Students Build Modular Home for City’s Affordable Housing Stock

High school students enrolled in the trades program at Tri-County vocational technical are getting real world experience building a modular home that will then be available through the Franklin (Massachusetts) Affordable Housing Trust to help the town meet its need for affordable housing stock. According to, carpentry instructor John Lavigne says, “This is a great opportunity for our students. It’s a win-win: our budget is paid for by the town, we provide them with the house, and the hands-on experience the students gain from this is incredible.” The town’s building inspector makes regular visits to the school to make sure housing codes are being followed, as MHProNews has learned. Lavigne says the project teaches his students teamwork: “Twenty, 30 years from now, they can look back and say that they built a house while in high school. The value of this opportunity is priceless.” ##

(Photo credit: Valley Care Center–modular home built by high school students)

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