Repairing Your Manufactured or Modular Home – Facts, Myths and Clarity

Credit: Seeking Alpha.

Way back in the 1940s, when Arizona’s population really took off, manufactured and mobile [sic] homes helped provide housing for new residents, and today there are still many developments of manufactured housing scattered throughout the state,” writes Rosie Romero, an Arizona based homebuilding and remodeling expert, in the Green Valley News.

Romero makes a good point: manufactured or modular homes today are vastly different than those of the past. Older communities were created when building codes were different, in some instances with very narrow homes and small pads.

Today, it can be difficult to tell the difference between a manufactured or modular home and a site built home. Even so, old stereotypes still exist.

Credit: Rosie On The House.

Some repair people and contractors may shy away from working on modular,” said Romero.




Owners of these homes tell us they have trouble having pipes or electrical equipment fixed or windows or porches replaced. Some contractors say that’s because the plumbing and other systems in these houses can be very different.

Manufactured and modular homes must comply with the same building codes that other homes in the state follow,” said Neal T. Haney of NTH Property Management in Mesa, which has clients throughout the state.

Contractors and remodelers need to recognize that today’s manufactured and modular homes are built to the same standards and can easily be repaired. Sometimes the plumbing may be installed under the home in a slightly different way, but it’s very accessible.

Romero notes that while it may be hard to find parts for some older homes, there are websites that carry them online, in addition to stores throughout the state.

If a home is kept in good shape and has regular upgrades, owners can often resell their home to new owners,” said Haney. “But when an owner lets a home deteriorate, the cost of repairs becomes more than the value of the home itself.

Credit: MHLivingNews.

MHProNews and MHLivingNews have provided extensive coverage around the subject of manufactured housing and how it compares – and often exceeds – the required standards when compared to site built homes, constructed faster and less expensive in a controlled environment.

The video and related story pictured above is linked here. ##

(Note: This writer recently visited a five-star manufactured home community. Once inside, I could tell no discernible difference between the manufactured home I was visiting and conventional site-built housing.)

(Image credits are as shown above.)

RC Williams, for Daily Business News, MHProNews.

Submitted by RC Williams to the Daily Business News for MHProNews.

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