“Tony, if MHProNews is writing about it, I want to know about it.”
– MHProNews executive level reader.
Topical curation – subject selection and presentation – is important to the readers of a trade publication. This one is no different. “Curation is a field of endeavor involved with assembling, managing and presenting some type of collection,” is how TechTargets begins to define curation.
Our curation of subjects may appear to be eclectic at times, but the truth is that our agenda is achieving the sustainable breakthrough of the most proven form of affordable housing ever known in America. Affordable home ownership could be lifechanging for tens of millions in our land. To achieve that noble goal, the Daily Business News on MHProNews and our sister media, MHLivingNews.com both aim to make people think, based upon rationale evidence.
Our content curation must work, because our readership has more than doubled in the past year, and we were already the runaway most-read, most-praised in the industry.
We know from messages and other third-party sources that people in boardrooms, C-Suite, owners, investors, management, media, nonprofits, housing advocates, associations, and politicos are all among the growing numbers of readers.
A Common Question From the Public, Advocates, Investors and Media About Our Industry
Once someone understands the quality, durability and the surprising affordability this industry offers, common questions arise. Among them is “Why aren’t more manufactured homes being sold?”
MHProNews has examined that vexing issue for years.
The video on this page says not one word about affordable housing, much less factory-crafted homes. So why show the docu-drama “Shadows of Liberty” on a Saturday morning?
Because the well-reviewed, professionally produced documentary video sheds indirect light on the question, “Why aren’t more manufactured homes being sold?” Because part of the challenge is media. That’s what this video below examines.
Note that Netflix has an edited, shorter version of this same docu-drama. The version below appears to be the ‘full length’ version of Shadows of Liberty, and is absolutely more balanced and complete of the two, in our view.
The faces, voices and personalities in this video are often well-known, routinely respected people, though some are controversial. Several work for mainstream media, or once did.
Expert insights are the reason this trade media platform, plus MHLivingNews.com, fill an essential role for accurately understanding our industry and the surprising opportunities manufactured housing presents. While some still think that pretty pictures or slick videos alone can cure what holds back this amazing industry, we have no such illusions. Vivid images well presented can help, but those alone are not enough. The facts MHVillage provides prove differently.

Media is made up by people. Media has owners. While there are standards for journalists, that doesn’t mean those standards of professional ethics are always followed.
That said, our personal/professional experience is this. Direct engagement with the media and third-party researchers is warranted and often, but not always, is productive. The engagement itself has value, as some person of influence is introduced to a view of our industry they may not obtain in any other way.
The people and pull quotes throughout this video alone make it compelling viewing. IMBd gives if 4 out of 5 stars. As always, consider the principles and evidence being provided in the video, while the conclusions are subject to a “wheat and chaff” discernment.

When you finish this Shadows of Liberty video, you may better understand why this trade media platform is needed.
You may also understand why MHProNews.com | MHLivingNews.com have been making a difference in the struggle for a wider understanding and acceptance of the solution for the affordable housing crisis to be found in modern manufactured homes.

There’s been marked progress in the past two years.

We are arguably closer than we were two years ago to breaking through on this critical American issue.
That’s this Saturday’s “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes, and Factory Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis and commentary.)
(Third-party images and content are provided under fair use guidelines.)
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