

Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Industry Research, Reports, Headline News Recap 7.1.2018 to 7.8.2018

What are Tim, Kevin, Joe, Keith, David, Ross, Mike, Sam and Others in MHVille Reading?   They and other big names in our factory-built housing industry are reading what you find here on MHProNews. That’s a fact. Who says? Unsolicited reports from third parties – rephrased, that means from within …

Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Industry Research, Reports, Headline News Recap 7.1.2018 to 7.8.2018 Read More


Record Employment, Rising Popularity, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Connected Stocks, Evening Market Report

A new Reuters Ipsos poll tells the Daily Business News that the top two issues for most voters in the approaching midterms will be employment and immigration. Even as the long-awaited tariffs between the U.S. and China both kicked in today, a series of positive jobs data sparked a rise …

Record Employment, Rising Popularity, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Connected Stocks, Evening Market Report Read More


Manufactured Home Shipments, State by State Breakdown, May 2018 Official HUD Data

The Institute for Building Technology and Safety (IBTS) compiles data for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on manufactured home shipments.   For May of 2018, the new HUD Code manufactured home shipments by state, is as shown below, per IBTS. Notice those shipments to Hawaii? There …

Manufactured Home Shipments, State by State Breakdown, May 2018 Official HUD Data Read More


On Eve of Tariffs, China Has World’s Worst Market, Plus MH Market Updates

On the eve of the implementation of tariffs on China by the Trump Administration, “trade war” leery investors apparently realized that the tech sector will benefit. The Dow rose by over 180.  The headline, will be our market focus tonight. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature …

On Eve of Tariffs, China Has World’s Worst Market, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


“Why Advocates Need to Rethink Manufactured Home Quality,” Harvard, GSE, Genz, “High Satisfaction”

There are those who slam manufactured housing as being less expensive due to inferior quality. But a “Harvard study refutes that, labeling as “exaggerated” the “concerns about the difference between manufactured homes…and [homes] built to applicable local building codes” (Vermeer and Louie 1995, section IV, 2). The study found that …

“Why Advocates Need to Rethink Manufactured Home Quality,” Harvard, GSE, Genz, “High Satisfaction” Read More


Manufactured Home Industry Shipment Growth Parallels Strong Trump Economy, Pending HUD Regulatory Review

In a release to the Daily Business News, “The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) reports that according to official statistics compiled on behalf of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), year-over-year manufactured housing industry production grew again in May 2018.”   “Just-released statistics indicate that …

Manufactured Home Industry Shipment Growth Parallels Strong Trump Economy, Pending HUD Regulatory Review Read More


“Challenges to Obtaining Manufactured Home Financing,” Urban Institute Report Fact Check, Analysis

Is the Urban Institute (UI) attempting to use their “research” to blunt the manufactured housing industry’s steady yet modest recovery?  If so, why?   It’s a debatable point that could be made after a close analysis of the UI nonprofits’ most recent – and once again, problematic – manufactured home …

“Challenges to Obtaining Manufactured Home Financing,” Urban Institute Report Fact Check, Analysis Read More


HUD Code Manufactured Home Production Report, May 2018, State-by-State Total

  The Institute for Building Technology & Safety (IBTS) released the statistics for May 2018 this morning. The data is shown as below, based upon facts compiled for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). A more complete breakdown of HUD Code new manufactured home shipments data will …

HUD Code Manufactured Home Production Report, May 2018, State-by-State Total Read More


Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Industry Research, Reports, Headline News Recap 6.24.2018 to 7.1.2018

There is no question that Dinesh D’Souza is a partisan.   There is also no doubt that D’Souza was pardoned for his minor offense during the Obama Administration by the new occupant of the White House. The question that those on both sides of the left-right partisan divide should ask …

Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Industry Research, Reports, Headline News Recap 6.24.2018 to 7.1.2018 Read More


People are “Creatures of Habit,” Says New Study, Valuable Manufactured Housing Industry Professional Insights

How much does habits control you? How do habits influence or control your colleagues or team members?   Or how much does habit influence your potential customers? Short answer? A lot, according to mathematics researchers, who studied tens of thousands in an international study. The Daily Business News looks at …

People are “Creatures of Habit,” Says New Study, Valuable Manufactured Housing Industry Professional Insights Read More


Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies 2018 – Affordability, Manufactured Homes, and Modular Housing Report

“Since 1988, our annual State of the Nation’s Housing report has provided an overview of housing market conditions in the U.S.,” said Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) to the Daily Business News via a press release.   “As we mark the 30th anniversary, this year’s report not …

Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies 2018 – Affordability, Manufactured Homes, and Modular Housing Report Read More


New High Mortgage Rates, Latest Core-Logic Housing Price Data

The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller 20-city home price index moved up 6.6 percent from a year earlier.  Housing price increases in Seattle, Las Vegas and San Francisco were at a double digit clip, the organization said in a release to the Daily Business News.   U.S. home prices rose in April …

New High Mortgage Rates, Latest Core-Logic Housing Price Data Read More


Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Industry Research, Reports, Headline News Recap 6.17.2018 to 6.24.2018

“What is Leadership?”   In 2009 and 2010, the manufactured housing industry hit bottom. What that means is that thousands of professionals and investors in the industry today have never personally experienced an era of high performance. Some believe that the only reason that manufactured housing hit a total of …

Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Industry Research, Reports, Headline News Recap 6.17.2018 to 6.24.2018 Read More


Going to Pot – Marijuana, Illegal Drugs Controversies, and Manufactured Housing

There are no known industry specific statistics, but it is safe to say that thousands of manufactured housing (MH) communities have dealt in some form of fashion with the problem of illegal drugs. The same is true with MH factories or other workplaces. Employers tell MHProNews anecdotally that a significant …

Going to Pot – Marijuana, Illegal Drugs Controversies, and Manufactured Housing Read More


As Trade War Talk Heats Up New Infographic Helps Visualize World’s Biggest Exporters

There’s plenty of news on the trade front, which has once more contributed, per analysts, to a slip in the Dow.  Most manufactured housing connected stocks moved lower today as well.  So how do the world’s nation’s rank in terms of total exports?  How vulnerable are various economies, based upon …

As Trade War Talk Heats Up New Infographic Helps Visualize World’s Biggest Exporters Read More


As Washington Boils, and Trade Roils, POTUS Heads to MN for Rally – Plus MH Market Updates

The carefully orchestrated backlash to the enforcement of federal immigration law has taken center stage in media for the last 2 days. Forgotten is who passed the law, or that Presidents Bush and Obama to various degrees had a similar policy of enforcing the law.  Trade is still on investors …

As Washington Boils, and Trade Roils, POTUS Heads to MN for Rally – Plus MH Market Updates Read More


U.S. President Praised “The Mobile Home Industry,” Manufactured Homes are “Here to Stay”

“You are entrepreneurs in the best tradition of the free enterprise system.” ~ The President of the United States to the MH Industry   The U.S. President began his talk with these words, “There are problems in the economy and in the mobile home industry.  I am not so naïve …

U.S. President Praised “The Mobile Home Industry,” Manufactured Homes are “Here to Stay” Read More


Owners Report Increased Profits, Compensation, Expansion Plans

“The Small Business Optimism Index increased in May to the second highest level in the NFIB survey’s 45-year history,” said the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) to the Daily Business News in a release. “The index rose to 107.8, a three-point gain, with small businesses reporting high numbers in …

Owners Report Increased Profits, Compensation, Expansion Plans Read More


Facebook, Marketing & News – Manufactured Housing Pros, Sarah Miller, ‘Citizens Against Monopoly’ Sound the Alarm

“We got word that [Tuesday], Facebook Inc. is inviting Capitol Hill staffers to Washington DC’s “newest, most exclusive event venue” for free food and drinks. Events like this enable Facebook to peddle influence in the halls of power, and keep lawmakers from cracking down on its abuse of our democracy.” …

Facebook, Marketing & News – Manufactured Housing Pros, Sarah Miller, ‘Citizens Against Monopoly’ Sound the Alarm Read More


Revised Economic Numbers Spotlight Strongest GDP in Years, Q2, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Report

As the Daily Business News has noted previously, the broader economic and political developments routinely impact manufactured housing, and publicly traded stocks.  Reports from publicly traded companies often point to broader U.S. economic issues, such as job creation, consumer confidence, or rising wages as factors supporting more sales. So tonight’s …

Revised Economic Numbers Spotlight Strongest GDP in Years, Q2, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Report Read More

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