Nobody or organization is perfect. Enforce good laws. Facts matter. Apply common sense. Unrig a rigged system. Admit errors and sincerely pivot toward whatever is correct. In twenty-six words, that’s the guts of what is needed for America in general and our manufactured home profession in particular.
Several of the specifics of what’s wrong for American’s with the Biden White House agenda are increasingly obvious to millions across the left-right spectrum. But in this facts and analysis, a few of those will be mentioned below.
For manufactured housing – believe it or not – there are opportunities for the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) to work jointly to fix all that’s necessary to spur robust growth. Manufactured housing could surpass the sales of conventional builders, given the right steps to implement good existing laws. We’ll look at that briefly below too.
That said, the odds of MHI and MHARR working together, absent a pragmatic pivot by MHI, may not be great. The only way it might happen is if MHI is essentially pushed into doing what they claim to do, but arguably don’t. MHARR has demonstrably been on the correct side of these issues, while MHI seems to be saying similar things. But if the later were authentic, then why doesn’t MHI actually reach out and work with MHARR as they did to pass the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000? MHARR has plainly and publicly offered to work with MHI affiliates to enforce good laws. What possible excuse does MHI and those affiliates now have? More specifically, it is obvious that there is a need to take legal and other action as needed in order to enforce the good laws that MHI and MHARR agrees benefit our industry and consumers?

Bold lying, spin, or subtle paltering may keep large numbers of a propagandized base in somewhat in place. That can be true in America in general. It can be true in our affordable manufactured home profession too.

But as time goes on, reality can sooner or later seep in. Polling reflects that this seems to be occurring with the Biden regime. Per Gallup, PINO Joe Biden’s approval has fallen faster than anyone in the White House since World War II.
History suggests that it is unlikely for the Biden White House, their Democratic and periodic RINO allies will admit their errors, do a mea culpa, and then pivot toward what works. That noted, here is a partial list of what’s going wrong with the PINO, DINO, CINO Biden Agenda.
In no particular order of importance, here are the items going wrong with the Biden regime, based on data, polling, evidence, and common sense.
- The southern border and immigration. Reportedly record numbers are entering America illegally and/or through the botched Afghanistan withdrawal process. That will put more pressure on housing, and will cost taxpayers billions, are still a big number despite rising Bidenflation.
- Climate and Spending. A recent report, shown below, indicates among other insights that the typical American is only willing to spend about $1 monthly more to fight so-called climate change. Even if climate change was human caused, it is obvious that the U.S. can’t change the trajectory if China and India – the world’s two largest polluters – aren’t doing their part. Why should Americans voluntarily wreck our economy when others won’t ruin theirs? See our Friday report for more.
- Inflation impacts the poor more than any other group. The middle class and retirees on a fixed income are hit harder by inflation too. If there is a benefit, it is to big government and bigger businesses, and their billionaires. See the Saturday report and the one linked below for more.
- Supply chain, labor, energy, and other poor policy choices that are creating self-inflicted wounds on the economy that disproportionately harm smaller businesses, employees, and consumers. that are
- In a planned report, MHI has essentially backed the big spending bill that has numerous apparently devious aspects to it that the Biden White House and their DINO Congressional allies seek. What MHI has dodged saying, is what the Modular Home Builder Association (MHBA) Executive Director Tom Hardiman has bluntly said months ago. Namely, that the Biden ‘Build Back Better’ agenda is a massive political payoff in disguise.

It is no slam on Chris Stinebert, former President and CEO of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) to observe that when he opined that the industry should not look to Washington, D.C. so often to solve the industry’s woes. There might be an element of truth to that, but it also obvious misses key issues too.
- Manufactured housing is federally regulated.
- Much of our industry’s potential is closely connected to getting good existing laws fully and properly implemented.
- There is widespread agreement on that, at least on paper, between MHI, the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) and others.
In fairness, trade groups have certain diplomatic constraints. Taking a shoe out and slamming it on a table Nikita Khrushchev style is not a recommended practice early into a new administration. Nor is that occurring in our profession from trade associations at this time.
That said, it is a false notion that someone or some group has to tie their own hands in factually pressing an issue based on evidence, history, and common sense.
- There is widespread agreement that there is an affordable housing crisis.
- Conventional site-builders not only can’t keep up with demand, but per a report linked below, they are “throttling” sales.
- While MHProNews has editorially disagreed with several things Cavco and their leadership has done, we agree with the following comment. Reminder: we also stress that even black hat brans routinely have white hat professionals in them.

The industry could catch up to and surpass site building and site builders.
While several of our rivals and MHI are still laughably pushing MHAdvantage®, CHOICEhome®, and CrossModTM homes. Why? Let’s be clear. CrossMods might work, but not the way they have been promoted. The CrossMods scheme as rolled out was flawed from the outset, as MHProNews alone among the industry’s trade publishers and bloggers warned some 3½ years ago. Our track record on that or a range of accurate, factual, and logical reports stand apart from other industry information sources; perhaps that is why MHProNews is the runaway number one among our profession’s publishers and bloggers?
The Trump Administration and campaign had a simple premise. Enforce the law. America and Americans First. Promises Made, Promises Kept. By contrast to Biden, the promises made during the Biden-Harris campaign have demonstrably not been kept, save to their billionaire and corporate backers.
Don’t miss today’s postscript, that follows our weekly review of the headlines below.
With no further adieu, here are the headlines from MHLivingNews, MHARR, the Masthead, and MHProNews business daily reports for the week from 10.24 to 10.31.2021
What’s New on the MHLivingNews

What’s New on the Masthead

What’s New from MHARR

What’s New on the Words of Wisdom

What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews
Saturday 10.30.2021

Friday 10.29.2021

Thursday 10.28.2021

Wednesday 10.27.2021

Tuesday 10.26.2021

Monday 10.25.2021

Sunday 10.24.2021

Note: ICYMI: the featured image at the top is from the dystopian movie,
which obliquely slams our industry, Ready Player One. No one else in our
profession covers the cultural and other aspects of our industry. Thanks to our content,
tips, sources and sponsors, we appreciate readers like you making us #1

Postscript – The Reverse Moat for White Hats – The Next Shoes Are About to Drop
There are millions of webpages about the Buffett moat. But out of billions of pages online, there are very few known to be publishing ‘the reverse moat’ content- how to ‘breach the Buffett moat.’ Few have studied these issues and then provided the type of evidence-based reports on this Buffett stratagem as MHProNews and MHLivingNews have.
That noted, watch for an exclusive and special report this week, perhaps as soon as Monday. It will give one more example of what should be called the durable competitive advantage of following the law.
The case has been made by a range of third-parties and manufactured housing industry professionals that laws are being violated in order to foster consolidation. A good look into that, including the counter-claims, is found below.

No one else in our profession is spending any serious time dealing with these increasingly self-evident core issues that shed light on some 2+ decades of industry underperformance.
But the problem with law-breaking is that it means that legal consequences can follow. Think it unlikely? Don’t look further than the SEC to see that it is happening and could be the first of several such items.

There is no updates on that suit. But MHProNews has provided attorneys in that case reports that may prove useful to them. Time will tell.
The manufactured home industry could potentially be going into its best days ever, if there were a genuine house-cleaning at MHI and/or if a new post-production association was formed to replace their supposed efforts with authentic ones more aligned to what MHARR has demonstrably been doing for decades.
It is so simple, really. If Berkshire, Blackrock, and other dominating brands at MHI wanted manufactured housing to soar, the industry would be doing so. After all, they have the legal resources and they have the political connections.
By implication, that means that they and their allies at MHI clearly want the industry stuck in low gear.
It is the only thesis that makes sense.
It is why attorneys, public officials, industry professionals by the thousands are flocking to MHProNews for the factual, and evidence-based reports and analysis that they don’t find anywhere else.
For those who want to see action that matches words, the obvious course would be to do all that is necessary to enforce the good laws that could send manufactured home sales to record highs.
Stay tuned for the ‘next shoe to drop’ in the reverse moat strategy report, which is expected in this next week.

Our thanks to you, our sources, and sponsors for making and keeping us the runaway number one source for authentic “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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