It’s not a joke or a metaphor. Charlie Munger, Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway explained the church they created and their historic reason for doing so.
“Warren [Buffett] and I [Charlie Munger] were revolutionaries. We created a church that was used as an underground railroad. We supported the Clergy Counseling Service [a group of liberal ministers who arranged abortions for women outside the U.S.]. The minister running it was cashiered by his own church for helping women get abortions. First I tried to persuade the church to let him continue. That failed. I called Warren and asked him to help me establish our own church. That we did. For years this minister ran the thing. That was our contribution, trying to help so that society didn’t force women to give birth—to be held in a system [ecologist and overpopulation alarmist] Garrett Hardin called “mandatory motherhood.””
That quote from Warren Buffett’s partner in Berkshire Hathaway, Charlie Munger, was cited by Hayden Ludwig on July 9, 2020. He introduced the above pull-quote with these words: “Munger and Buffett organized a “church” run by a minister who had broken with his congregation over his own pro-abortion views. By the pair’s own admission, the so-called Ecumenical Fellowship was far from a religious institution; instead, it acted as a roving counselor on “family planning,” aiding women in obtaining abortions outside the United States in the late 1960s.”
Ludwig was writing for the Capital Research Center (CRC) which is known for “following the money” when it comes to philanthropy, politics, people, and groups.
CRC summarized the article as follows.
“Summary: The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation is possibly the biggest anti-people funder on the planet. For decades, the Buffett Foundation—supported by business magnate Warren and named for his late wife—has poured incredible sums into the most powerful abortion lobbies in the world. From pushing unrestricted abortion access to testing experimental abortion pills on impoverished Africans, these groups are advancing an extremist agenda with billions of dollars from one of America’s most-celebrated philanthropists—and with almost no scrutiny from the media.”
Ludwig said in that report that “Liberal pundits and philanthropoids gushed over Buffett’s 2006 “Giving Pledge,” an oath to gradually give away 99 percent of his wealth. (Other elites such as Bill and Melinda Gates, Paul Allen, and Michael Bloomberg have also taken the pledge.) In 2011, President Barack Obama even hosted Buffett in the White House for an “update” on the Giving Pledge’s progress. CNBC has celebrated Buffett as America’s “most charitable billionaire.”
But there’s a darker side to Buffett’s multi-billion-dollar philanthropy.”
That darker side? Buffett’s decades of support for the abortion industry. Ludwig said as follows.
“Billions for Millions of Abortions
According to my analysis, over the past two decades the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation has poured an incredible $4 billion into pro-abortion, pro-population control groups, easily making Warren Buffett the single most important supporter of abortion-on-demand in our day.”
Warren Buffett’s ‘Charitable’ Billions – Has Clayton’s Boss Funded Millions of Deaths by Abortion?
This sadly aligns with periodic research done by MHProNews over the years on the same connection between Buffett, abortion, but also its purportedly racist implications. See the reports above and below as examples.
Perhaps one of the most heated topics in recent years has been that of abortion. Yet, during the Nuremburg trials abortions were considered war crimes. See research linked here from the UFFL and here from the large evangelical Christian, Liberty University.
What Ludwig reminds his CRC readers is this. There was a time when abortions were largely illegal in the U.S. At the vanguard of the movement to legalize abortion were efforts from Buffett and Munger. While those who cheer abortion will hail that work, those who believe that life begins at conception would regard a deliberately procured as murder.
As in every campaign season, abortion will be a hot-button topic. The Joe Biden-Kamala Harris ticket is clearly pro-abortion. The Donald Trump-Mike Pence ticket is clearly pro-life, or anti-abortion. Campaign donations and voting often follow those ‘single-issue’ voters.
During the Republican National Convention (RNC), legendary coach Lou Holtz made an impassioned address proclaiming Joe Biden – both of whom claim to be Catholics – a “Catholic in Name Only” because of his flip-flop on the abortion issue, which Catholic teaching has condemned for centuries as a form of murder.
The Bishop of Knoxville, TN – which would include the headquarters of Berkshire Hathaway owned Clayton Homes – recently ripped abortion as no different than slavery.
I guess they think it is ok to say they are faithful but yet support the ultimate child abuse and human rights violation of the death of the unborn. I hope someday, her portrait will be removed from the Capital as she did of those who supported slavery. No difference.
— Bishop Rick Stika (@BishopStika) September 1, 2020
Bishop Stika explained that the effect of abortion is “no different” from slavery, on Twitter, noting that a mother “does not own her child” and “70 million aborted children will agree.”
The Bishop of Knoxville also criticized Catholics willing to vote for pro-abortion politicians, especially mentioning Jesuit Father James Martin, saying that a true Christian puts “Church before Party.”
“Sorry all you pro choice people but, I have no doubt that abortion will be the downfall of this country,” Bishop Stika explained. “It involves, racism, attacks on the poor, human rights violations and the ultimate child abuse.” Accordingly it is “the preeminent issue” of the day.
As the reference from Liberty University linked previously above makes clear, millions of non-Catholic Christians believe that abortion is intrinsically evil too. Billy Graham’s son Franklin Graham is planning a massive march on Washington later this month, and one of the themes is likely to include the right-to-life, pro-life message. While there are divisions among Jews and other religious groups on the vexing abortion topic, numbers of Jews and millions of Muslims are taught that abortion is evil, akin to murder of the helpless pre-born in the womb.
It is little surprise that those who support abortion – like Buffett, Gates, Soros and other leftist billionaires – support the Biden-Harris ticket and oppose the Trump-Pence re-election bid.
See the related reports for more on the connections between racism, abortion, and racial injustice which often arguably finds its roots in those who back groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa.
Biden even has the endorsement of an openly American Communist group.
The bottom line?
Arabella Advisors – Big Money in Dark Shadows, Warren Buffett Ties – Capital Research Group
Decades before they were touted as being so ‘progressive,’ Munger and Buffett were working to divide Christians on the acceptability of abortion. With Margret Sanger – founder of Planned Parenthood – being increasingly seen as a racist herself, the issue may become more important as the election approaches.

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By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and
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