The aim is to provide temporary living space for up to two months for as many as 100 people, and then transition them into a more permanent facility, according to hawaiinewsnow.
Each unit will include windows, a lockable door, and portable lighting and will be free to those who qualify. A separate unit will offer private bathroom facilities and electric outlets. The residents at the new facility–called Hale Mauliola in honor of the Hawaiian goddess of health and well-being—will be required to go through a standardized intake and assessment process to determine their needs, and work with a case manager to transition them out of homelessness.
The $2 million project includes $500,000 to convert the shipping containers into modular housing, and $1.5 million for support services. MHProNews has learned the city intends to have the facility operational by the fall. ##
(Image credit: hawaiinewsnow--rendering of homeless housing site)