The number of former Conseco, Greentree, and other now defunct industry lenders that are still working in manufactured housing (MH) is not insignificant.
Similarly, as MHI bleeds staffers and members on a periodic basis, past or current members and staff are among those who message or call MHProNews with feedback and insights.
Some calls are discussions. From my vantage-point near publisher and industry consultant L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach’s office, this writer can often hear the vigorous back-and-forth with callers discussing current or looming manufactured housing industry issues.
Other calls are listening sessions. Given the opportunity to candidly talk shop, people do. It is not entirely clear why Tony listens more on some calls, but speaks more on others. Perhaps it is instinct? Experience? Whatever the case, he revels in calls from both those who agree and those who bring a different perspective.
Some callers make little or no mention of faith, while others wittingly or not lace their conversations or messages with references to God, and at times, to the devil.
What is occasionally heard or read, like the start of the headline above, you simply can’t make up. It’s what the president of a company recently referred to as the fresh, authenticity of what he reads here on the Daily Business News on MHProNews.
It is no surprise that with the airwaves, digital, and social media awash in news about the passage of George H.W. Bush, the 41st President of the United States (POTUS), that MH Industry readers are thinking about him and his legacy too.
Some respected the man, his military and federal service, while others opposed specific Bush 41 policies.
MHI and Clayton Fans
There are calls and messages from self-proclaimed happy MHI members – or happy members of Team Clayton – who are among those messages and calls.
It is interesting to note that those pro-MHI or Clayton folks may not disagree with any specific points of Daily Business News on MHProNews reporting and analysis. But they nevertheless want to simply say that they are “happy” with the Arlington, VA based trade organization, or are “happy” with a Knoxville metro-based Clayton, 21st, or Vanderbilt, etc.
It is noteworthy that some of those “happy with” Arlington or Knoxville callers or messages then go on to specifically confirm items we’ve recently reported.
For example, yesterday’s report about quality issues at Clayton – with said report available by clicking the linked box, below – brought confirmations of sales lost to pending customers who had signed up to buy a Clayton manufactured home. They have a significant fall out rate, we are told. That fall out rate are prospective buyers who cancel their purchase after the initial paperwork was signed, or even after financing was approved. Again, ICYMI, you can read that report by clicking the linked box below.
The social side of MHI is perhaps the part that most professionals like the most. Among the mentions are people who like Nathan Smith. Tony has said, he’s a very likable fellow.
One MHI member messaged to say that just because Nathan had supported Andy Barr’s opponent, that doing so didn’t make Nathan or MHI backstabbers.
A fairly common point from calls or messages is the fact that some professionals skim instead of read. A defender of former President Barack Obama, for example, admitted that they skimmed a report instead of reading it carefully. That’s happed with those who don’t yet see the “smoking gun” of Clayton, MHI and monopolistic practices.
But upon careful inquiry, they are often those who have skimmed instead of carefully read Smoking Gun 3, may have missed it entirely, or haven’t viewed the full video with Kevin Clayton found on the in-depth report accessed by clicking on the hot-linked box below.
While praising President Donald J. Trump publicly is often sadly frowned upon in some circles, the numbers who call or message to praise POTUS 45’s “genius” are numerous.
By contrast, the president’s detractors often are concerned about his style, tone, or tweets over substance.
When asked, POTUS Trump skeptics often grudgingly admit they have liked the results of several of the president’s policies. That’s a start…
Updates on NMHCO, MHIdea?
As dues/membership renewal time for MHI is drawing near, the inquiries for more information about the emerging national communities group or MHIdea are growing too.
Change doesn’t come easily to many. They like being part of an association, even if the association is – in their own view – failing. Some are open to switching to a new group, but they naturally want to know what they are switching away from and into.
We expect, per a well-placed source, an update from NMHCO in the near term.
Perhaps the two most common words heard or read are “thank you.”
There is fatigue, frustration, or even anger expressed among those who see only “happy talk” or “more empty promises” from MHI or Berkshire brands.
Some genuinely believe that specific industry members are de facto “servants of Satan.” It is interesting to note that they are often the same souls as those who think that President Trump will go down in history as one of the greatest American presidents of all time.
As newer or veteran MH professionals talk – sometimes with unease – about various trends they are seeing at communities, retail centers or ‘big boy’ factories, a common theme is the stated or implied need for real, positive change in manufactured housing. Their “thank you” theme is heartfelt, because they know that failure to act in new ways will only result in more of the same.
#HousingChoice. #YimbyVictory2020 or #2Trillion will only occur with positive effort, and that requires changes.
A special report is planned for later today or tomorrow, barring the unforeseen. That’s a quick and balanced look at some of the message bag and phoned in feedback from the field and ivory towers in MHVille. “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
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