From New York to California, there have been protesters who’ve carried signs saying the “rent is too damn high.”
It’s vexing. Because this ought to be yet another signal for manufactured housing professionals and investors to better understand the dynamics that could spark the industry’s authentic return as a major producer of housing in America.
But instead, as other reports from this past week reveal, manufactured housing nationwide stalled in new home shipments. Some states rose, others fell, and the net outcome nationwide is a slip. All of those reports are linked below.
Molly Ball has a featured report on left-of-center Time Magazine that reveals her view that it’s about to get worse in America. Time has been strongly anti-Trump at least since 2016, but they admit the 45th President of the United States (POTUS) bucked the tide of decades of midterm history. That’s significant to industry pros for reasons Saturday’s Daily Business News report reflects.
Seasoned and savvy manufactured housing professionals don’t have to be told that we have a great option for affordable housing. Arguably, it’s the most bang for the money. It’s a solution to the rent that is ‘too damn high.’
So why isn’t the industry performing better? The answers are being revealed, one story at a time, and in reports like this week’s Masthead.
But there’s more.
There’s big news about Legacy Housing, and a stunning shakeup at Cavco. A big move by Sun Communities too. Those and other reports below.
Check out the in depth Saturday report and analysis on the milieu in which affordable housing’s struggles are embroiled in, along with over 2 dozen more other articles and reports from the week that was.
We provide actionable insights, fact-checks, reports, and analysis that are found no where else in the manufactured housing industry’s trade media. It’s an avoidably modest industry today, a fraction of what it was in 2018. That sad, because it is avoidable. But it is also an opportunity in disguise, for those willing to dig in, understand and then take specific action steps. The right steps would arguably make individual locations more profitable than they’ve been in years, decades, or perhaps the best ever.
You’ve made us the runaway number one trade media in manufactured housing. The industry, per the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) has 40,000 full time equivalents (FTEs) We think their figure may be low, but regardless it is a sobering number to reflect upon. With that backdrop, our thanks to all of our readers, clients, and sponsors for making this the place where well over ten thousand pros and industry researchers will come on an average day to read “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use.” © As millions head to or from Sunday worship, as we look ahead to Veterans Day tomorrow, there is much to ponder, pray, and then perform.
With no further adieu, let’s dive into the headline week in review, on this Sunday Morning. 11.4 to 11.11.2018.
What’s New on the Masthead
Prosperity Now, Protests, Indivisible Project, Warren Buffett, George Soros, POTUS Donald Trump, MHAction and Manufactured Housing – Following the Money
Prosperity Now. MHAction. Indivisible Project. Billionaires George Soros and Warren Buffett. Each of those are all interconnected. Each of those are involved in protests against manufactured home businesses, President Donald J. Trump, and his supporters. Who says? Let’s follow the facts, evidence, and the money trail. 1) The billionaire George Soros funded “……”
What’s New from MHARR
“A HUD MONITORING CONTRACT ‘BRIDGE TO NOWHERE'” | Manufactured Housing Association Regulatory Reform
Let’s start off with a truism. And that truism, quite simply, is that within the HUD manufactured housing program, the so-called “monitoring” function has grown, expanded and metamorphosized over time, to become something that it was never meant, designed or intended to be, with a private contractor exercising de factogovernmental authority over regulated parties.
Financial Services Chairman Calls for End of GSEs | Manufactured Housing Association Regulatory Reform
NOVEMBER 6, 2018 Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), retiring Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, has called for an end to the two Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) – Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – and the repeal of their federal government charters.
September 2018 Manufactured Home Production Data Shows Slight Flatline | Manufactured Housing Association Regulatory Reform
Washington, D.C., November 6, 2018 – The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) reports that according to official statistics compiled on behalf of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), HUD Code manufactured home production flat-lined slightly in September 2018.
What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews
Saturday 11.10.2018
Affordable Housing, the Visible, Yet Mysterious Struggle for an Obvious Solution, Case Examples
Affordable Housing, the Visible, Yet Mysterious Struggle for an Obvious Solution, Case Examples
Friday 11.9.2018
Legacy Housing Files for IPO, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Updates
Legacy Housing Files for IPO, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Updates
Divisions in America, and Manufactured Housing – Reality Check 1 – 11.9.2018
Divisions in America, and Manufactured Housing – Reality Check 1 – 11.9.2018
Thursday 11.8.2018
Markets Muted, Mixed, See FED OMC Meeting Notes, Plus MH Market Updates
Markets Muted, Mixed, See FED OMC Meeting Notes, Plus MH Market Updates
National New HUD Code Manufactured Home Production Data Summary, September 2018 Analysis
National New HUD Code Manufactured Home Production Data Summary, September 2018 Analysis
MHARR Warns Single Source Federal Contract is “Bridge to Nowhere”
MHARR Warns Single Source Federal Contract is “Bridge to Nowhere”
Wednesday 11.7.2018
Key Clayton/MHI/BO Bets Spanked, First Look at Winners & Losers
Key Clayton/MHI/BO Bets Spanked, First Look at Winners & Losers
Another Top Manufactured Home State is Sliding on New HUD Code Home Shipments, More New Data
Another Top Manufactured Home State is Sliding on New HUD Code Home Shipments, More New Data
Tuesday 11.6.2018
Red Wave? Blue Wave? Here’s What Wall Street Is Watching, plus MH Market Updates
New Shipment Data, Top Manufactured Home State, Other MH States Continue Slide
New Shipment Data, Top Manufactured Home State, Other MH States Continue Slide
Sexual Harassment, #MeToo Small Business Workplace Webinar
On the Eve of the Midterms, Closing on Willie Horton? Plus, MH Market Updates
On the Eve of the Midterms, Closing on Willie Horton? Plus, MH Market Updates
Monday 11.5.2018
MH Sales, Marketing, Management Life Lesson – Plan A, Plan B
MH Sales, Marketing, Management Life Lesson – Plan A, Plan B
Former Clayton Homes Team, Employees Speak Out – Mainstream Media, Trade Media Reports
Former Clayton Homes Team, Employees Speak Out – Mainstream Media, Trade Media Reports
Sunday 11.4.2018 Plus MH Week In Review, for 10. .2018 to 11.4.2018
Business Strategy, Open and Stealth Clients, Transparency, and Manufactured Housing
Business Strategy, Open and Stealth Clients, Transparency, and Manufactured Housing
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