A survey conducted by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) in 2013 reveals housing data based on ethnic and racial considerations. The information could be valuable to builders when dealing with potential customers, as MHProNews.com has learned.
Minority home buyers typically purchase a home at a younger age than whites: The median African-American buyers is 39, the Hispanic buyer is 37, the Asian buyer is 36 while the white buyer waits unit 43.
At least half of all purchasers in all ethnic/racial groups are married couples and most have children: 80 percent of white buyers, 50 percent of African-Americans, 74 percent of Hispanics, and 79 percent of Asians.
In terms of median household income of all four groups, Asian home buyers rank first with $72,797, followed by whites with $67,747, $50,221 for Hispanics and $43,774 for African-Americans. ##