Storm drains used for human waste.
Piles of garbage. Rats with fleas – roaming through and over people living on city streets – that are spreading typhus.
A historic account from the so-called middle ages?
No. Welcome to Los Angeles, in 2019 where 55,000 are homeless “due to the terrible housing crisis there,” said Dr. Marc Siegel.
There are real world consequences for millions of Americans that are caused by the affordable housing problem in this nation. Homelessness is one of those outcomes.
The Daily Business News on MHProNews reported in December on a study by Zillow that underscored their data’s pointing to rising rents causing more homelessness. Of course.
A recent report from HUD found similarly troubling data.
Per HUD’s 2018 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress found that “552,830 persons experienced homelessness on a single night in 2018, an increase of 0.3 percent since last year. Meanwhile, homelessness among veterans fell 5.4 percent and homelessness experienced by families with children declined 2.7 percent nationwide since 2017.” See more in the report linked in the text box above.
MHProNews and MHLivingNews have touted the affordable housing solution that is hiding in plain sight for years.
MHARR’s President and CEO, Mark Weiss, JD, described in stark terms the “Illusion of Motion” that the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and their surrogates have spun.
Meanwhile, despite the need for some 8 million plus new housing units, HUD Code manufactured home shipments have dropped? What’s going on?
MHProNews is doing yet another test this week of just what, if anything, MHI is doing with respect to a specific and apparently clear case of a violation of the “enhanced preemption” under the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000. We will report back to industry readers our findings. In the last two years, similar tests have revealed that MHI has not even contacted the offenders. One such example is linked below.
But this much is clear. Third-party voices that touted the manufactured housing as a solution for the affordable housing crisis are missing from the MHI website. This search for Eric Belksy, who was once featured in a pre-Berkshire Hathaway era brochure by MHI is not found in a web-search on their own site done today.
It is almost as if MHI doesn’t seriously want to see the industry grow. Or more to the point, is it because keeping growth limited allows larger players to consolidate smaller ones – at a bargain price?
While MHI has hired an attorney to harass MHProNews, which no doubt costs thousands to go after a pro-ethical and sustainable industry growth publisher, where is MHI at hiring attorneys to routinely go after zoning, anti-industry media, or other issues that actually hobble growth?
Facts, evidence, money-trails, and the right questions are nettlesome things. MHI – nor their Omaha-Knoxville masters and allies – won’t reply to such inquiries and concerns. Wonder why?
Meanwhile, some 55,000 people in LA, and hundreds of thousands across the country, are homeless. There are real-world consequences for failure to perform. That’s the troubling “News through the lens of manufactured homes, and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
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