Over 18 months of hard work by 200 students from Carroll County High School in southwestern Virginia has resulted in a modular home for a needy family, and a great sense of accomplishment for the students. While the CCHS Building Trades classes did the manual labor, the Culinary Arts Dept. provided food for community fundraiser meetings, the drafting dept. helped draw plans, and the media class developed materials and presentations. This was the initial project for the Greater Carroll County Area of the Fuller Center for Housing, as MSNBC tells MHProNews.com. Instructor Rusty Warren says the first year they worked on the house, and this school year they have been preparing the site. As the house was being sited, senior Megan Whitaker said it was like an early graduation present. Junior Chase Stevens said, “It feels great. It’s going to help a lady get her kids back and we get a great sense of accomplishment from that.” Much of the labor and materials were donated by area businesses, including Jeff Reynolds of Affordable Log Homes.