“ELS has an average dollar-volume (as measured by average daily share volume multiplied by share price) of $25.8 million.
ELS has traded 18.925399999999999778310666442848742008209228515625 options contracts today.
ELS is in the upper 35 percent of its 20 day range.
ELS has a PE ratio of 44.
ELS is in the upper 45 percent of its five day range.”
Describing ELS basically as a diamond in the rough, and saying it is mentioned on StockTwits about every other day, this kind of stock builds a solid price base, then will have a markup and peak.
On average over 30 days, 376,200 shares have been traded daily, and the dividend yield is 2.5 percent. Shares are up 16.4 percent on the year. The company’s market cap is $5 billion, and the stock has surged by 38.68 percent over the past 12 months.
TheStreet Quant Ratings crowns ELS with a buy rating for its “solid stock price performance, impressive record of earnings per share growth, revenue growth, good cash flow from operations and notable return on equity. We feel its strengths outweigh the fact that the company shows low profit margins.”
As MHProNews knows, ELS is the largest owner of manufactured home and recreational vehicle communities in North America with 340 communities and over 140,000 home sites. It’s stock ended the week Fri., Oct. 9 at $60.29, +0.40 percent. ##
(Photo credit: MHVillage–ELS’ California Hawaiian, San Jose CA)