Watched stocks gaining ground Tuesday include Drew Industries, up .15 cents (.52 percent) to $28.87.; Nobility Homes, up .42 (6.8 percent) to $6.60; Skyline Corporation, up .63 cents (9.08 percent making it the day’s biggest gainer) to $7.57; Third Avenue Value Fund, up .29 cents (.64 percent) to $45.85 and Walker Dunlop, up .16 cents (1.29 percent) to $12.61.
Losing ground were Affiliated Managers Group, down $1.26 (1.18 percent) to $105.12; Clayton Homes, Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, as well as MH home-building, lending and other housing suppliers parent company Berkshire Hathaway down $755 (.63 percent) to $118,475; Cavco, down .12 cents (.23 percent) to $52.72; Equity Lifestyle Properties, down .56 (.82 percent) to $67.70; Louisiana Pacific, down .14 (1.72 percent, making it the day’s biggest decliner) to $7.98; Patrick Industries, down .25 cents (4.27 percent) to 5.61; Sun Communities, down .78 cents (1.91 percent) to $40.09; Universal Forest Products, down .23 cents (.70 percent) to $32.81 and UMH Properties, down .21 cents (1.98 percent) to $10.42.
Not adding or gaining value Tuesday were Champion, Deer Valley, Liberty and Palm Harbor.
(Image Credit: By Jacob Garcia from Barcelona, Spain via Wikimedia Commons)