An amendment offered by Representative Peter Welch (D-VT) was added on the House floor—by voice vote– that allows Section 8 not only for the purchase of MH but also for leasing the land, mortgage payments, property tax and insurance.
This change would actually allow families to purchase a home instead of using their Section 8 voucher to rent an apartment. While the measure does not provide any direct funds or require anyone to use a voucher to live in an MH, it gives the 2.1 million Section 8 voucher holders the option to use their voucher to acquire a manufactured home.
The amendment was supported by House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), and ranking member Maxine Waters (D-CA). The main thrust of H. R. 3700 is to improve the quality of life for public housing residents, cut program costs, encourage work and expand homeownership opportunities.
MHI was a part of a coalition of more than 40 housing and advocacy groups advocating for Senate passage of this legislation, including other manufactured housing professionals, and states it has worked for over a decade urging passage of these reforms. ##
(Image credit:Manufactured Housing Institute)