Facts, evidence, and editorial viewpoints shed light on new data from the industry’s obviously largest trade media. According to Webalizer 2.23 results on the largest cPanel for MHProNews, traffic has surged over 47 percent in December 2022 and January 2023. Over the 2022 baseline averages, traffic in January 2023 accounted for the bulk of that surge. To reveal the meaning of the facts and evidence, new readers should know, and longtime readers merit a reminder, that December 2022 articles included several recaps of the top stories as measured by reader engagement for the year 2022 in review. In January 2023, several sharp factual and evidence-based critiques of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) staff and corporate leaders as well as broader political and historic items have been featured. How these interact with manufactured housing industry underperformance have been outlined.
Specifics will follow in our reports for the week that was. Among the apparent takeaways?
The response would suggest that manufactured home professionals are sick and tired of years of broken and unfilled promises by MHI and from politicos alike.
Outsiders looking into why the manufactured home industry is underperforming during an affordable housing crisis are apparently drawn to these fact-packed reports with expert analysis too.
But beyond interest in the facts, evidence and analysis, there are apparent fears, frustration – and for some – an apparent acceptance of the status quo.
That said, the runaway top article so far this month is the one that featured the thoughts of Democrat Robert Reich. How an application of his antitrust plan would impact Clayton Homes (BRK), Skyline Champion (SKY), and Cavco Industries (CVCO) was carefully unpacked below.
That noted, Reich’s notions could also be applied to the manufactured home land-lease community sector too. ICYMI, don’t. If you read it in a hurry, go back and read it carefully. Because Reich may have the solution that thousands of industry pros and millions of consumers of affordable housing are seeking.
A look at the ‘reader’s choice’ favorites also reveals that beyond manufactured housing specific articles those that look at the bigger picture are also popular.
As political independents, MHProNews focuses on facts, evidence, and concepts that when properly understood can span the left-right divide.
Those concepts happen to align with Biblical moral principles that predate the U.S.A. by well over 1500 years.
Scientific knowledge and moral insights are not at odds when it comes to understand the issues undermining manufactured housing and their possible solutions.
Don’t miss today’s postscript.
With no further adieu, check out each of the ‘read hot’ reports for the week that was from 1.15.2023 to 1.22.2023.
What’s New on MHLivingNews

What’s New in January 2023 from Washington, D.C. from MHARR

What’s New and Recent on the Masthead

What’s New and Recent on the Words of Wisdom by Tim Connor, CSP

The Week in Review on the Daily Business News on MHProNews
Saturday 1.21.2023
Friday 1.20.2023
Thursday 1.19.2023
Wednesday 1.18.2023
Tuesday 1.17.2023
Monday 1.16.2023
Sunday 1.15.2023
Andrew Napolitano, J.D., is a former judge and is an American columnist. His thinking tends towards the Libertarian perspective. In a recent column oddly critical of President Abraham Lincoln (R), he demonstrated the principle of separating the wheat from the chaff by sharing the following observations about President Woodrow Wilson (D). From that item on the WND NewsCenter to MHProNews are the following extended-quotes.
Under this model, the federal government could only legislate, regulate, spend and govern in the 16 discrete areas of human behavior the Constitution delegated to it. All other areas of human behavior were left free to individual choices or governance by the states.”
It would be interesting to hear Napolitano and Theo Wold, J.D., debate those statements and what follows. Napolitano continued.
From and after Wilson’s presidency, the Madisonian model was replaced by the Wilsonian one. Under this model, the feds could legislate, regulate, spend and govern in any areas of human behavior for which there was a national political will, except for those areas that are expressly prohibited to them by the Constitution.
It would take another generation before the courts fully caught up to this, during which they gradually permitted Congress basically to write any law, regulate any behavior, spend any money, tax any event and intrude upon any relationship so long as it did not confront an express constitutional prohibition.
The Constitution itself – which Madison designed both to establish the federal government and to limit it – has been a dismal failure as an instrument of limitation. Madison himself wrote that only an external structure – external to the Constitution – could be relied upon to keep the federal government in its place.
He was referring to the power of the states to nullify acts of the federal government that the states determined were outside its constitutional authority. He was also referring to the natural right that individuals and political subdivisions have to leave the government, called secession. Just as the 13 colonies seceded from Great Britain, Madison argued, individuals can reject the government, smaller subdivisions can leave larger ones, and states can leave the feds.
In his masterpiece “Democracy: The God That Failed,” Hans-Hermann Hoppe articulates the truism that one is not truly free if one cannot leave the government. This applies to persons as well as to political subdivisions. The forced retention of persons under the government’s monopolistic jurisdiction is totalitarian.
Without the threat of nullification and secession, there is no effective restraint on the feds.
Now back to Wilson. His governmental sins were many – World War I, the Espionage Act, the federal income tax, the popular election of U.S. senators, the Federal Reserve and his government by experts, known today as the administrative state.
This last insidious structure is neither fish nor fowl – it is not clearly in any branch of constitutional government. It writes rules, enforces them and interprets them. As an example, the U.S. Tax Code, enacted by Congress, runs to 2,600 pages. It is an indecipherable monstrosity. But the IRS’ own regulations – written by IRS bureaucrats, not by Congress – run to 9,000 pages. And the IRS’ interpretations of its own regulations run to 70,000 pages. This is Wilson’s government by experts.
According to the late Justice Antonin Scalia, this is an unconstitutional delegation of Congress’ legislative powers to entities within the government who are not answerable to the voters. Administrative agency heads are appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. But the folks who write the rules are permanent bureaucrats who do not change, no matter who is in the White House.
Last week, the United States Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, sitting in New Orleans, reminded the administrative state that only Congress can write the laws.
Here is the backstory.
After the 2017 slaughter of innocents in a Las Vegas hotel parking lot by a madman who turned his semi-automatic rifle into a partially automatic one via the use of a bump stock, the media and anti-Second Amendment politicians claimed that bump stocks transform rifles into machine guns, which Congress outlawed in 1934.
The Trump Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives then issued a rule declaring that the homemade transfer of a rifle from semi-automatic into partially automatic via the employment of a bump stock creates a machine gun. A bump stock is an essential device when confronting more than one invader simultaneously, as it permits short bursts of rounds emitted with one trigger pull.
BATF is an administrative agency run by so-called experts. When it attempted to outlaw modified rifles by declaring them to be machine guns, the 5th Circuit reminded BATF that it is not Congress.
It is rare in the post-World War II era for the courts to interfere with an administrative agency because of a monstrosity called the Chevron Doctrine. This rule tells courts that they must show deference to an administrative agency’s interpretations of its own rules, because its employees are – channeling Wilson – experts. The 5th Circuit rejected Chevron; and the Supreme Court can be expected to do so as well, soon.
All regulations interfere with personal liberty. When the government interferes with liberty, not only should there be no deference; there should be a presumption that the government’s behavior is immoral, unconstitutional and unlawful.
Why? Because freedom is the default position. Government is the negation of liberty. Freedom is everyone’s personal natural birthright. The sovereignty of the person – made in the image and likeness of the Creator – can never be equal morally and legally to a gaggle of thugs running an artificial monopoly of power in a geographic area.
Either our rights are inalienable or they are not. If they are not, freedom is an illusion. If they are inalienable, the government must leave our freedoms alone.” ###

Again, our thanks to free email subscribers and all readers like you, our tipsters/sources, sponsors and God for making and keeping us the runaway number one source for authentic “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.com.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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