Community Development Director David Loya said a memorandum of understanding might avoid the costs of rent stabilization efforts, as times-standard informs MHProNews.. Doug Johnson of the Western Manufactured Housing Communities Association (WMHCA) suggested the $35,000 could be more effective helping the residents directly, although he noted, “We support this effort as long as it is fair, thorough and fact-based.”
The city may pass ordinances that control the frequency and amount of rent increases, including when home sites become vacant.
Meanwhile, a group of manufactured home owners are trying to obtain enough signatures to put a rent stabilization ordinance on the Nov. ballot for Humboldt County. The ordinance would apply only to communities with ten or more homes in unincorporated areas of the county.
Community owners call such ordinances a form of price-fixing that can interfere with repairs and maintenance of the communities. ##
(Photo credit: times-standard/Shaun Walker–Humboldt County, Calif.)