“Proud to be an American”
As we watched the release of Josh Holt and his Venezuelan wife, the ‘sound track’ of the Lee Greenwood song that includes the lyrics above was playing in our heads.
First, the events of last night, courtesy of the White House press room to the Daily Business News.
America is making a come-back.
The White House provided us the letter below, the day it was released to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

If you recall, 3 days ago, the president got tremendous push back from numerous talking heads for cancelling his summit with the North Korean leader via that letter. But events since then have once more proven that POTUS Trump was correct. It was walk-away power. It was the art of the deal.
Make no mistake. On the international stage, this American revival is due in part because the 45th president is willing to flex U.S. muscle. That muscle is due to the military and their supportive services, including intelligence.
That muscle would not have much meaning, absent the history of sacrifice of those who gave their life for American freedom, and that of other nations. That’s what Memorial Day commemorates, the fallen who gave their life. Recall that Memorial Day is distinct from Veteran’s Day.
President Donald J. Trump’s leadership is why we saw the signing of the S 2155 bill last week that gave the manufactured housing industry relief.
MHProNews, the Daily Business News, and MHLivingNews in Mainstream Media News
The Daily Business News, MHProNews, and MHLivingNews have all been mentioned on mainstream media sites in the past couple of weeks, the most recent was yesterday. We’ll have a report on some of that next week.
We craft our articles in a way that attempts to take a 360-degree view. Websites such as this one can be accessed by anyone. While the primary audience is industry professional, investors, public officials and advocates – and third-party data shows that’s who our main readers are – we strive never to forget that others can drop in and read here too. The media, public officials, and advocates have for years.
It is part of what makes us the runaway #1 read manufactured housing industry professional trade media.
The week ahead will have reports about the community sector, and on topics that will evolve on all other aspects of factory built housing.
The dramatic – news-packed – week that was, is found below.
What’s New on MHLivingNews
FICO Credit Scores, Debt-to-Income (DTI) Ratios, Financing, Housing, and Manufactured Home Loans – manufacturedhomelivingnews.com
FICO Credit Scores, Debt-to-Income (DTI) Ratios, Financing, Housing, and Manufactured Home Loans, USDA loans, Rural Development Loans, FHA Loans, VA Loans, chattel Loans, home only loans, conventional loans, financing on manufactured homes, not mobile home, not trailer house, L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach,
What’s New from MHARR
What’s New on the Masthead

What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews
Saturday 5.26.2018
GSE Asked: Will Manufactured Housing Overtake Conventional Homebuilding?
GSE Asked: Will Manufactured Housing Overtake Conventional Homebuilding?
Friday 5.25.2018
White House Signing Ceremony on Historic Pro-Growth Financial Regulatory Reform
White House Signing Ceremony on Historic Pro-Growth Financial Regulatory Reform
China, Russia, North Korea and the U.S. Stocks, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Update
Skyline Corp, Champion Home Builder M&A Updates, Stockholder Insights
Thursday 5.24.2018
Home Values Rising Rapidly, Yet MH Lags? Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Updates
Clayton Homes, Top 25 Manufactured Housing Industry Report, Trend Lines
Clayton Homes, Top 25 Manufactured Housing Industry Report, Trend Lines
HUD’s New Man, Officials Statements, with Insider Info Beyond the Media Releases
HUD’s New Man, Officials Statements, with Insider Info Beyond the Media Releases
HUD and Census Bureau Report, New Housing Sales, April 2018
Wednesday 5.23.2018
Summary of Explosive Allegations of Illegal Spying by Feds of Trump Campaign, Plus MH Market Updates
Fed Programs “ACCESS TO CAPITAL” for Small Businesses, including Manufactured Housing
Fed Programs “ACCESS TO CAPITAL” for Small Businesses, including Manufactured Housing
Fed – Atlanta – Projects Record GDP Growth for U.S., the Detail$, MH Industry Outlook
Shifting Momentum, Demographics, Women, the 2018 Midterms, and Manufactured Housing

Tuesday 5.22.2018
S. 2155 “House Passes Most Significant Pro-Growth Financial Regulatory Reform in Generation”
Stocks Dump When China, ZTE, NoKo, US Deals in Doubt, Plus MH Market Updates
Update on Fannie Mae Lobbying, and Manufactured Housing Controversy
Update on Fannie Mae Lobbying, and Manufactured Housing Controversy

Monday 5.21.2018

Sunday 5.20.2018
As a closing trivia note, notice how that iPad screen changes weekly on the Sunday Morning Recap? That’s because it routinely reflects how the MHProNews home page looked on that Sunday morning.
With a little help from that other fellow here, that’s all she wrote for the week that was. Dig in, learn more about your industry, and may many prosper in every way because of your work. ##
(News, analysis, and expert commentary.)
(Third party images, and cites are provided under fair use guidelines.)

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Soheyla is a managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.