A series of press releases from the small business focused National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) will serve several purposes. Among them, is to provide third-party researched information on the headline topics of small business confidence, supply chain, labor, capital access, regulatory and other issues. The NFIB report will also serve to indicate what an authentic trade group looks like vs. the faux, posturing and ersatz advocacy that is regrettably all-too-common on the manufactured housing industry, with the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) – as FMHA’s Jim Ayotte ironically helped demonstrate – as arguably a prime example. As Ayotte aptly said, “It’s not rocket science.” While there are obvious examples of the Modular Home Builders Association (MHBA and MBI) or the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) making earnest efforts on behalf of their members, the case can be made that MHI is working for a segment of their trade group that is consolidation focused – which means that the most of the rest of the Arlington, VA based MHI members are kabuki theater that is little more than a smiling con job which is steadily feeding up many if not most of their independent members the proverbial shaft to the industry’s dominating brands and consolidators.
NOTICE. There will be an announcement at the end of this segment of the report.
This won’t be the first time or last time that a trade group has been accused of posturing for all of their members while actually serving the interests of a select few. Dr. Richard Rahn has publicly spoken about “Corrupt” nonprofits, as the report linked below reflects. Rahn is one of the voices that warn that there is a war against smaller businesses.
Years of research, reports, and fact checks in manufactured housing could be summed up simply.
There are broadly speaking three issues that hold manufactured housing at low ebb during an affordable housing crisis. They could be summed up like this.
- Zoning/placement.
• Competitive Financing that is sustainable.
• Image – perception – i.e. education and marketing.
Ironically, MHI leaders, MHI members/affiliates, and some of their own research documents that MHI has failed in each of these areas regardless if a Democrat or Republican is in the White House. Yes, MHI postures effort. But they routinely do not do the most important or common-sense things. When MHI’s big members are apparently okay with the status quo and have been for years, that suggests that an unstated (by MHI) agenda exists. While MHI has not stated that ‘hidden’ agenda, fortunately, several MHI members have stated that agenda. It is consolidation. By keeping the industry at low ebb, by allowing more regulations, negative media, perception issues, financing, placement, etc. to exist, smaller firms get weary. They may fail and/or sell out. If they sell out, they often do so for a reduced valuation.
By contrast here is what the NFIB does.
- Note that this is presented in part because NFIB’s reports are useful in and of themselves.
- But it is also presented as a stark contrast with MHI.
- A now retired MHI affiliated state association executive used to praise NFIB. He told MHProNews that he worked with NFIB on certain issues in his state.
The NFIB is member-based and makes the following pitch for prospective members.
Exclusive Focus on Small Business: NFIB stands for America’s small and independent businesses. This sole focus distinguishes us from other business organizations in the country.
State and Federal Advocacy: NFIB advocates in every state and in Washington, D.C., giving our members a voice in public policy debates on the local, state, and national level.
One Member, One Vote: NFIB members define our work through their responses to our surveys. Each member has an equal say in the policy positions NFIB takes.”
By contrast, MHI has all but placed Clayton Homes in the eagle’s perch in part by making each Clayton Homes retail center a separate member. Who says? MHI’s own membership directory, among other insights. The screen capture below is part of a longer MHI document.

The facts and historic trends are revealing.
The NFIB was part of the effort to get the Trump Administration’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act enacted into law. NFIB was also an ally in harmful regulation rollbacks, to name but two examples. It is worth noting that per a prior report from sources at NFIB to MHProNews, that they have hundreds of manufactured home industry business members. But NFIB is focused on a broader agenda, and their representatives said that for industry specific items, they need an industry specific trade group. Thus, the need for a post-production trade group that certain former MHI members have called for, that MHARR has supported, and that MHProNews has backed the notion editorially for years.
By contrast, MHI claimed to be working for years that they were trying to pass the Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act (Preserving Access). It is not necessarily ‘wrong’ that they failed to achieve their goal. It took years for MHARR to get the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 passed (MHIA or 2000 Reform Law). The case can be made that MHARR eventually won over key MHI member support and that of the late Will Earle at the Texas Manufactured Housing Association (TMHA) in the late 1990s, and then the bill got passed in a reasonable timeframe. Rephrased, MHARR, MHI, TMHA and others worked together to get the MHIA enacted.
If MHI were sincere about getting the MHIA enforced, then they would have joined MHARR in their announced effort to recruit state associations to work with MHARR for enforcing an existing law. But MHI apparently sat on their hands, sending the apparent signal to state association affiliate to do the same.

Listen to Warren on some things, the rear view mirror can be 20/20.
The truth becomes clearer as time moves on, so long as the history of
a topic is carefully traced and accurately reported and analyzed.
MHI could make the argument that the got part of what they wanted from Preserving Access after the Trump Administration came into office. But upon closer inspection, the historic record preserved by MHProNews reveals that Ishbel Dickens offered that compromise with MHI years before. Rephrased, there was no need for years of battles that eventually got what Dickens offered.

These are troubling facts that MHI won’t debate or publicly discuss their performance. They have ducked on numerous opportunities, some of which are illustrated in the report linked below. Given multiple opportunities to defend their record, MHI has cut and run every time. If the truth hurts, some think it is better just to avoid the truth.

The evidence reflects that MHI is structurally flawed compared to NFIB. Of course, as currently organized, it benefits Clayton and their consolidating allies more. But that only makes the point that they are apparently actively deceiving their own independent members. The fact that others who claim to be in manufactured housing trade media aren’t raising these concerns only reflects that they are often de facto mouthpieces for MHI.

FMHA’s Jim Ayotte – “This isn’t rocket science.”
Jim Ayotte is right about this point. “This isn’t rocket science.” Boiled down to its essence, MHI has only a few things that need to be done, but they must be done correctly.
- 1). Enforce the law on the MHIA of 2000 and “enhanced preemption.” MHI – on paper – agrees. So why isn’t this accomplished?
- 2). Get FHFA/GSEs to do their jobs as mandated by Congress. MHI – on paper – agrees. So if they have clout, why isn’t this accomplished?
- 3). Promote ALL HUD Code manufactured homes and enforce their own Code of Ethical Conduct against their apparently black hat members. The fact that MHI still have CrossMods on their home page should be a major tell as well as an embarrassment.
The following from NFIB will serve to show what a larger trade group like MHI might look like if they were seriously interested in serving “all segments” of manufactured housing instead of just what MHI award winner Marty Lavin called their “big boy” members.
Former MHI president and CEO Chris Stinebert made it clear as he exited that the job of the industry should be to see to the value proportion of manufactured home buyers and homeowners. So, why hasn’t MHI done what its former president said?
Following this NFIB news release will be other media release information from the NFIB on supply chain and other topics. Additional linked information from MHProNews will then be followed by our business daily left-right bullet headline recap and manufactured housing stocks and broader markets overview snapshots.
“Small business owners are losing confidence in the strength of the economy and expect a slowdown in job creation,” said NFIB Chief Economist Bill Dunkelberg. “As owners look for qualified workers, they are also reporting that supply chain disruptions are having an impact on their businesses. Ultimately, owners could sell more if they could acquire more supplies and inventories from their supply chains.”
Other key findings include:
- Sales expectations over the next three months decreased 11 points to a net negative 4% of owners.
- Owners expecting better business conditions over the next six months decreased eight points to a net negative 20%.
- Earnings trends over the past three months decreased eight points to a net negative 13%.
As reported in NFIB’s monthly jobs report, 49% of owners reported job openings that could not be filled, a 48-year record high. Owners’ plans to fill open positions remain at record high levels, with a seasonally adjusted net 27% planning to create new jobs in the next three months, down one point from June’s record high reading.
Fifty-five percent of owners reported capital outlays in the last six months, up two points from June but historically a below average reading. Of those making expenditures, 39% reported spending on new equipment, 23% acquired vehicles, and 14% improved or expanded facilities. Six percent of owners acquired new buildings or land for expansion and 11% spent money for new fixtures and furniture. Twenty-six percent of owners are planning capital outlays in the next few months. At some point, owners will have to step up capital spending to acquire and improve the quality of capital available to support new hires.
A net 5% of all owners (seasonally adjusted) reported higher nominal sales in the past three months, down four points from June. The net percent of owners expecting higher real sales volumes declined 11 points to a net negative 4%, a stubbornly negative view but based on their realities.
The percent of owners reporting inventory increases declined seven points to a net negative 6%. A net 12% of owners view current inventory stocks as “too low” in July, up one point from June and a 48-year record high reading. A net 6% of owners plan inventory investment in the coming months, down five points from June and also a historically high reading.
A net 46% of owners (seasonally adjusted) reported raising average selling prices. Unadjusted, 5% reported lower average selling prices and 52% reported higher average prices. Price hikes were the most frequent in wholesale (73% higher, 0% lower), manufacturing (61% higher, 6% lower), and retail (57% higher, 7% lower). Seasonally adjusted, a net 44% plan price hikes. This is inflation, the question is for how long?
In July, 52% of owners reported raising average selling prices, two points higher than June. Price increases in wholesale and retail trades posted significant declines. The largest increases in price-raising activity were in the non-professional services and transportation.
A net 38% of owners (seasonally adjusted) reported raising compensation, down one point from June’s record high of 39%. A net 27% plan to raise compensation in the next three months, up one point from June and a 48-year record high reading.
The frequency of reports of positive profit trends declined eight points to a net negative 13%. Among those small employers reporting lower profits, 32% blamed weaker sales, 31% cited a rise in the cost of materials, 10% cited labor costs, 7% cited lower prices, 6% cited the usual seasonal change, and 3% cited higher taxes or regulatory costs. For owners reporting higher profits, 62% credited sales volumes, 20% cited usual seasonal change, and 7% cited higher prices.
Down from June, only 2% of owners reported that all their borrowing needs were not satisfied. Twenty-three percent reported all credit needs were met and 61% said they were not interested in a loan. A net 2% reported their last loan was harder to get than in previous attempts. One percent of owners reported that financing was their top business problem. Many small firms are still operating with PPP funds.”
Examples of other topics that NFIB has been working and reporting on are as follows.
EIDL Microloans and PPP Direct Forgiveness Portal
Small Business Survival
Learn more about the campaign to protect small business from new proposed taxes and mandates
- Newspaper Editorials & Video Messages Tell Congress: Stop Tax Hikes For Small Business
- Taxes Continue to Challenge Small Businesses, NFIB Survey Finds
- As Congress considers piling on tax increases for small business, a new survey of owners conducted by the NFIB Research Center shows federal income and payroll taxes remain significant costs and administrative burdens for small businesses.
- July Report: Small Business Optimism Dips as Labor Shortage and Supply Chain Disruptions Worsen
- NFIB’s monthly Small Business Economic Trends (SBET) report found that the gains in small business optimism from earlier in the summer have been reversed, as the NFIB Small Business Optimism Index declined 2.8 points in July to 99.7.
Another press release from the NFIB from earlier this summer is an example that MHI could follow in an authentic vs. arguably posturing manner, but for whatever reason, does not.
Close notes how the Small Business Deduction is one of the most important small business tax reforms in decades, and that if cut or ended, it would hurt small businesses from hiring, expanding, and potentially even staying open:
“Any tax hike would arrive when small businesses can least afford it. Nearly a quarter of small businesses say taxes already are the single biggest problem they face, and coming off the economic devastation of the pandemic and shutdowns, Main Street is struggling. Labor shortages are rampant. Historically high levels of small businesses are raising prices to cover supply chain disruptions and other challenges. With a tax hike, many would consider raising prices higher still. That’s no recipe for recovery. It’s an invitation to greater pain — for small businesses, their workers, and their customers alike.
“Eroding the Small Business Deduction would set a terrible precedent, opening the door to further tax hikes on small business, meaning further strain on the engine of our economy.” ##
NFIB is obviously larger than MHI. For those who are new to this platform, or may not grasp the distinction, MHARR states their mission is to advocate for independent producers (production-focused association). By contrast, MHI claims to represent “all segments,” meaning production and post-production. While there is always work to do, on the production focused aspects of the industry, the DOE energy rule is a clear example of how MHARR has successfully fought that off time and again, often without MHI’s help. It is an open question if the post-production side would be still worse if MHARR did not periodically raise the post-production concerns that MHI is apparently posturing on but failing to do. ”
Additional Linked MHProNews Information, The Good News Analysis and Commentary in Brief
The dark good news about “the Biden administration” is that the truth is popping out on several issues. The woes facing manufactured housing is emerging as one of them.

While some in media and academia are locked into a position, due to corporate/donor reasons, there are still some willing to shed light on issues that fly in the face of the established orthodoxy.

Part of an email from yet another third-party researcher exploring manufactured housing said the following. Some parts are edited out, to protect the source until they are finished with their planned research project.
- “I know…about how MHI has been a part of the problem.” “…I’m not surprised that they have been sabotaging the industry.”
- “And I know…about the two laws you [MHProNews/MHLivingNews] also bring up.
- “You [MHProNews/MHLivingNews] make a great point about how fighting monopolies in manufactured housing is different than in other industries, as laws to do so are already on the books.”

MHProNews periodically engages with several nonprofits, public officials, journalists, and others who are engaged on issues related to antitrust, monopolization, deceptive trade practices, RICO, etc. A range of them inform MHProNews/MHLivingNews that they follow our reports, fact-checks, and research on the underlying causes for decades of manufactured housing underperformance.

The reason other follow these reports should be clear. They find the evidence and rationale compelling. The item above is but one of several possible examples.
There will be a series of upcoming revelations, regulatory, reports and other steps that will be rolled out by MHProNews, perhaps as soon as next week. Stay tuned.

Until then, for those who are newcomers or who simply need a refresher, the links below paint a robust picture that makes the most authoritative case that explains why manufactured housing is underperforming. While MHI is not the only cause, they are the prima facie tool of choice for the consolidators of our industry. So, a fair amount of attention will be paid to that in the day ahead. If MHI opts to respond, you’ll see it here.
It is simple. Ayotte is correct about this. There is an affordable housing crisis. Manufactured housing is underperforming. MHI claims that they have been working on this for over a decade. They say they represent all segments of the industry. So, they own this. Their surrogates and MHI leaders themselves are apparently unable or unwilling to deal with the clarity of that fact and evidence-based logic.
Again, stay tuned.

Next up is our business daily recap of yesterday evening’s market report, related left-right headlines, and manufactured housing connected equities.
The Business Daily Manufactured Home Industry Connected Stock Market Updates. Plus, Market Moving Left (CNN) – Right (Newsmax) Headlines Snapshot. While the layout of this daily business report has been evolving over time, several elements of the basic concepts used previously are still the same. For instance. The headlines that follow below can be reviewed at a glance to save time while providing insights across the left-right media divide. Additionally, those headlines often provide clues as to possible ‘market-moving’ news items.
Market Indicator Closing Summaries – Yahoo Finance Closing Tickers on MHProNews…

Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – evening of 8.19.2021
- Space wars
- The two wealthiest people on Earth are arguing over the moon already. Here’s what it all means
- Retirees are getting hit by rising prices. Here’s what will soften the blow
- FTC files fresh antitrust complaint seeking to break up Facebook
- Afghanistan’s currency crumbles to record lows amid Taliban takeover
- The Taliban are sitting on $1 trillion worth of minerals the world desperately needs
- Watch these humanoid robots fall flat on their faces
- Facing backlash, Wells Fargo allows some customers to keep their lines of credit
- Fed fear is back, sending stocks lower
- Chipotle is testing plant-based chorizo
- Hong Kong allows Nicole Kidman to skip quarantine, reportedly to film for Amazon
- Both Biden and the media are under scrutiny as Afghan crisis dominates airwaves
- Workers of Japanese automobile giant Toyota Motor assemble auto parts to Lexus GS at the company’s Motomachi plant in Toyota city near Nagoya, central Japan on July 30, 2018.
- Get used to high car prices: Auto production isn’t returning to normal
- Geoffrey the Giraffe plush toys sit on display at a Toys “R”; Us Inc. store in Paramus, New Jersey, U.S., on Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2019.
- Toys ‘R’ Us is back … again
- Using “breakthrough touch-activated scent technology,” Febreze is rolling out new “Febreze Unstopables Touch Fabric Spray”
- Febreze rolls out a scratch ‘n sniff-like fabric spray
- Left to right, top to bottom: Leta Shy (SELF), Kim Godwin (ABC News), Simone Oliver (Refinery29), Mary Margaret (Entertainment Weekly), Rashida Jones (MSNBC), Alessandra Galloni (Reuters), Danielle Belton (HuffPost), Versha Sharma (Teen Vogue), Daisy Veerasingham (The Associated Press), Dawn Davis (Bon Appétit), Kevin Merida (Los Angeles Times), Sally Buzbee (The Washington Post).
- Newsroom leadership has never been this diverse, but that’s not enough
- Old Navy will no longer separate plus size clothing
- OPINION 3 ways to help advance racial equity
- It’s taken a pandemic to crack the glass ceiling in India
- Why minority business leaders are celebrating the infrastructure bill
- A customer carries a T-Mobile US Inc. shopping bag after leaving a retail store in Torrance, California, U.S., on Monday, Nov. 4, 2013.
- T-Mobile says data breach affects more than 40 million people
- What it’s like to negotiate with ransomware attackers
- Taiwan is trying to defend against a cyber ‘World War III’
- Microsoft to acquire cybersecurity firm RiskIQ
- An anonymous hacker stole $600 million in cryptocurrency, then gave it back
Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax – evening of 8.19.2021
- US Still Struggling to Speed Kabul Airlift Amid Hurdles, Glitches
- In this photo provided by the U.S. Marine Corps, civilians prepare to board a plane during an evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport, Kabul, Afghanistan, on Wednesday. (Staff Sgt. Victor Mancilla/U.S. Marine Corps via AP)
- Taliban checkpoints. Choked-off airport access. Mountains of paperwork. There’s no shortage of problems confronting the Biden administration as it tries accelerate and smooth out efforts to evacuate Kabul. [Full Story]
- Fall of Afghanistan
- Biden Claims Taliban Rule Today Is Different With Bin Laden Dead
- Russia Was Ready for Taliban’s Win Due to Longtime Contacts
- Pentagon: 7,000 Civilians Taken Out of Kabul
- Pentagon: US Fighter Jets Have Flown Over Kabul to Ensure Evacuation Security
- Biden Says Taliban in ‘Existential Crisis’ Over Role in World
- Biden Says Troops Stay Until Americans Leave
- Biden Tells ABC: Afghanistan ‘Chaos Ensuing’ Was Unavoidable |
- Pelosi: Leaving Military Equipment Behind Is “What Happens” In Withdrawal
- More Fall of Afghanistan
- Newsmax TV
- Hice: Immediate, Real-Time Hearings Needed on Afghanistan
- Meuser: Questions Abound on Abandoned Black Hawks |
- Blackburn: Where’s Harris on Afghan Women’s Plight? |
- Trump Jr.: Taliban Waited Until Weak Figure Was in the White House |
- Eric Trump: Biden Has Flushed World Down the Toilet |
- Carl: Biden Is ‘Trying to Distract Us’ |
- Raheem Kassam: Biden Halted Trump’s ‘Crisis Response’ Plan |
- More Newsmax TV
- Newsfront
- Three Senators Infected With COVID-19
- Three senators say they’ve got COVID, as the pandemic continues and the delta variant of the coronavirus keeps spreading. … [Full Story]
- 5-Hour Capitol Bomb-Threat Standoff Ends as Man Surrenders
- A man who threatened to set off a bomb on Washington’s Capitol Hill [Full Story]
- Boy Scouts Bankruptcy Judge Signs Off on $850M Sex Abuse Deal
- The judge overseeing the Boy Scouts of America bankruptcy on Thursday [Full Story]
- 50 Senators Implore Biden to Evacuate Afghan Allies Now
- A bipartisan group composed of more than 50 U.S. senators has called [Full Story]
- Meghan McCain: Biden ‘Like Jimmy Carter on Acid’
- Conservative commentator Meghan McCain today slammed President Joe [Full Story]
- ‘Gut-Wrenching’ Uncertainty for Americans Stranded in Afghanistan
- Thousands of Americans remain trapped in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan [Full Story] |
- Related
- Biden Admin Sought to Disband Bureau Designed to Assist Americans Trapped Abroad
- Judge Stops WH Admin Rules Narrowing Categories of Migrants ICE Can Arrest, Deport
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- Taliban Seizes Billions in US Military Equipment
- About a month ago, Afghanistan’s ministry of defense posted on social [Full Story]
- Poll: More Than Half of Voters Say VP Harris Not Qualified for Presidency
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- Dallas-area real estate agent Jenna Ryan, who asked former President [Full Story]
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- Michigan Lawmakers Seek to Prevent Employers From Requiring Vaccines
- Michigan state lawmakers will consider legislation that would bar [Full Story]
- Pentagon Says 7,000 Civilians Taken Out of Kabul
- The Pentagon says the U.S. military is ramping up evacuations out of [Full Story]
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- Biden: Afghanistan ‘Chaos Ensuing’ Was Unavoidable
- President Joe Biden said “chaos ensuing” in Afghanistan was [Full Story] |
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Manufactured Housing Industry Investments Connected Equities Closing Tickers
Some of these firms invest in manufactured housing, or are otherwise connected, but may do other forms of investing or business activities too.
- NOTE: The chart below includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services, a manufactured home industry lender
- NOTE: Drew changed its name and trading symbol at the end of 2016 to Lippert (LCII).
- NOTE: Deer Valley was largely taken private, say company insiders in a message to MHProNews on 12.15.2020, but there are still some outstanding shares of the stock from the days when it was a publicly traded firm. Thus, there is still periodic activity on DVLY.

Summer 2021…
Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory built housing industry suppliers.
· LCI Industries, Patrick, UFPI, and LP each are suppliers to the manufactured housing industry, among others.
· AMG, CG, and TAVFX have investments in manufactured housing related businesses. For insights from third-parties and clients about our publisher, click here.
Enjoy these ‘blast from the past’ comments.
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Disclosure. MHProNews holds no positions in the stocks in this report.

That’s a wrap on this installment of “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, stock, investing, data, metrics, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship along with numerous awards in history. There have been several awards and honors and also recognition in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com. This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.