“We must get on with the business of America.” – President Trump White House video 1.7.2021.
“Serving as your president has been the honor of a lifetime. And to all of my wonderful supporters, I know you are disappointed, but I also want you to know that our incredible journey is only just beginning.” – President Donald J. Trump, 1.7.2021.
“Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th. I have always said we would continue our fight to ensure that only legal votes were counted. While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it’s only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again!” – President Trump, via @DanScavino, 1.7.2021.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 8, 2021
Open Letter to President Donald J. Trump
Mr. President,
Stating the obvious can bring clarity. It is self-evident and a truism that none of us are perfect. That noted, the evidence reflects that you have been the most consequential president in our lifetimes. You have endured more slings and arrows of often outrageous attacks than any modern leader in American History. Nevertheless, you kept fighting to deliver – “Promises Made, Promises Kept.” As you have itemized in so many rallies and speeches, the Trump Administration delivered on its promises and added other impressive achievements along the way.
You delivered.
None of that can be taken away from you. All that stands to your credit, sir. It should be honored and saluted by all.
That said, there is more to do that can be done quickly before you leave the White House.
Your detractors have long shadow banned, censored, and obscured your record by tactics that includes indefensible name-calling and Leninist or Hitler-like “Big Lie” tactics which only highlight your first-term achievements. If your opponents could beat you on the merits, they would have tried to do so publicly.
Your opponents do not want honest debates. That is why they tried to rig the debates as well as rig what should have been robust post-election discussion, cases, and debates.
The courts and too many bodies of public officials and American institutions have produced #FakeNews that #censored or failed to consider the
- Navarro Report 2.0,
- the Big Steal,
- the Amistad Project,
- your campaign legal team,
- Sidney Powell,
- and hundreds of others researching election fraud claims revealed.
While there are exceptions, all too often, the normal legal options declined cases, avoided hearings and investigations, censored, or simply lied — claiming that there “is no evidence of fraud.”
Or almost as bad, ‘there was fraud, but not enough to overturn the election.’
Pardon me, but millions of us know that no one cheats other than to ‘win’ unjustly. Thus, in elections, ‘winning’ by fraud seeks as its goal stealing an election.
That outline explains the energy behind the leaders of #StopTheSteal, the #JerichoMarch, #SaveAmerica, and other groups who support you. Their significant work is, like your own election integrity efforts, not yet done.

As noble as your, your term’s efforts, and your incredible family’s performance has been, the reality is that all that has been done for #WeThePeople can rapidly be undone by the incoming “President- Select” Joe Biden*.
If Mr. Biden had won honestly, millions would not like it, but could accept it.
But as Biden-Harris are the hand-selected candidates of the multinational elites you fought for years cannot be exposed without more efforts that only you can do.

As your campaign attorney Jenna Ellis said, it was “deeply disappointing” that Vice President Pence failed #WeThePeople who voted for you in 75 million plus record numbers.
Legal scholars and researchers at Harvard and elsewhere noted that Republicans could have won January 6, 2021 in the Joint Session of Congress if they had simply fought as you have for the people that put them in office. But for whatever motivations and agendas that may each have, dozens opted not to do so. You told us to remember their names, and millions of us will do exactly that if they do not atone for their sins against the very fabric of the American Republic.
The foundation of America includes the right of #WeThePeople to self-determination. If over 75 million votes are negated by a steal, then something must be done about it. Respectfully, Mr. President, you pointed several times to the mountains of evidence and told us that they our votes negated and the 2020 presidential election was stolen.
You can still do much by #DeclassifyItAll.
#DeclassifyItAll is arguably what your opponents in both the Democratic and Republican Parties, but also the powerful forces behind them, now fear the most. That is why they want you out of office even before January 20, 2021 — because they want to stop you before you #DeclassifyItAll.
By #DeclassifyItAll, much of #DrainTheSwamp can be accomplished.
You could put all of that declassified material on a website that you, your family, and a few board members controlled. Then, release it as necessary to encourage the majority in Congress and government to avoid the blistering hypocrisy and arguably criminal behavior so many in high offices have engaged in. The hypocrisy and arguably criminal behavior of many includes, but is not limited to, #PresidentSelectJoeBiden and #VPSelectKamalaHarris.
Tens of millions of sincere and honest Democrats, Republicans, and Independents can get behind this #DeclassifyItAll suggestion quickly. We have seen the #Swamp cover up their dirty deeds for far too long.
You can keep your word for a “smooth transition” but still stop the terrible deeds of the #DeepState, the #billionaires, and #Oligarchs that make the big corporate-military-industrial-information and spy complex possible. Let the Biden-Harris administration come into office under an evidence based cloud. That will limit the harm they could do.
Payback and counterpunching, right?
Also declassify the documentation that proves that the #GreenNewDeal and the #GreatReset are just scams. Or as one of your many followers said recently, quoting.
- What’s happening?
- Planned Chaos
- Confusion
- Hate
- Anger
- Manipulation
- Justify censorship, surveillance, consolidation, control, and collapse.
- This is what #GreatReset looks like.
- This is #Agenda21
That bullet list demonstrates that numbers of your followers ‘get it.’ Certainly, numbers of cartoonists get it.
The powers that be can only be stopped by sufficient good information about enough bad actors so that the censorship and dark deeds no longer prevail. Otherwise, the #Swamp, #RiggedSystem, and #DeepState will only continue.

Please expose via #DeclassifyItAll Democrats and Republicans including, but not limited to:
- President-Select Joe Biden
- Senators Kamala Harris (CA-D)
- Mitch McConnell (KY-R)
- Mitt Romney (UT-R)
- Chuck Schumer (NY-D)
- Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA-D)
- Congressman Adam Kinzinger (IL-R), et al
that your intelligence sources have evidence of corruption and/or illegal behavior. #DeClassifyItAll!

Doing so will send shock waves through the #DeepState. It may also protect your followers who will otherwise be targeted, as this report by ABC’s political news director tweeted below reflects.
I want people to remember that @rickklein made this comment today about people who have a different political view. He is the Political Director of ABC News. The word he used “Cleansing” is beyond disturbing considering his position. To state 75 million Americans must be cleansed pic.twitter.com/TClStsCX2X
— Diane B (@dmb1031) January 8, 2021

The #DeClassifyItAll tools must also be used to expose the #billionaires and #Oligarchs, such as @BillGates, @MarkZuckerberg, @WarrenBuffett @MikeBloomberg, @GeorgeSoros, and @Jack. The list could go on. You know that list better than #WeThePeople do.

This can’t be a threat or leverage. The time is over for all of that. Information must target those key insiders.
Please, sir. #DeclassifyItAll and #Publish what you know about them and their role in the #WHO, #WEF, #TheGreatReset, #Event201, #CrimsonContagion, and Communist China’s attempts to manipulate and control our economy, freedoms, and elections. If Communist China is not held accountable, then there will only be a string of COVID-19, COVID-21, COVID-1984…

You successfully took on Presidents Bush 43 (R), Obama (D), Clinton (D) and their respective political machines. You beat members of your own Republican Party. Note that this writer is an independent, not a blind party partisan. That is said to underscore that by calling out their failures and betrayals of #WeThePeople.
#DeclassifyItAll and then fire those who failed you and #WeThePeople.
Then, support as you have suggested the constitutionalist and historic education that is needed.
The federal government years ago went beyond its constitutional limits. Americans need to be taught or reminded that there are so called laws and regulations that are not constitutional. Majority rule can become mob rule. That threat of mob or pure majority rule is supposed to be limited by the checks and boundaries of the U.S. Constitution. Please, form alliances that teach these basics to millions as you have suggested you plan.
Last but not least, #FireDeepState actors in the government. You made “You’re Fired!” famous. Please do it again when it counts the most.
#DeclassifyItAll, #Publish, #Inform, and #FireDeepState actors.
Doing those key actions may be the most important things of your entire presidency. They will be the cherry on the cake of your fine pre-COVID-19 economy. It may also stop Biden-Harris from unwinding your important work.
Doing this will be ugly. But that may be enough to #SaveAmericanRepublic. #WeThePeople do not want to be another #BananaRepublic.

There may never be another free and fair election in America if you do not do #DeClassifyItAll and #Expose #DeepState Corruption. Jesus said it. Only “the Truth will set us free.” Christians, Jews, Muslims – virtually every great world religion believes that lying and deception are serious sins.
Please Mr. President, just do it. Otherwise, the American Republic may not survive without deep and gut-wrenching conflicts. Combined with prayer, “the truth will set us free,” along with the actions by #WeThePeople that must follow.

If you do that, then every courageous State Attorney General and lawmakers of both major parties can act upon what you #Declassify and #Publish about #DeepState #Corruption. State and federal attorneys general should keep going with #antitrust efforts. They should not just “regulate” big tech and big businesses. Nor should they merely fine them. That can be a smoke screen. #Antitrust and #BreakThemUp! Law enforcement should then do whatever the law allows to hold those who created and corrupted the American Dream.
Those #billionaires and #oligarchs who have #Rigged the system have stealthily robbed the American dream of small businesses and their millions of actual and potential employees.
Mr. President, you have been amazing. Please. Among your final acts in the White House, finish this. Do this list ASAP and your place on Mount Rushmore is all but assured.
Thank you, your family, and all of those who made your important efforts possible.
Respectfully submitted,
L. A. “Tony” Kovach
Publisher, consultant, and multiple award winner in history.
MHProNews.com, MHLivingNews.com, and LATonyKovach.com.
It’s time#DeclassifyEverythingNOW #DeclassEVERYTHING #DeclassifyItAll https://t.co/NJgLpxUS93
— Rafael (@rafabots) January 7, 2021
The nation will not be taken back by force. It will be taken by conscience.
When the heinous crimes have been revealed, the horror and shock will turn the tide and the guilty will be brought to justice.
This is God’s arena.
He’s at the door.#DeclassifyItAll— Executive Order News (@ExecOrderNews) January 8, 2021
The whole world is watching! #DeclassifyItAll 🙏#StopTheSteal#TrumpWon2020LandslideVictory https://t.co/jhviryPyqu
— Cherine Derbala (@cderbs) January 3, 2021
Two hours to determine the fate of the republic.
Show Congress the truth. 💞🇺🇸
#DeclassifyEverything #DeclassifyItAll #declass pic.twitter.com/UCWNny9aoo
— The Rescuers 🐭🐭 Miss Bianca 🌼 (@TheRescuers1977) January 6, 2021

Like it? Permission to share and republish the article above is hereby granted, so long as the content is not substantially changed, and with proper credit/attribution, and a link back to this original post is made. https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/shofar-truth-jericomarch-stopthesteal-declassifyitall-draintheswamp-stop-socialist-takeover-maga-usa-mr-president-finish-it/ Use of videos, tweets, and images used above would be optional if you opt to share this under this permission to republish.
Footnote: Joe Biden* will for millions always be thought of as “President-Select” and not a legitimately elected president of the United States. Saying so is a matter of free speech and prudential judgement based on the evidence noted above, including Joe Biden’s own words in the video shown above. The “coup” is arguably what Biden-Harris and their backers have done, not what those who are exposing the coup are doing to expose it.

said Dr. M.L. King. “I would hope that we can avoid riots because riots are self-defeating and self-destructive.” Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. The Network for progress explains that Nobel Peace Prize Winner Dr. King Jr. was not endorsing violence, he was making an observation about violence when he said that “A riot is the language of the unheard.” Like M. Ghandi in India, King Jr. encouraged peace and non-violence, as opposed to some like Malcom X – who was expressly open to using violence. Note that quoting someone, anyone, is not to endorse everything that a person said or did. Everyone and every institution is subject to the wisdom of separating the wheat from the chaff.

Despair or frustration are not solutions. Information, understanding and repair of the Republic and prayer are the ‘weapons’ that can prevail.
That’s a wrap on this installment of the runaway number one source for authentic “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.com.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
Connect on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/latonykovach
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The text/image boxes below are linked to other reports, which can be accessed by clicking on them.