are actually more evidence of their years of failure to advance their own stated agenda, take your pick.  See the graphic and fact-check above, using their own numbers.

There is in America today:

  • a 300,000 to 400,000 new unit annual new home production shortage,
  • the greatest need is in the affordable housing categories – facts according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), and the National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB),
  • plus NAR and the National Low Income Housing Coalition NLIHC) have reported an 8.3 million units affordable housing units needed.

4 Concerns of Homebuilders Have Impacting Every American

What those facts imply is that it would take over a decade of producing record numbers of new manufactured homes to catch up to what America needs.

Using MHI and their members own data demonstrates that their so-called leadership in the past decade has witnessed the lowest levels of manufactured home production in the industry’s history. Why would a thinking person follow such failed leadership?

When you look at the facts, isn’t it obvious why Harvard researcher Eric Belsky predicted manufactured housing would dominate?

At the time Belsky made this prediction, manufactured homes were selling over 250,000 new units per year. Yet in 2017, new home production was ‘back up to” only some 92,900 new home sales. In 2002, MHI was citing Belksy, why did they stop doing so after Clayton become their dominant member/producer?


Admissions and Excuses by Key MHI Professionals

Fancy power points and snazzy graphics – when carefully fact-checked against results – demonstrates a failure to be proactive that MHI member and former chairman, Nathan Smith himself stated.

MHI President Richard “Dick” Jennison argued for low production, why? Didn’t that just benefit the bigger companies that have bought out smaller ones at a bargain price?

The statements by past or current members of MHI are often blistering.  They’ve included, but aren’t limited to:

Smoke and mirrors,”
Illogical,” and most recently:
Razzle dazzle…

…call it what you will. The controversial report last week alleging Clayton is trying to kill off the Tunica Show is only the latest in a series that has a growing number of professionals saying, if there is smoke, there must be fire.


But for the doubters and skeptics, once you “…eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” – Arthur Conan Doyle.

We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)

Related Reports to Points Noted Above:

Busted! “Failure Bonus” Paid-Richard “Dick” Jennison, CEO Manufactured Housing Institute-per MHI Document$

MHI Lender Shakes Up DTS and MLO Rule Discussions


Warren Buffett Success Secret$, Video Interview Including “The Moat”

Kevin Clayton Interview-Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, Clayton Homes CEO

“Follow the Money” – Controversial Urban Institute Report on Manufactured Housing

Progressive “Nation” Reports on Monopolies Cites Buffett, Clayton, Others – MH Industry Impact?

The Masthead

” I have no comment on MHI’s legislative agenda.” – Ross Kinzler. ” The [MHI] Urban Design Project didn’t have any lasting market effects.” – Ross Kinzler Priceless, direct quotes. Why Priceless? They are significant observations – and de facto admissions – by someone ‘defending’ MHI, and their ‘new class’ of manufactured homes.

Sun Communities Annual Data and Manufactured Housing Industry Investor Presentation Highlights

Notice: if Berkshire Hathaway wanted to see manufactured housing sales grow rapidly, they could do their own media campaign. They own a number of media outlets.  See facts in their annual report, linked below.

Warren Buffett’s Annual Report to Berkshire Hathaway Shareholders, Clayton Homes and Manufactured Housing

Lavin is an MHI award winner, and a success story in communities, retail and finance.

Marty Lavin Lashes the Manufactured Housing Institute’s (MHI) Latest Initiative

MHI is currently spotlighting 5 operations, which in some ways is arguably a disadvantage to other MHI members.

Frank Rolfe Blasts MHI for Poor Media Engagement, Industry Reactions

Frank Rolfe, MHU/RV Horizons Protest by MHAction; Nathan Smith/SSK/MHI Flashbacks?

Warren Buffett’s Political Payoff$, THIPS, and Manufactured Housing

Manufactured Housing’s “Trojan Horse”



(Third party image credits are as shown.)

Submitted by Soheyla Kovach to the Daily Business News on MHProNews.

SoheylaKovachManufacturedHomeLivingNewsManufacturedHousingIndustryDailyBusinessNewsMHProNews-Soheyla is a managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.


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