“Bidenomics” has been praised by Joe Biden, no surprise there. It has also been praised by those who cheerfully double down on Biden’s policies of the past 31.5 months. But there are apparent reasons why some 74 percent of the nation thinks the country is on the wrong track, per polling by left-leaning NBC News. On March 27, 2023 NBC reported that 44 percent of Democrats didn’t want Joe Biden to run again. By July 27, 2023 left-leaning CNN said that Democrats and Democratic leaning voters opposed Biden running again. Kitchen table issues are likely a contributing factor, as the Ragin’ Cajun, Democratic strategist James Carville famously said decades ago – “It’s the economy, stupid.” Higher debts are an obstacle for millions who might be qualified based on credit history and a good credit score for mortgage lending but may not be able to either save sufficient down payment or who may have a debt-to-income ratio that limits or bars their ability to buy conventional housing.
In Part I of today’s report, the WND News Center provided MHProNews with a snapshot of some of the economic issues and polling that could spell trouble for Democrats in 2024 unless recent trends aren’t changed.
But what’s bad for Democrats may not automatically be ‘good’ for Republicans, as the additional information with analysis and commentary in Part II will reveal. Part II will also look at specific facts related to how current trends impact potential home buyers and what that might mean for MHVille marketers and sellers.
Part I
Bidenomics has huge chunk of America wondering how to pay bills
‘Created inflation that has yet to be reversed, and probably never will be’
By Bob Unruh
Bidenomics, the sweetened-up name for the Bidenflation that has been plaguing Americans since the last presidential election, has one-third of the nation wondering how they will be paying their bills.
That’s according to a report at the Federalist.
And that could be a determinative factor in the 2024 presidential race.
“Despite having committed trillions in new government spending programs, and running massive deficits in the process, government surveys reveal millions of working Americans believe they are worse off than they were in January 2021, when Biden first entered the White House,” the report explained.
According to the Census Bureau’s recent Household Pulse Survey, the number of those who say they are finding it “somewhat” or “very” difficult to make all their payments is up by six million since Biden took office.
At that time, the number responding in those categories totaled 80.53 million Americas. Now it’s 86.92 million.
“That means in Biden’s America, more than 1 in 3 households are struggling to pay their bills,” the Federalist report said.
Most affected are those with incomes from $50,000 to $150,000, mostly considered America’s “middle class.”
“For example, the number of households earning $50,000 to $75,000 that are having trouble paying their usual household expenses increased from 10.01 million in January 2021 to 13.34 million in July 2023,” the report said.
They’re turning to credit cards, personal loans and other debt, the Federalist said.
“In July 2023, 85.46 million Americans relied on ‘credit cards or loans’ to ‘meet spending needs in the last 7 days.’ In July 2022, the number was just 74.89 million,” the report said.
And the fact that Americans are suffering under Biden’s agenda is supported by other numbers, too, the report said.
“A LendingClub report published earlier in 2023 suggests 61 percent of Americans say they are living paycheck to paycheck. In cities, the number is even higher, coming in at 69 percent,” it said.
And alarmingly, 57% of Americans say they can’t afford to cover an emergency expense of $1,000 or more.
“Democrats have spent trillions upon trillions of dollars without offsetting the increase with additional tax revenue, effectively printing huge amounts of money. Those spending increases have created inflation that has yet to be reversed, and probably never will be,” the report said.
A large part of the problem is the surging inflation that has hit Americans under Biden’s policies. It maxed out at more than 9% last year, and still remains high. ##
Part II – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
Right-leaning Newsmax reported on Labor Day that household debt has topped $17 trillion dollars. “According to the Federal Reserve: Total Household Debt Reaches $17.06 Trillion in Q2 2023; Credit Card Debt Exceeds $1 Trillion.”
Longer term and detailed minded readers of MHProNews will recall that a senior Democratic lawmaker, one who happens to be credited with turning around the Biden run for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 election cycle, then House Majority Whip James Clyburn (SC-D) took ownership for inflation upon Democratic legislative policies and spending.

Though Democrats lost the House, the so-called “Red Wave” touted by pollsters in the run up to the 2022 race was not sufficient to retake the Senate. The Congressional House majority that Republicans hold is a thin one.
Per the House Press Gallery, there are:
222 Republicans
212 Democrats
and 1 vacancy = Cicilline (D), RI.
Polling is interesting, but has its obvious limitations. Some 21 days before the 2016 election (October 18, 2016), the New York Times reported the odds of a Hillary Clinton victory over Donald Trump at 91 percent. There are always the possibilities for last minute surprises, like FBI Director James Comey and his announcements on the Clinton emails. But even in the wake of that “October Surprise,” Bing’s AI said the following about election polling in Clinton vs. Trump 2016.
Trump beat Clinton in the Electoral College by 304 to 227, per left-leaning Wikipedia. Honest elections tend to come down to actual turnout. On the one hand, pre-election national polls are often skewed pro-Democratic, according to several sources. Furthermore, they can’t account for who actually shows up or otherwise casts their ballot. With respect to 2024, we don’t even know yet who the two major political parties in the U.S. nominees will be. As well documented and attested to Biden-linked scandals mount, some pundits speculate that Biden will drop out, and that Michelle Obama, Governor Gavin Newsome (CA-D), Biden’s VP Kamala Harris, or some other person will be selected by party insiders to be their candidate. While Trump currently dominates in the polls on the Republican side, a range of possible challenges lie ahead.
But certainly, the difficulty for Democrats is that their economic policies – properly understood – are not working for the lower and middle class. Even pro-left-leaning thinkers like Fran Quigley has said that the Biden housing plan – as an obvious example of importance to manufactured housing sellers – is not working as claimed.
On paper this might be useful for manufactured housing and/or for more conservative, Republican, and other aspiring candidates who oppose Bidenomics.
Stating the obvious for seasoned housing sellers, Fannie Mae said: “As debt stress mounts for renters, their ability to save for a down payment on a home will be further challenged. This may continue to limit first-time homebuyers and drive a continued demographic shift in homebuying, which now favors even more heavily wealthier consumers.”
Sellers and publicly traded firms have informed MHProNews that as interest rates have risen, there have been more single section home sales.
A Manufactured Housing Executives Council (MHEC) executive director told MHProNews that at least on paper, as conventional housing costs and rising rates are pushing people out of qualifying to buy in the site-built housing market, that numbers of those prospects could still qualify for a manufactured home and home site.
That is an opportunity for those who market and sell accordingly.
MHProNews asked Bing’s AI chat the following: “Does rising housing costs create an opportunity for manufactured home builders and sellers?”
That report by Marcus and Millichap was reported by MHProNews, as the #2 response above details in the report and analysis that is linked below.
The third link from Bing’s AI response posted above is to a report from the left-leaning Washington Post with the headline “Rents at mobile home parks are soaring as affordable housing demand grows.” Bing’s AI summarized it like this.
That article by the Jeff Bezos owned Washington Post was dated 6.2.2022, when longer production ‘backlogs’ were still being reported by manufactured home builders. But there are emerging reasons to question that narrative. See the report linked below for details on that developing controversy.
In the wake of that 6.2.2022 Washington Post article, BankRate and Yahoo cited that report. “Mobile Home Dwellers Face Tripled Land Rent as Surging Housing Market and Inflation Rage On,” said the 6.7.2022 headline on Yahoo. What appears to be hyperbole or a usual case – which certainly wouldn’t make it easier on those so impacted – that article said: “As home prices keep rising in 2022, a large percentage of the American public continue choosing different housing options.” Roughly 10 percent of new housing starts is hardly a “large percentage.”
That article continued: “The Washington Post reported inflation, as well as home and rental prices, are heavily impacting costs at mobile home parks, a housing sector already rife with high demand, low inventory and increasing interest by corporate investors.” Beyond the problematic terminology – mobile homes vs. manufactured homes, and mobile home parks vs. manufactured home communities –
From the BankRate/Yahoo article is as follows.
The New York Times reported that about 22 million Americans reside in manufactured homes, according to national trade organization Manufactured Housing Institute. Per Fannie Mae, manufactured housing accounts for 6.3% of the nation’s housing units.
Already overpriced out of house and apartment rentals, many mobile homeowners have seen their monthly lot fees increase by at least 10-25% in 2022, according to those asked by The Washington Post. Others say that their rents have doubled or even tripled.
Those thinking about buying a manufactured or mobile home might have second thoughts, too. In the U.S., census stats show that average sales price for manufactured homes increased by 50% — from $82,900 to $123,200 — during the pandemic. The Post stated significantly less of a hike (22%) in new home prices in that period, as federal data indicated.
However, while all home sales and rental prices are tracked by a number of governing industry bodies, there seems to be less trust in what dictates appropriate land or lot rent charges and how much a private landowner can demand from mobile or manufactured homeowners. Few municipalities and states have rules governing rent increases or evictions at mobile home parks, leaving lot renters with little recourse against mobile housing corporations.
Despite the feeling of stability and sense of accomplishment that come with owning a manufactured or mobile home, many cannot afford the land rent to enjoy it. Manufactured-housing operators are buying up parks all across the country and upping rents dramatically along the way.
According to the market research firm Real Capital Analytics, as of June 2021, institutional investors account for 23% of the manufactured housing purchases over the past two year, up from 13% the two years previous.
According to The Post, there is also a concerning and growing trend by corporate owners to buy mobile home parks, then dismantle them in favor of building money-making investments like condo towers, resorts and wedding venues. This, in turn, leaves many with a mobile or manufactured home, but no land to put it on.”
Analysis of Above from WaPo
There are several possibilities with the report above. It was either:
- accurate,
- somewhat accurate,
- or the report was exaggerated or inaccurate.
In each of those cases, an appropriate public response should have been made the post-production sector of the manufactured home industry. Who said? Tim Williams, president and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway owned 21st Mortgage Corporation, a sister brand to Clayton Homes. William’s firm serves the post-production sector of manufactured housing.

When Bing’s AI was asked if there was any evidence that MHI responded to the Washington Post article of 6.2.2022, Bing said:
Put simply, Bing couldn’t find any evidence of a response by MHI, and neither did MHProNews on 9.7.2023.
Agree or disagree with the allegations of predatory business practices used by MHI member and periodic MHI critic Frank Rolfe, he previously made this comment about MHI.

The fact that MHI didn’t properly respond to negative articles was also made another MHI member. Joanne Stevens remarks and a related analysis were reported below. Stevens remarked that “the industry” are seen as a euphemism for MHI, and that they are “woefully unprepared” to respond to controversies as they arise.

Then and more recently, negative headlines routinely lead to calls for legislation and more regulations. Ironically, that pattern may benefit the very consolidators that the regulators/lawmakers want to deter.

As MHProNews reported on 9.6.2023, multiple MHI members were hit with a class action lawsuit that alleges antitrust violations.
Datacomp, MHVillage, and MHInsider are all sister brands that were sold to Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS).

Darren Krolewski is the co-president of Datacomp, MHVillage, MHInsider. When Krolewski was asked by MHProNews on 9.5.2023 about the allegations being made in the legal action against his operation, Krolewski declined comment. Ironically, Krolewski aptly noted a few years ago that there is more bad news than good news in manufactured housing. That more bad news than good news dynamic, he said, was ‘one of the challenges’ dogging the manufactured housing industry’s recovery.

MHI’s CEO Lesli Gooch, Ph.D., also declined comment to MHProNews on the antitrust price-fixing violation allegations being made by plaintiffs’ attorneys on behalf of residents against several companies that are prominent MHI members.
That leaves the question, what are the nonpredatory brands supposed in or out of MHI supposed to do in response?
The Need for a White Hat Post-Production Trade Group to Create Bright Line Distinctions Between Predators and Ethical MHVille Businesses
The independent producers in manufactured housing already have a national trade group, which is the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR).
MHARR has long been a key part of the battle against the ‘predatory’ practices that are part of the key issues keeping manufactured housing in the 21st century at historically low levels. Part of the thesis, raison d’etre or ‘reason for being’ for MHARR is their desire to see manufactured housing production levels to achieve robust levels. That is why MHARR worked with MHI to get the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (MHIA) enacted. It is also part of the reason why MHARR worked with MHI to get the Duty to Serve (DTS) as part of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) of 2008. But the days of Chris Stinebert style of leadership at MHI are long in the rear-view mirror.
In a fresh look at MHARR’s longstanding advocacy for a new post-production trade group, the Masthead on MHProNews took a deep dive into what insights and lessons can be learned from MHARR, the MHIdea, and other post-production trade group history. While for a time the loss of the industry’s previous post-production trade group did not cause a slide in the growth that occurred in the 1990s, the lack of a post-production trade group in the 21st century has been apparent in the view of MHARR and others in MHVille.

Ironically, MHI’s soon to be new chairman and current vice chairman, William “Bill” Boor made the point before Congress that existing laws are not being properly enforced. It is arguably a case of one finger pointing out, while three fingers are pointing back at Boor and his MHI colleagues. Is it any surprise that manufactured housing continues a double-digit slide while the far more costly new conventional housing industry is recovering?

MHProNews/MHLivingNews have stood essentially alone among manufactured housing publications and ‘news’ bloggers in the industry in calling MHI consistently and persistently to account for their track 21st century record. Our platforms have been exposing the apparent years of paltering, bait and switch, razzle dazzle, posturing without performance methods of MHI which has benefited consolidators but has arguably harmed millions of consumers, hundreds of thousands of current land-lease community resident who found themselves living in a property purchased by consolidators, and the independents whose numbers have steadily declined in the 21st century.
An array of headaches that a post-production trade association are supposed to deal with on behalf of manufactured housing independents have seen little or no useful changes. Who says? Among others former MHI connected leaders.

So, is it any surprise that years – decades – of nagging barriers to entry or persistence in the manufactured home marketplace has resulted in a steady wave of consolidation? Meanwhile, predatory brands and/or brands that have a problematic track record with consumers or others that are MHI members are oddly getting “MHI Excellence in Manufactured Housing” awards.
MHProNews/MHLivingNews analysis and reporting have pointed out apparent antitrust, collusive, and harmful practices and patterns for years. It took time to grasp why MHI was posturing one thing, but apparently doing something else. What has been described as the MHI “dog and pony show” has apparently worked for years. But a combination of factors has now made it apparent (see the above linked report) that the true name of the game at MHI is consolidation. Some publicly traded firm’s investor relations pitches that are MHI members openly say as much in their presentations. Again, see the report linked above.
This article began with the problem of rising credit card debt and the impact that has on renters and others too. While bad for the economy and those so harmed, that could be an opportunity in disguise for manufactured housing. The problem apparently is that MHI is saying one thing to the independents of the industry but is in fact quietly failing to do what would make the steady consolidation of manufactured housing the trend that it has become in much of the 21st century.
There were things that the MHIdea might have phrased or done differently, which are examined in the report linked here and further below. MHARR has routinely pressed the notion for a need for a new post-production trade group that they could work with to achieve what MHI postures, but in fact fails to do in practice. That is what MHARR’s president and CEO, Mark Weiss, J.D., called a ‘shell game’ being played at MHI.

Among the points, and there were several, that the MHIdea arguably got right was that antitrust violations were occurring in MHVille. They also noted that the industry’s independents would not get a dramatically improved result unless a new post-production trade group was brought to birth. While specific details might have helped their thesis, at least they put those notions out there for others to chew on.
A longtime volunteer leader in the manufactured home community resident-advocacy in remarks to Congress said that the industry’s communities were affordable when there were new communities being developed and residents had great choice.
Without “stiff competition” the opportunity for consolidators to collude on prices arguably grows, as attorneys working on behalf of manufactured home community residents are in part claiming.
Another resident-community leader publicly stated that the thesis advanced by MHLivingNews/MHProNews was the correct one. That thesis is evidence based, stands up to scrutiny, and is logical.

The fact that MHI apparently can’t, doesn’t, and won’t directly and publicly respond to that troubling thesis is evidence that they have been ‘cornered’ by the evidence presented by MHProNews/MHLivingNews. See the reasons why advances and solutions in the industry are likely to come from a combination of litigation and the need for a new ‘white hat’ post-production trade group needs to come into existence. When those dynamics are in place, the opportunities presented by the marketplace and good existing laws can be more fully and properly tapped. The result will be a return to healthy growth, which may well over time end or at least tamp down the constrained market that has caused.
Because “if we (industry independents) keep doing what we have been doing, we will keep getting what we got.’ Positive changes are required in order to get a different and potentially superior result.

Part III. Daily Business News on MHProNews Markets and Headline News Segment
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 9.7.2023
- The splurge is over
- After a carefree summer, America’s bars, hotels and restaurants say the era of ‘revenge spending’ is likely over
- Ryan Salame, an ex-FTX executive, pleads guilty to criminal charges
- Apple lost $200 billion in two days after reports of iPhone ban in China
- US President Joe Biden speaks during Labor Day celebrations in Philadephia, Pennsylvania, September 4, 2023.
- Here’s why Biden can’t do much to prevent an auto strike
- Helium filled balloons decorate the wall of a Party City retail store in the Queens borough of New York City, NY, January 8, 2022.
- The majority of Party City stores will stay open as it exits bankruptcy
- Mortgage rates drop for a second week, but remain above 7%
- Jen Psaki gets Monday prime time spot on MSNBC
- Pinterest has retooled its search technology using AI to make results more inclusive of body types.
- Pinterest is embracing body inclusivity in its search results
- It will be more confusing than ever to watch an NFL game this season
- A United Auto Workers union member holds a sign outside Stellantis Sterling Heights Assembly Plant, to mark the beginning of contract negotiations in Sterling Heights, Michigan, U.S. July 12, 2023.
- Traditional pension plans are pretty rare. But here’s who still has them and how they work
- Why Biden’s ban on drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge likely won’t affect gas prices
- Why Taylor Swift wants you to watch the Eras concert film in theaters instead of on your couch
- Ryanair CEO pied in the face by climate activists in Brussels
- Snapchat adds new safety features for teen users
- Gatorade’s newest drink: Water
- China’s top chipmaker may be in hot water as US lawmakers call for further sanctions after Huawei ‘breakthrough’
- Who caused Maui’s devastating wildfire? Lawsuit adds telecom companies and landowners to the list
- The UAE prepares to legalize gambling with new regulatory body
- Tom Brady has a new job – at an airline
- Why stocks could avoid a steep selloff this September
- British American Tobacco clinches a deal to sell its Russian business
- ADL chief fires back at Elon Musk for waging campaign of harassment against the group
- Head of Japan’s top pop agency resigns after admitting late founder sexually abused minors for decades
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Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax 9.7.2023
- Ex-Trump Adviser Navarro Guilty of Contempt After Defying 1/6 Subpoena
- Trump May Seek to Move Georgia Election Case to US Court
- DA Willis Accuses Rep. Jordan of Investigation Interference
- Report: DA Willis Seeks Juror Protection
- Lake: Trump ‘Greatest Defendant’ to Testify in Documents Case
- Trump Says He Would Testify at Classified Documents Trial
- Greene: Dem Party ‘Conspiring’ With Trump Prosecutors
- Huckabee: 2024 Election Hinges on Trump Legal Battles
- Mar-a-Lago IT Worker, Jack Smith Strike Cooperation Agreement
- Prosecutors: Trump Trial Would Take 4 Months
- Mark Meadows Pleads Not Guilty in Georgia Election Case
- Special Counsel: Trump’s Comments Risk Tainting Jury Pool
- Kelly Ayotte: Americans Can’t Have Biden as President Again
- Lake: Trump ‘Greatest Defendant’ to Testify in Documents Case
- Ernst: McConnell ‘Doing Quite Well,’ Leading Senate GOP Fundraising | video
- Kristi Noem: I’d ‘Absolutely’ Consider Running With Trump | video
- Huckabee: Term Limits Needed | video
- Blaine Holt: Where Is Ukraine Money Going? | video
- Comer: Hunter Gun Charges ‘Low-Hanging Fruit’ | video
- Tim Scott: ‘Red Wave’ Possible for GOP in 2024
- Christie: ‘I Feel Bad for Donald’ After Latest Insults | video
- Perry Johnson: GOP Voters Dislike Pence’s Positions | video
- DeSantis: No New Fla. COVID Restrictions | video
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