An objective look at relevant data is one of several ways to obtain a clear-eyed view of the true State of the Manufactured Housing Industry, in November of 2017.
There are two graphics below. One is the national RV shipment data, per the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA).
That is followed by manufactured home (MH) industry data supplied by the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), based upon information generated for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) by IBTS.
Compare that RV data to MH shipment totals.
Several questions and points ought to be considered.
1) As their name implies, many RVs are sold for recreational use, not for full time use and living.
2) RVs routinely cost more per square foot than MH.
3) RVs are often a discretionary purchase – a luxury item – as opposed to a necessity, such as housing, which is the market MH serves.
4) RVs out-shipped MH by over 5 to 1 last year.

The focus today is on the facts. But it is worth noting some of the extensive commentary by Leigh Abrams, linked here. Abrams’ operation has served both the RV and MH industry for decades.
With the affordable housing crisis looming large, the questions ought to include, how is it possible that RVs outsell MH by such a wide margin?
To be sure, the MH industry is clearly going. But how many understand the kind of facts shared below by award winning retailers Alan Amy and Stan Dye?
Stan Dye spotlights the widespread misunderstanding between perception and reality, and what happens when well qualified buyers are properly exposed to residential – vs. entry level – style modern manufactured homes.
Alan Amy stresses what’s attracting the billionaires toward MH.
Notice: Part of a Multi-Part Series
A ‘hub’ article that includes links to other interviews and data points, is found below.
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