

Following Facts, Money – Sam Zell, Warren Buffett, Tim Williams/21st Mortgage, and Manufactured Housing

Opinions are common.  As the saying goes, opinions are a dime a dozen. But facts, evidence, and money trails are nettlesome things. Sam Zell Sam Zell is the Chairman of Manufactured Home (MH) Community giant, Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS). In the MH and RV site spaces – and related home …

Following Facts, Money – Sam Zell, Warren Buffett, Tim Williams/21st Mortgage, and Manufactured Housing Read More


Feds Bring Charges Against Manufactured Home Community Owner

  In a release to the Daily Business News on MHProNews, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has notified the industry’s professionals of charges brought under the Fair Housing Act of discrimination against a Tennessee manufactured home community owner.   The HUD media release included a copy of …

Feds Bring Charges Against Manufactured Home Community Owner Read More


Weaponized News Spotlight – HUD, MHARR and Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI)

  On October 17, 2018, the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) each sent out a separate ‘News & Updates’ to their readers and members. NOTICE: if anyone spots any factual error in this report, please notify us immediately. Thank you.   A …

Weaponized News Spotlight – HUD, MHARR and Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Read More


Housing Reform, Trump Admin Policy, Secretary Ben Carson Video Interview

  Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson, M.D., was featured on Bloomberg’s Kevin Cirilli on “Bloomberg Markets: The Close.” Carson discussed HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program, the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule, and Government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) reform. Each of those directly or indirectly impacts manufactured housing. HUD …

Housing Reform, Trump Admin Policy, Secretary Ben Carson Video Interview Read More


Apple CEO Tim Cook Warns Your Data is ‘Being Weaponized’ Against You, Stocks Sink, MH Market Updates

There are readers that say words to the effect that, ‘you need to remind readers how often your projections and topics have proved to be accurate.’  As one industry executive said, “If MHProNews is writing about it, I want to know about it.” Manufactured housing doesn’t exist in a silo.  …

Apple CEO Tim Cook Warns Your Data is ‘Being Weaponized’ Against You, Stocks Sink, MH Market Updates Read More


Did MHProNews Miss This? MHI Insider News Tip – Following Evidence, Money

  What a message that arrived at MHProNews HQ It said this. “Tony [MHProNews’ publisher], I’m wondering if you missed it.  You’ve [MHProNews] done articles lately on billionaires, Democrats, and of course on MHI [Manufactured Housing Institute]. I’m conservative [said the message], but my colleagues and I give to Democrats.  …

Did MHProNews Miss This? MHI Insider News Tip – Following Evidence, Money Read More


“A Nation of Laws” – Donald Tye, Jr. Affordable Housing, and Manufactured Homes

  The new video interview with actively retired businessman and minister, Donald Tye, Jr., draws to a close with these words from Tye. “We are a nation of laws,” Tye said. Tye explained that when laws aren’t enforced, all people and the nation at large suffers. The useful, and often …

“A Nation of Laws” – Donald Tye, Jr. Affordable Housing, and Manufactured Homes Read More


Clayton’s Denial, But Mainstream News Reports Ongoing Federal Investigation of Manufactured Housing Industry Giant

Post-Charlottesville, CfA’s Hunts Evidence of Racism, S MHProNews was alone in Manufactured Housing independent professional’s trade media in reporting last year that four Democratic leaders – including Maxine Waters and current DNC Vice-Chairman Keith Ellison – had asked for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Department of Justice …

Clayton’s Denial, But Mainstream News Reports Ongoing Federal Investigation of Manufactured Housing Industry Giant Read More


While GSEs Play Footsy with MHI, Congressional Leadership Demands Answers on FHFA

There are people in Washington, D.C. that are demonstrably fighting for the interests of small businesses and consumers.   As Daily Business News on MHProNews readers may recall, the hearings last month with the House Financial Services Committee and the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) were dominated by sexual allegations …

While GSEs Play Footsy with MHI, Congressional Leadership Demands Answers on FHFA Read More


10 Year Record for America, U.S. Named World’s Most Competitive Economy

  If Democratic strategist and Clinton adviser, James Carville was right when he said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” He said that to describe what matters the most to voters.   If so, then this should be good news for the Trump Administration.  As MHProNews has previously reported, Larry Kudlow, the …

10 Year Record for America, U.S. Named World’s Most Competitive Economy Read More


Financing – Dramatic Shift – Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Insider News Tips

  What follows dramatically changed the manufactured home industry. It started with the SAFE Act. Two years later, it was Dodd-Frank. While Dodd-Frank was being passed into law, came first one, then another letter from 21st Mortgage Corp that was sent to the independents of manufactured housing. In the wake …

Financing – Dramatic Shift – Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Insider News Tips Read More


News Tips, Manufactured Housing Industry Comments on Big City’s Manufactured Home Promoting Commentary

  “I am a long time reader of your site but have never sent in a tip…below is the link to an article that ran in the Boston Globe last week. As someone in the industry…I have my own opinions on what is said and how the article is written but as the …

News Tips, Manufactured Housing Industry Comments on Big City’s Manufactured Home Promoting Commentary Read More


Manufactured Homes – HUD Called to Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Remove Zoning, Placement and Consumer Financing Barriers to Manufactured Housing

  The date for public comments requested by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regarding amending regulations for Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) is rapidly approaching. Court Ruling for HUD on Amending Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Opens Door for More HomeSites for Manufactured Housing HUD provided the …

Manufactured Homes – HUD Called to Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Remove Zoning, Placement and Consumer Financing Barriers to Manufactured Housing Read More


Performer Taylor Swift, HUD Code Manufactured Homes, Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) PAC Donations, and 2018 Midterms

  That featured photo above, posted on Instagram, is mega-star Taylor Swift next to an apparent HUD Code manufactured home.  Interesting.   In this past week, Swift came out against Representative Marsha Blackburn, (TN-R), favoring her Democratic opponent instead.   Following a POTUS Trump Rally, Blackburn has surged, with now …

Performer Taylor Swift, HUD Code Manufactured Homes, Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) PAC Donations, and 2018 Midterms Read More


NBC Video – Federal Authorities Investigating Clayton Homes, Maxine Waters Denounces Lending “Discrimination” Against Minorities

If you thought it was over for Clayton Homes and their Berkshire Hathaway affiliated lending units with federal officials, mainstream media and other sources are telling the Daily Business News on MHProNews that it’s not.     WBIR, an NBC News affiliate, said Federal authorities are involved in an ongoing …

NBC Video – Federal Authorities Investigating Clayton Homes, Maxine Waters Denounces Lending “Discrimination” Against Minorities Read More


What Are Millennials Thinking? Affordable Housing, Manufactured Homes, Other Time-Sensitive Trends

  Studious, acute Daily Business News on MHProNews readers may recall our report from earlier this year that references the factoid that millennials are now the largest age-group of home buyers.   As with many of our topics, related articles are cross-linked. Those linked articles can be read later for …

What Are Millennials Thinking? Affordable Housing, Manufactured Homes, Other Time-Sensitive Trends Read More


Duggan “Little” Regulations Can Cause “Big” Problems for Small Businesses

It’s not new.  But it is an important point, one that the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) has made for decades.   This time, it is the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) President Juanita Duggan who has said that “little” regulations can cause “big” problems for small …

Duggan “Little” Regulations Can Cause “Big” Problems for Small Businesses Read More


FHFA Requests Input on Proposed Modifications to GSEs’ “Duty to Serve Underserved Markets” Plans

  While the Manufactured Housing Institute is apparently taking contributions from the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for doing toe-in-the water lending on manufactured homes, the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) has been pushing numerous buttons and doors in Washington, D.C. Their goal? …

FHFA Requests Input on Proposed Modifications to GSEs’ “Duty to Serve Underserved Markets” Plans Read More


Has the Manufactured Housing Institute Accused Former MHI Chairman Nathan Smith of Federal Law Violations?

  Earlier this month, the Manufactured Housing Institute produced a handout to their members. One of those was provided to the Daily Business News on MHProNews. It came with a question. “Has former MHI Chairman, Nathan Smith violated federal law?  Isn’t that what MHI’s FAQ #6 implies, given SSK’s past …

Has the Manufactured Housing Institute Accused Former MHI Chairman Nathan Smith of Federal Law Violations? Read More


“Results vs. Resistance,” Cutting Fog with Facts for MHVille

  Some 72 percent of Americans believe that misinformation from media is common today, said a recent Axios poll. Distortions of reality impacts manufactured housing in a variety of ways.  The light of truth is a useful disinfectant to the darkness of false information or harmful fiction.   As was …

“Results vs. Resistance,” Cutting Fog with Facts for MHVille Read More

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