Having first emerged in April, 2016, MHARR states this is another example of an “out of control… program Administrator who appears to be pursuing an individual agenda particularly targeting smaller industry businesses.” MHARR says not only does it fly in the face of recommendations of the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC), it will also unnecessarily increase the cost of manufactured homes to smaller producers as well as to lower income prospective consumers. MHARR adds it will continue to benefit revenue-driven HUD program contractors.
HUD Ignores Regulatory Freeze

Terming it another HUD power grab, MHARR says the IB violates the regulatory “freeze” order which directs all Federal regulatory heads to refrain from sending regulations to the Federal Register “until a department or agency head appointed or designated by the President after noon on January 20, 2017 reviews and approves the regulation.”
MHARR says the bulletin was issued under the name of General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing Genger Charles, an Obama holdover, and not an agency head. Additionally, the IB defies the Trump Administration Executive Order that requires a governmental agency to repeal two existing regulations for each new one it imposes, something HUD has clearly not done.
MHARR urges all program stakeholders to contact their congressional representatives and HUD officials to withdraw the IB. Comments on the proposal are due on or before August 21, 2017.
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