Named Retailer of the Year by the Manufactured Housing Institute for the Northeast/ Mid-Atlantic region in 2003 and 2013, Plattsburgh Housing Outlet in Plattsburgh, New York, in the northeast corner of the state, is hosting a home building seminar July 21. Topics at the seminar will include lending requirements, manufactured and modular homes, finding and developing a building site and expected time frames.
Additionally, there will be representatives from different areas of home construction explaining their methods and attendees can ask questions. A free dinner will be served, as pressrepublican informs MHProNews.
Participants will also receive a free how-to packet, a copy of their credit report, information about home ownership and the chance to win a $3,500. gift certificate towards a new home. ##
(Photo credit: National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)-modular home under construction)
Article submitted by Matthew J Silver to Daily Business News-MHProNews.