Rehearsed! Stung! Duked it Out! Harris-Trump Debate and Post Debate Analysis-Housing Issues Raised in Raucous Pitch to Voters-ABC News Angle-Insights-Potential Impacts-Takeaways; plus MHMarkets


There is plenty to critique and unpack from both of the candidates in Harris-Trump debate which will be explored in this article. The Ben Shapiro led Daily Wire’s post-debate analysis did a largely insightful and candid job of reviewing the performance of Kamala Harris’ and deposed President Donald Trump’s debate performance last night from the vantagepoint of the right. That analysis will be provided below along with others that span the left-right media divide. But as a taste of what those largely pro-Trump supporters thought of last night’s presidential debate, they said the 45th president did well for the first 20-25 minutes but was unnecessarily stung by Harris’ remarks about some of his rally-goers. The ex-president’s best moments, in their view, was his closing argument, which they felt Trump should have opened with. But perhaps the biggest revelation to millions, they opined, was just how far in the tank for Kamala Harris and the Democrats the ABC News “moderators” were, who teamed up against Trump from time to time, but did not call out multiple Harris misstatements even once. The debate was largely a wash, an opportunity missed, per the Daily Wire, and with less than two months to Election Day, and early voting starting in some places in a week, Team Trump must now use other means to define Harris to voters. Per left-leaning MSN, the “NPR/PBS News/Marist poll, released Tuesday, found 30 percent of registered voters said the debate will help them a great deal or good amount in making their selection for president.”

Left-leaning ABC News and right-leaning Newsmax plus others in media reporting are reporting that the Harris campaign is calling for a second debate.

How this will play out for affordable housing seekers remains to be seen. But if snippets of the televised debate are wisely used, this post-debate phase of the campaign presents opportunities to reveal more about the two candidates and their vision and methods than may have at first seemed possible. More on that in Part IV of this report with analysis.

“Superficiality is the curse of the modern world,” business coach, author and speaker Matthew Kelly has said.

From the left are the ever-timely observations to be gleaned from leftist co-authors Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky in Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. ABC News certainly fits the description of the corporate media that Herman and Chomsky described have been manufacturing the illusion of the consent of the governed.  It isn’t that facts and issues aren’t addressed at all, because they are. But the thumb of corporate-dominated media is routinely on the scales in favor of this or that candidate or party. In this cycle, as the Media Research Center (MRC) research team has demonstrated, ABC News, for example, has been 100 percent favorable in pre-debate coverage of Harris and 93 percent unfavorable in their pre-debate coverage of Trump.  Stepping back and looking at the balance of big television media’s coverage of the two major candidates, Harris also gets the benefit over Trump.


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To illustrate, the ABC News website this morning has the following headlines.

  • Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris for president
  • Harris takes aim at size of Trump’s rallies
  • Economic fact-checks on 1st presidential debate
  • Trump pushes false claim Haitians steal, eat pets
  • Trump makes false claims about Harris’ race
  • In debate, Trump again denies ties to Project 2025

There is no mention in the above of what the Daily Wire’s panel and others in conservative media said was an array of falsehoods confidently spewed by Harris on the 9.10.2024 ABC News televised and moderated debate. Per the Daily Wire’s panel, they think that pattern of mainstream media bias (which MRC and others have documented) may be increasingly apparent to voters.

Besides the concerns of illegals voting, which some say will occur but could be managed if Trump gets an extra 1.5 to 2 percent support from legal voters, the election may well hinge on how clearly voters grasp the realities of the last 7½ to 11½ years. Any thoughts from the right that Trump might be messianic in ‘saving’ Americans in some solo fashion may be dampened. But that could prove to be a benefit, depending on how it is handled in the closing weeks of the dueling campaigns.  More on that in Part IV.

On the right-leaning Daily Signal’s website this morning (9.11.2024) is a report under the headline: “Threat of Another Terrorist Attack ‘Is Higher Now’ Than in Months Before 9/11, Expert Says.” On the eve of the 9.11.01 terrorist attacks, that was one of the issues Trump raised with respect to the terrible problems that result economically, politically, in terms of law enforcement, and other social consequences of 3½ years of Biden Harris de-facto open border policies.

Part V is the mainstream and manufactured housing linked market report recap.

Part I – per the Daily Signal to MHProNews:


Fact-Checking 22 Claims Made in Trump-Harris Debate

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