In a matter of days, the first video below of a Russian designed and built “mobile home” cottage has widely surprised the total of all the views of all the videos that the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) produced and published in late 2017.
The videos are in Russian with an English voiceover. As of the time the Daily Business News on MHProNews started this article on 2.8.2019, in just about a day, the “Bathhouse – First Drive” video published on 2.7.2019 had already had some 28,629 views.
Part one of this video “Building a mobile home on an UAZ platform – will it drive?” was published on published on Feb 4, 2019, and it already has 61,224 views.
Outside of the U.S. or Canada, there are many possible meanings to the term “mobile home.” In Canada, they have Z240 standards for manufactured homes. That’s their version of the U.S. HUD Code for manufactured housing code, which went into effect on June 15,1976. Before that date, millions of mobile homes were built. Some of those pre-HUD Code mobile homes in the U.S. were built to ANSI, UL, or other inspections and standards – or were absent such standards – depending on the jurisdiction that they were crafted.

the terminology determines the
construction standards a home was
built to,” Steve Duke, LMHA.
The genius of the HUD Code – on paper – is that manufactured homes offers numerous consumer safeguards. Those consumer protections are not found in far more costly conventional housing. A sense of that reality is found by clicking on the text/image box and the report linked from it.
Exposé! Heartbroken Conventional Housing Buyers? Dare to Compare Site Built with Modern Manufactured Homes –
ABC News did the following exposé about the host of problems found in the conventional “site-built” housing industry. The above is one of many such videos. See another example in a local news video, below. This isn’t to pick on what D.R. Horton, or any other conventional ‘site-builder.’
HUD Code manufactured homes are built in a controlled environment. So long as you can get to the factory or production center, weather has little impact on building.
Building materials don’t sit outside for days or weeks on end, getting rain, snow, wind, or other weather impacts. Loss of materials to theft is dramatically reduced. Waste in building is cut down to as little as a pair of 55-gallon drums, much ‘greener’ than conventional building.
You can find commentary like that pointed towards the trades from MH publishers and bloggers. Post that on Facebook, and dozens or hundreds of industry pros will ‘like’ it.
But where are such points found promoted by MHI are their own website? To the mainstream media? Where are the viral videos about how manufactured homes are answer to the affordable housing crisis that promotes the good being done by the industry?
Instead, MHI spends thousands of dollars on hiring attorney(s) to rattle sabers against a pro-growth publisher. MHI surrogates ponder “boycotts” and plot ‘what can we do to stop them [MHProNews]?’
These low viewer level MHI videos – vs. what is occurring with these new Russian mobile home videos – are a stark reminder of the potential vs. the realities that exist in manufactured housing.
- Tiny houses have a serious following.
- Mobile home lovers do too.
- RVs – there are clubs galore.
Where’s the love for manufactured homes? What is the Omaha-Knoxville-Arlington axis and their allies doing to promote real solutions beyond the silo of the industry’s modest numbers of professionals?
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