“St. Petersburg police are warning families to pay attention to their children following an eight-month-long investigation into human trafficking involving two teenaged boys,” says Fox 13 YouTube page. “Investigators and victim advocates said it’s very common for children to be lured by family, family friends, or through gaming apps and other social media apps into human trafficking.” Their report is linked here.
It’s a tragic reality, worthy of consideration on the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.’s federal holiday. January 1, 1863, was the date of President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. But 156 years later, there is still human trafficking, though it takes at times different forms than what it did in pre-Civil War America. It should be noted that slavery was outlawed in England in 1833. While the data below is in French, the dates and nations involved are clearly understandable. The U.S. was behind some nations, and ahead of others, in ending the practice of chattel slavery.
As the next graphics reflect, there are millions globally in slavery, today. One of the dirty little secrets about the immigration related issues along the U.S. Mexican border is precisely that it is sparking human trafficking, including sex trafficking, beyond other crimes, deaths, drugs and other horrors.
Since the Fox video, the final suspect reportedly turned himself in.
Right or wrong, such issues hit the mainstream media, and intentionally or not, they often seem to imply a negative stereotype about manufactured home communities and crime. It should go without saying that such tragedies happen in upper income neighborhoods, and sadly, is a growing pattern globally.
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