

Tech’s Tumble, POTUS Trump & Antitrust Panel Discussion and Potential MH Industry Impact

Among the nation’s many trillion-dollar sectors is housing. So as tech has taken it’s hit this past week, is it a passing blip?  Or is it as Axios and other media sources suggest, the start of something bigger? This panel discussion on right-of-center Fox Business looks at some of the …

Tech’s Tumble, POTUS Trump & Antitrust Panel Discussion and Potential MH Industry Impact Read More


HUD Secretary Ben Carson Tells Senators, Today’s Manufactured Homes “Amazing” Quality and Value

Senate oversight hearings are a mix of the serious and the staged. The same hearing that the video clip below is taken from, included clearly partisan moves designed to embarrass HUD Secretary Carson and the Trump Administration. That’s what drew the headlines in the mainstream media.   While some were …

HUD Secretary Ben Carson Tells Senators, Today’s Manufactured Homes “Amazing” Quality and Value Read More


POTUS Trump Infrastructure, Training Address Buoys Construction, Plus MH Market Updates

In a speech in Ohio, President Donald J. Trump addressed his plans for a massive $1.5 trillion infrastructure overhaul and how he thinks that could further grow the U.S. economy. Construction related stocks rose, and that will be our focus for tonight.  If you’re new, already hooked on our new …

POTUS Trump Infrastructure, Training Address Buoys Construction, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


“Winners and Losers,” L2 Founder, Prof Scott Galloway on Monopolies

The Daily Business News has been raising concerns about monopolies – notably those that impact manufactured housing – for some time.   Ultimately, as L2 Founder, and NY Stern Professor Scott Galloway explains, certain monopolies impact everyone.  For example, when Amazon puts companies out of business, that eliminates jobs.  Those …

“Winners and Losers,” L2 Founder, Prof Scott Galloway on Monopolies Read More


Documented Results from Manufactured Housing Industry Leadership

The column below could carry a sub-title – proven results vs. hype and hot air. Every organization worth its salt takes a periodic victory lap.  The same occurs in manufactured housing.   The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) has periodically claimed or hinted that under their “leadership” on issues that they …

Documented Results from Manufactured Housing Industry Leadership Read More


700 Point Swing Today, Tech Drags Dow as Facebook Storm Grows, Plus MH Market Updates

When big names such as Elon Musk, Jim Carrey, and Cher delete their Facebook accounts, you know that something’s going sideways for that tech giant.  While the Dow rose in the morning, more troubling news resulted in an ongoing drag by the end of the day.  The growing storm of …

700 Point Swing Today, Tech Drags Dow as Facebook Storm Grows, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


State Agencies Probing Giant Equity Lifestyle Over Years of Alleged Senior Abuses at MH Community

“Several Oregon state agencies are investigating a manufactured home park for seniors in Eugene, amid complaints that it cheated some residents out of thousands of dollars,” says the Associated Press (AP).   “The Register-Guard reports that those investigating the Falcon Wood Village park [sic] include the Department of Justice and …

State Agencies Probing Giant Equity Lifestyle Over Years of Alleged Senior Abuses at MH Community Read More


Spending Bill Buzz, Navarro on Trade, plus MH Market UPDates

The conventional wisdom is the president got rolled by establishment types in both major parties.  Will this haunt the GOP and President Trump in 2018?  We’ll explore the spending deal, and Peter Navarro on trade are our features for tonight. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature …

Spending Bill Buzz, Navarro on Trade, plus MH Market UPDates Read More


MHI Lender Shakes Up DTS and MLO Rule Discussions

A veteran Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) lender’s controversial comments to the Daily Business News are bound to shake up discussions about two hot button industry topics.   Those two subjects are: the Duty to Serve (DTS) Manufactured Housing, mandated by Congress a decade ago, and the Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) …

MHI Lender Shakes Up DTS and MLO Rule Discussions Read More


Fannie Mae’s Paul Barretto, News-Making Remarks in Tunica

  Several dozen manufactured home industry pros took their seats in Tunica to hear Paul Barretto shed light on Fannie Mae’s long-awaited chattel lending plan.   Barretto is Fannie Mae’s field point-man with the industry on the federally mandated Duty to Serve (DTS) Manufactured Housing. The law which included the …

Fannie Mae’s Paul Barretto, News-Making Remarks in Tunica Read More


Understanding the Manufactured Housing Industry – What’s MHARR? What does MHARR do?

What is MHARR?  What do they do?   And why are there two national trade associations in manufactured housing? Often, a good place to begin is with what an organization says about itself. “The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) is a Washington, D.C…-based national trade association representing the …

Understanding the Manufactured Housing Industry – What’s MHARR? What does MHARR do? Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Weekly Recap 3.11.2018 to 3.18.2018

What does “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes, and Factory Built Housing” mean?   Almost anything you can think of has some direct or indirect influence on manufactured homes (MH) and factory-built housing. Two obvious examples.  Tax cuts and regulatory reform are political and economic issues that touched the …

Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Weekly Recap 3.11.2018 to 3.18.2018 Read More


Sun Communities Annual Data and Manufactured Housing Industry Investor Presentation Highlights

Annual reports and investor presentations that involve manufactured housing companies can range from the black-and-white financial data and text, to robust, highly illustrated reports.   Sun Communities (SUI) falls into the later range. While tens of millions of Americans misunderstand manufactured housing, sadly, thousands of manufactured home professionals have an …

Sun Communities Annual Data and Manufactured Housing Industry Investor Presentation Highlights Read More


FTC AntiTrust RAID, Signal$ for U.S. Monopolistic Giant$? Plus MH Market UPdate$

Japan’s FTC raided Amazon offices their over antitrust issues. That’s not to be taken lightly in the U.S., because President Trump and politicos and economists across the left-right media divide have been increasing their concerns. This report follows on the heels of a string of legal, class action, and antitrust …

FTC AntiTrust RAID, Signal$ for U.S. Monopolistic Giant$? Plus MH Market UPdate$ Read More


Senate votes for Changes to Dodd-Frank Regulations

The U.S. Senate voted Wednesday to pass S. 2155, which is a reform of Dodd-Frank that could include some added wiggle room for industry professionals.   The bill is dubbed the “Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act.” S. 2155 passed in a bi-partisan vote – as reported by …

Senate votes for Changes to Dodd-Frank Regulations Read More


Tax Cuts, Phase 2? Plus MH Market UPdate$

The markets continue to digest the trade war talk.  Word is that the president will announce that economist Larry Kudlow will replace Gary Cohn, which if true, is an interesting signal.  Kudlow has opposed the tariffs, except as a negotiating move. Tax cuts phase two was a topic today, what’s …

Tax Cuts, Phase 2? Plus MH Market UPdate$ Read More


Facebook, Google, and NY Stern Professor Scott Galloway’s Quest

Every day, tens of millions of Americans turn to Facebook for their social media, and to Google for searches.   Industry professionals strive in various ways to use both of those web-tech platforms for their marketing efforts. The economic power of big tech is astonishing.  Google and Facebook reportedly eat …

Facebook, Google, and NY Stern Professor Scott Galloway’s Quest Read More


Does Monopoly Power Impact Workers’ Stagnant Wages? MH Industry Impact$

An area of concern raised inside and outside of the manufactured home industry is the issue of monopoly power, and its impact on workers and wages.   From across the political/economic spectrum – progressive to conservative media platforms and think-tanks – their is a growing frequency of reports on the …

Does Monopoly Power Impact Workers’ Stagnant Wages? MH Industry Impact$ Read More


Warren Wages War

Investors routinely say that they prefer “certainty.” That’s true for investors in manufactured home communities, stocks, or businesses.   The growing economic confidence during the year following the 2016 election witnessed a well-reported rise in stocks.  That was fueled in part by regulatory rollbacks – the “certainty” caused by an …

Warren Wages War Read More


Senators Crapo (R-ID), Brown (D-OH) Debate S 2155, Plus MH Market Update$

Maybe you’ve heard the old joke. ‘How can you tell when a politician isn’t telling the truth?’ The Left-Right Senators debate over S. 2155 is the spotlight focus for tonight. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever …

Senators Crapo (R-ID), Brown (D-OH) Debate S 2155, Plus MH Market Update$ Read More

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