

“Murder, Mobiles, Miscreants & Mayhem”

A scan of regional crime news in the past two weeks would include several incidents that relate to murder, arson, drugs, and other serious crimes that took place in a mobile or manufactured home.  Those incidents often took place in a land-lease community.   It’s an issue for the industry, …

“Murder, Mobiles, Miscreants & Mayhem” Read More


Tax Cuts, Phase 2? Plus MH Market UPdate$

The markets continue to digest the trade war talk.  Word is that the president will announce that economist Larry Kudlow will replace Gary Cohn, which if true, is an interesting signal.  Kudlow has opposed the tariffs, except as a negotiating move. Tax cuts phase two was a topic today, what’s …

Tax Cuts, Phase 2? Plus MH Market UPdate$ Read More


“It Isn’t A Crime Time to Be Poor” Citizen Tells Anti-Manufactured Home Lawmakers

Property owners outside of manufactured home zoning districts in Lexington who want to replace “mobile homes will now have to do so with single-family homes,” said the Dispatch.   “The Lexington City Council unanimously approved an amendment to city ordinances Monday making that change. Under the new rules, property owners …

“It Isn’t A Crime Time to Be Poor” Citizen Tells Anti-Manufactured Home Lawmakers Read More


NFIB’s Small Business Leadership Updates Stunning Data

“Small business owners are showing unprecedented confidence in the economy as the optimism index continues at record high numbers, rising to 107.6 in February, according to the NFIB Small Business Economic Trends Survey,” the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) tells the Daily Business News in a release. As longtime …

NFIB’s Small Business Leadership Updates Stunning Data Read More


“Influx of Money” vs. “Hiring Compliance” Agents, Attorneys – Plus Manufactured Housing Market UPDate$

Charles Schwab Corp. founder Charles Schwab speaks out on tax and regulatory reforms, pending Dodd-Frank legislation and how that is and is expected to move the markets.  That will be tonight’s spotlight report. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the …

“Influx of Money” vs. “Hiring Compliance” Agents, Attorneys – Plus Manufactured Housing Market UPDate$ Read More


Plane Crashes into MH Community, Discover What’s Riskier Than an MH in a Tornado

It’s not something that happens very often.   A small plane crashed into a manufactured home community. The shocking accident raised several related points that manufactured home professionals, investors and public officials ought to know. First, are the facts of the incident, as reported by local media, before a look …

Plane Crashes into MH Community, Discover What’s Riskier Than an MH in a Tornado Read More


Skyline – Champion Merger Suit, Real ‘Class Action,’ or “Ambulance Chaser” Legal Shakedown?

  Monteverde & Associates PC are headquartered in the Empire State Building in New York City, NY. Their press release and  engagement letter says they have thoroughly investigated the Skyline Homes (SKY) and Champion Homes merger/acquisition.   Per Monteverde press release, they are investigating “potential securities laws violations and/or breaches …

Skyline – Champion Merger Suit, Real ‘Class Action,’ or “Ambulance Chaser” Legal Shakedown? Read More


Economic Data Summary Video in Less Than 1 Minute

CNBC, Bloomberg, and Fox Business are among the mainstream media outlets that periodically do a video like this on, which summarize a lot of data in a short period of time. This afternoon, from Fox Business, the American economic recovery in less than one minute.   While there are clearly …

Economic Data Summary Video in Less Than 1 Minute Read More


Men in America, “Something Ominous” Sobering Comparisons with Women

“Health experts are warning of a crisis in male fertility that they fear is making it harder for couples to conceive – a problem they say is compounded by a lack of scientific understanding,” says iNews. “The average sperm count has dived by 52 per cent in the past four …

Men in America, “Something Ominous” Sobering Comparisons with Women Read More


Senators Crapo (R-ID), Brown (D-OH) Debate S 2155, Plus MH Market Update$

Maybe you’ve heard the old joke. ‘How can you tell when a politician isn’t telling the truth?’ The Left-Right Senators debate over S. 2155 is the spotlight focus for tonight. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever …

Senators Crapo (R-ID), Brown (D-OH) Debate S 2155, Plus MH Market Update$ Read More


An Examination of Manufactured Housing as a Community- and Asset-Building Strategy, Harvard JCHS, NeighborWorks, Ford Foundation

It’s a landmark document that is perhaps more relevant now than when it was first published.   It’s the report to the Ford Foundation by Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, done in collaboration with the Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) of Harvard University.   The Daily Business News has cited Harvard’s …

An Examination of Manufactured Housing as a Community- and Asset-Building Strategy, Harvard JCHS, NeighborWorks, Ford Foundation Read More


Homebuilders in Correction Territory, Buy Pullback, or Not? Plus MH Market UPdate$

Regular manufactured housing Daily Business News market update readers need to keep this in mind — a report we quote isn’t the same as an endorsement. That said, the video discussion on the housing builders’ correction below is meant to spark thought, as to what these market moves could mean …

Homebuilders in Correction Territory, Buy Pullback, or Not? Plus MH Market UPdate$ Read More


Before You Close, Sell or Quit, Why Not Try a Test? Test Market Marketing & Sales, Monday Morning Manufactured Home Sales Meeting

Who does the better job selling? A smart person, or the simpleton?   As with many situations, that depends on the details. An example will clarify.   When the wise are using their wisdom to objectively test, analyze, refine and improve, those may lead to superior results. But let’s imagine …

Before You Close, Sell or Quit, Why Not Try a Test? Test Market Marketing & Sales, Monday Morning Manufactured Home Sales Meeting Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Weekly Recap 2.25.2018 to 3.4.2018

  “If you are not catching flak, you are not over the target” – is an Air Force maxim. Its reverse is equally revealing – “If you‘re catching flak, you‘re over the target.” – and it means you are likely near the mark or are scoring direct hits.   There has …

Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Weekly Recap 2.25.2018 to 3.4.2018 Read More


MHPros Sound off on Steel Deal, Wilbur Ross Reacts to Controversy, Plus MH Market UPdate$

The final report tonight will also be on steel, and will contain expert insights from manufactured housing producers. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross is responding in tonight’s video clip to the concerns coming often from Republican sources, as a number of Democrats are happy about the tariff announcements. That will be …

MHPros Sound off on Steel Deal, Wilbur Ross Reacts to Controversy, Plus MH Market UPdate$ Read More


Wisconsin Housing Alliance – an MHI ‘Affiliate’ – Amy Bliss’ Messages Raise New Anti-Trust Issue

  From, is “CHAPTER 5 : ANTITRUST ISSUES IN THE TYING AND BUNDLING OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS.”   “MHI has given their members full access to the information [Ducker Worldwide ‘New Class of Homes’].  This is not government produced research and MHI would not be obligated to share this …

Wisconsin Housing Alliance – an MHI ‘Affiliate’ – Amy Bliss’ Messages Raise New Anti-Trust Issue Read More


“F-Bombs” Fly – Cursing Manufactured Housing and Tornadoes – Engaging Public, Experts, Officials, and Media

When you seriously engage the public on the topic of manufactured homes, perhaps especially when it involves tornado safety, you better be thick skinned. The following are examples of real comments, from real people…   “Bull-sh-t!” “Mother-f-cker!” “Liar!”   …are just some of the hundreds of posted feedback received – …

“F-Bombs” Fly – Cursing Manufactured Housing and Tornadoes – Engaging Public, Experts, Officials, and Media Read More


Announced Tariff’s on Chinese Steel, Aluminum Spark Stock Sell-Off, MH Industry Outlook?

Steel and other metals are part of every manufactured home.  It would be unlikely that someone would find a long list of HUD Code manufactured home builders getting excited about the first word on tariffs.   Publicly traded companies involved in manufactured housing watched their stocks lose ground in most …

Announced Tariff’s on Chinese Steel, Aluminum Spark Stock Sell-Off, MH Industry Outlook? Read More


Controversial Trump Tariff$ Announcement, Century Aluminum CEO Explains the Facts, Plus MH Market UPdate$

To say that President Donald J. Trump’s announcement of tariffs have roiled voices across the political spectrum would be an understatement, which will be part of our market focus tonight.  There’s more to this than may initially meet the eye, as an expert explain. If you’re new, already hooked on …

Controversial Trump Tariff$ Announcement, Century Aluminum CEO Explains the Facts, Plus MH Market UPdate$ Read More


“Starting” Dip in Home Sales, New Crisis Says Housing Experts

Washington, D.C. The economy and job growth are strong, says Adam DeSanctis, with the National Association of Realtors ® (NAR) communications team.   So why did contract signings for new homes take a “startling” dip in January? There’s bad news for many Americans, potentially hopeful news for opportunities for the …

“Starting” Dip in Home Sales, New Crisis Says Housing Experts Read More

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