It isn’t the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) but rather the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) that brought the U.S. Supreme Court Case Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo to the attention this week of the manufactured housing industry and its tens of thousands of professionals. In an emailed statement from MHARR to their mailing list as well as via a mainstream news release, the news item in question from Part I of this MHProNews report below is about U.S. Supreme Court Case docket number No. 22-451. Part II will provide additional information with MHProNews analysis and commentary that will include remarks from right-of-center Townhall’s Spencer Brown, who framed the same topic by asking: “Is SCOTUS About to Annihilate the Administrative State?” A common D.C. and media acronym “Supreme Court of the United States” yields “SCOTUS.” Part III of this report will include the macro and manufactured housing specific markets snapshot graphics with insight generating and time saving left (CNN) and right (Newsmax) leaning headlines recap.
Part I
MAY 2, 2023
The United States Supreme Court has accepted for review later this year, a case that could significantly alter the landscape of federal regulatory law, including critical matters that directly impact the comprehensively federally-regulated manufactured housing industry.
The case, Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, which the court voted to accept on May 1, 2023, involves a legal concept known as “Chevron deference” and provides an opportunity for the Court to either eliminate, restrict, or clarify that doctrine. Chevron deference, first enunciated by the Supreme Court in Chevron USA v. Natural Resources Defense Council (1984), means that a court reviewing federal agency regulatory action will defer to an agency’s interpretation of a controlling statute if the statute itself is found by the court to be “ambiguous.”
For example, when HUD (in concert with its entrenched contractor) adopted current Subpart I procedures, including regulations, policy statements, “guidelines,” and other sub-regulatory criteria that have continually bedeviled industry production, MHARR – in the absence of Chevron deference – would, in 1985, have judicially challenged those actions. As MHARR members are aware, though, the Association chose not to proceed in that manner because of the adoption of Chevron judicial deference just a year before.
If Chevron deference were overruled, however – or significantly limited — the likelihood of judicial relief concerning many regulatory issues affecting the industry would be enhanced, meaning that agencies would have to confront an increased likelihood of credible litigation over regulatory decisions and actions. This, in turn, would enable MHARR to more aggressively protect, defend and advance the views and interests of manufactured housing producers in Washington, D.C.
Given the importance of this case and its potentially far-reaching effects on the HUD Code manufactured housing industry, MHARR will continue to closely monitor this action, and will report to you further as developments warrant.
cc: Other Interested HUD Code Manufactured Housing Industry Members ##
Part II – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
It is difficult to understate how significant a case of this type can be. But to frame the issue one must keep in mind that the leading declared alternative candidate for the Democratic presidential primary contest at this time is Robert F. “Bobby” Kennedy Jr., J.D., a controversial Children’s Health Defense (CHD) nonprofit founder who has a long history of successfully fighting corporations over problems related to pollution. Recall that Kennedy in his announcement and since then has said that: “My mission over the next 18 months of this campaign and…throughout my presidency will be to end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power that is threatening now…” More on Kennedy and an issue he’s raised further below.
BREAKING: SCOTUS agrees to take up a case calling for an end to Chevron deference — a longstanding SCOTUS rule for reviewing, and often deferring to, agency actions. The case is Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo. Justice Jackson recused herself from consideration of the case.
— Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) May 1, 2023
Today the Supreme Court granted review in Loper Bright v. Raimondo, which involves a challenge to the Chevron doctrine and its heavy agency deference. Notably, the Court granted only on one of the questions concerning Chevron…
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) May 1, 2023
The Supreme Court takes up a case asking it to overrule Chevron deference to administrative agencies. Review limited to the second question presented. Justice Jackson is recused.
— Mark Joseph Stern (@mjs_DC) May 1, 2023
So, doing the head-count of the current composition of SCOTUS, the so-called “conservative” justices – meaning those appointed by Republican presidents – are apparently in the driver’s seat on this issue.
An article on RedState on May 4, 2023 said about the Chevron Deference that: “The basic rule is that if Congress delegates an issue to an executive branch agency and does not issue explicit guidance, so long as the rule the agency makes is a reasonable interpretation of the law, courts are expected to defer to the agency’s interpretation. This gives agencies the nearly unfettered authority to make law within their sphere of influence. There is no way of reining them in unless the President intervenes or there are veto-proof majorities in both houses. Yeah, I know “power of the purse,” but in the era of the omnibus appropriations bill, the ability to punish an agency financially is virtually nonexistent.”
Townhall’s Spencer Brown wrote in “Is SCOTUS About to Annihilate the Administrative State?” the following pull quotes.
- “The Supreme Court of the United States agreed on Monday to review a case that could take a major step toward reining in unaccountable federal bureaucrats and reducing the power and size of the bloated federal government.”
- Brown aptly cited Stanford Law’s explanation of Chevron:
To say that this is important for manufactured housing, and also much of what impacts the American federal administrative stated life, is not an overreach. Which begged the following search on the MHI website.
That 5.5.2023 word search on the MHI website revealed no results for Chevron, which should have turned up this SCOTUS case Docket No. 22-451. A similar search on the MHARR website on today’s date would reflect their news release, posted above for MHProNews readers.
Brown for Townhall said: “Chevron is to blame for a mountain of executive overreach cases and has contributed significantly to the invasive growth of the administrative state.” He cited the bump-stock rule as an example of a questionable administrative ruling. Brown quoting Bonchie at RedState wrote the following.
Brown said: “Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson is recused from the case “meaning that the conservative wing would only need to muster four votes,” and “most of the conservatives on the court have already signaled a willingness to curb the power of the bureaucratic state by rolling back the Chevron Doctrine.””
This could be a significant advance in the battle for the rule of law and federal accountability.
Which again begs the question. Why hasn’t MHI posted a “housing alert” on this topic on their website? What precisely is it that occupies the time of all those staffers working over at MHI? How is it possible that MHARR, with perhaps 25 percent of the staff, seems to do a superior job of keeping the manufactured housing industry’s professionals informed about significant issues in Washington, D.C.?
- What about others in MHVille trade media?
- A) Kurt Kelley’s MHReview is a quarterly, we won’t expect to see something on this topic for some time.
- B) George Allen’s blog is several times a month, sometimes once weekly. Allen has no results, even though this week his irregular blog posting was published on 5.4.2023. Perhaps if someone nudges him and gives the MHI member “emeritus” some time to figure out how he can finesse some benefit for himself on this Chevron SCOTUS case topic while failing to hold MHI accountable (yes, that’s sarcasm), he may sometime come up with a post. Keep in mind the keen insight from a former Allen client: “With George, it is AAA. All About Allen.” Rather than play the American Press Institute (API) defined role of media as a “watchdog” that holds the powerful to account, Allen is more likely to play the role of smear dog and distraction dog. For recent evidence of that evidence-based concern about his blogging approach, click here and here.
- C) website calls themselves a “definitive resource” that offers “everything you need to stay current in the manufactured home industry.” They have a post on their blog this week that names them an MHI award winner. We’ve seen in the reports linked below how odd some of MHI’s awards can be, when they give a national award to a D- rated by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) Flagship Communities.

- C (Continued): ManufacturedHomes’ blog has two different items this week, none on which are on the Chevron related case being considered by SCOTUS. Indeed, a check of their website reveals “No Results,” just as Allen’s has “no results.” Nor is their any mention on ManufacturedHomes about the now 6-month slump of manufactured housing sales. As MHProNews reported this week, the manufactured housing industry’s production is in a steep decline. Ponder that for a few moments. The entire premise of the business model is that they are supposed to be able to help a company sell more homes. But sales a dropping sharply. Nor do they mention that to their readers? While superior in style and looks, perhaps a bit like Allen, ManufacturedHomes do not seem to have the appetite to challenge MHI or hold them accountable, even though a significant amount of their revenue apparently comes from MHARR members. Industry professionals, take note.
- D) Another tall-talking provider of manufactured housing industry ‘news’ is MHVillage owned, which is MHI endorsed, MHInsider. A look at their website on 5.5.2023 reveals no results for this search. Nor does MHInsider have any visible articles on the sharp decline in manufactured home production.
- E) Summing up. Neither MHI’s website, nor their ‘amen corner’ in what passes for manufactured housing trade media (beyond MHProNews/MHLivingNews) seems to have anything on this topic. But MHARR raised this issue with the industry. MHProNews held off a bit to see what, if anything, others in the industry’s trade media would do to report on this topic. So far, those others are apparently reporting nothing. Here are the screen captures as evidence for that claim.

2) MHARR has asserted that Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo – linked to possible reforms of legal principle of the Chevron Deference – could prove useful to the industry on regulatory issues. MHI and routinely pro-MHI trade sources are mute. MHARR has raised the issue. MHProNews is reporting on this issue now too. But a quick check of the MHProNews search tool reveals four prior reports on this same topic of the legal principle of the Chevron deference.
It is often pro-MHI members, our would-be trade rivals, and MHI leaders that previously praised MHProNews as the leading news source in manufactured housing news. A prior version of the first kudos below was posted about 6 years ago.
OMHA’s Tim Williams, before he arguably placed himself in the controversies involving MHI by defending them, long praised MHProNews publicly. Indeed, for some years, MHProNews’ RSS feed was on the OMHA website.
But it isn’t just industry figures that have praised our publication’s efforts to keep the industry’s professionals informed.
But this isn’t about sharing praise by others as much as it is about clarifying for newcomers or others the bizarre claims lodged against us, unpacked and debunked here and here. CNN, Fox, Newsmax and others routinely elevate themselves and explain to their viewers/readers why they are the supposedly superior news and views source. In MHVille, it should be no surprise that something similar is occurring. Who is there to trust for news that matters to industry professionals that is routinely trustworthy besides MHProNews, MHLivingNews, or MHARR? As this brief survey in the context of this SCOTUS review of the Chevron deference, or the fact that virtually all of our rivals are saying little or nothing about the decline in manufactured housing production and shipments speaks volumes as to how problematic they are as a credible ‘news’ source. Perhaps our biggest weakness in the last 7+ years has been typos. The 7 years prior to that our publication’s greater weakness was that we did not yet have clarity and/or sufficient evidence on why MHI is apparently working for the steady consolidation of the manufactured home industry on behalf of its consolidating members. Once that evidence was obtained, we began to increasingly sound the alarm on that issue, which has previously occurred at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, as well.

3) Trust in media in the U.S. is low, according to a range of sources, just as trust in public officials often is too. Manufactured housing industry professionals need a source that they can turn to that tells it like it is, like what they read or not. That’s a key part of what news is supposed to do for readers/viewers/listeners. So, it is useful from time to time to remind readers that agenda-driven naysayers aside, readers can routinely trust what is published here. That noted, a segue to a point made by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is now warranted.
Bobby Kennedy Jr. has previously argued that there are times when the “corporate death penalty” should be invoked against certain incorporated interests. “I do, however, believe that corporations which deliberately, purposefully, maliciously and systematically sponsor climate lies should be given the death penalty,” Kennedy wrote for EcoWatch in 2014. Whether Kennedy will modify that remark in the light of his campaign for the Democratic nomination for president remains to be seen. That said, his past remark warrants a look at what J.D. Supra previously published in the wake of those 2014 remarks by Kennedy. Per a post on JD Supra:
Professor Bainbridge’s point, however, isn’t these legal technicalities. His post focuses on the basis for dissolution by a state’s Attorney General (these proceedings are often referred to as quo warranto actions). California authorizes the Attorney General to file an action seeking to procure a judgment dissolving the corporation and annulling, vacating or forfeiting its corporate existence upon any of the following grounds:
- The corporation has seriously offended against any provision of the statutes regulating corporations;
- The corporation has fraudulently abused or usurped corporate privileges or powers;
- The corporation has violated any provision of law by any act or default which under the law is a ground for forfeiture of corporate existence; or
- The corporation has failed to pay to the Franchise Tax Board for a period of five years any tax imposed upon it by the Bank and Corporation Tax Law.”
There is an argument to be made that MHI should be brought under the scrutiny of public officials and that they should be asked to investigate them for deliberate malfeasance and that the “corporate death penalty” may be invoked against them. MHProNews has asked MHI to repeatedly explain their seemingly self-contradictory manner of representing “all segments” of the manufactured housing industry which in fact benefits a few consolidators while it harms the interests of dues paying members and others that trusted them to mean what they said in writing.

What Bobby Kennedy Jr. and his campaign are saying is that the system is rigged in favor of crony capitalist organizations that are colluding with government for their own benefit. While this is hardly a new claim, there is now a Democratic candidate seemingly willing to press the issue.
This is an opportunity for citizen journalism. Some industry professionals may be near a location where Bobby Kennedy Jr. is going to a townhall or meet and greet type event where citizens, with smartphone in hand and recording what is said, can ask questions about Kennedy’s willingness to press the question of applying the “corporate death penalty.” Kennedy may or may not modify his stance on an organization using first amendment rights in disputed topics, such as climate change. But if a corporation, including a nonprofit like MHI, are deliberately misinforming their members and others in an apparent scheme to consolidate the industry, that’s not only a potential antitrust violation, but it may be an instance where criminal charges might be warranted against individuals involved, plus the “corporate death penalty” might be invoked against a seemingly hopelessly corrupted MHI.

MHI’s behavior is so problematic that law professor Daniel R. Mandelker recently argued that an organization is needed in manufactured housing to advocate on behalf of the industry in legal matters.

MHProNews, unlike some of those who claim to be working in MHVille’s trade media, doesn’t just spout of an opinion without having facts, evidence, and reasons to advocate a particular stance. MHProNews/MHLivingNews will plan to do a report in the near term on applying the “corporate death penalty” for MHI, and perhaps, for some of their key backers too. After all, if the “moat” is going to be deployed to wipe out thousands of industry independents, then perhaps it is time for the industry’s independents to fight fire with fire and seek the “corporate death penalty.”

Warren Buffett declared class warfare some years ago. It is time for MHVille independents, and those working within some of those arguably corrupted organizations, to push back and enter the fight for the sake of a much brighter future for the industry. Otherwise, the industry will continue to go through apparently artificially created periods of modest growth and sharp declines that drive independents out of business and into the arms of consolidators.

Beyond planning to push for the “corporate death penalty” for MHI, an effort needs to be made to launch a new post-production group that will work with MHARR for the industry’s growth.

MHProNews will plan to monitor developments in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, its impact on the Chevron deference, but will also monitor the Kennedy campaign and possible developments in the call for a use of the “corporate death penalty.” Stay tuned. ##

Part III Daily Business News on MHProNews Markets Segment
The modifications of our prior Daily Business News on MHProNews format of the recap of yesterday evening’s market report are provided below. It still includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines. The macro market moves graphics will provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities.
In minutes a day readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that are impacting manufactured housing connected investing.
Reminder: several of the graphics on MHProNews can be opened into a larger size. For instance: click the image and follow the prompts in your browser or device to OPEN In a New Window. Then, in several browsers/devices you can click the image and increase the size. Use the ‘x out’ (close window) escape or back key to return.
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 5.4.2023
- ‘Something’s about to break’
- FILE – People pass the front of the New York Stock Exchange in New York, on March 22, 2023. Brinkmanship in Washington over raising the U.S. debt ceiling has begun to raise worries in parts of the financial markets.
- Panic takes root on Wall Street as the banking crisis continues on
- White House unveils an AI plan ahead of meeting with tech CEOs
- Jury finds Ed Sheeran did not infringe in copyright case
- Paramount shares plunge more than 25% following dismal earnings
- Jury finds Ed Sheeran did not infringe on the copyright of ‘Let’s Get It On’
- It’s ‘too early’ to assess any potential Bud Light backlash, Anheuser-Busch CEO says
- Kroger will pay $68 million in West Virginia opioid settlement
- Western Alliance denies ‘shameful’ report it’s the next bank for sale
- Fox says it settled Dominion lawsuit to ‘buy peace,’ as it tries to block release of more material in the case
- Recording artist Ed Sheeran arrives to New York Federal Court as proceedings continue in his copyright infringement trial, Thursday, May 4, 2023, in New York.
- ‘Thinking Out Loud’ co-writer says verdict has big implications for next generation of musicians
- ‘Something’s about to break’: Why Wall Street is still freaking out about banks
- First Horizon stock tumbles after TD Bank merger collapses
- Mortgage rates remain volatile, tick down after climbing for two weeks
- European Central Bank hikes rates by a quarter-percentage point
- JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon to be deposed in lawsuits over former client Epstein
- These popular board games are getting revamped for older adults
- What to expect from the jobs report
- Volkswagen’s EV sales surge 42% despite slump in China
- Why these bank stocks aren’t getting crushed
- TV and film writers are fighting to save their jobs from AI. They won’t be the last
- Dangerous chemical leaks have injured workers at one of America’s largest meat processors
- ‘This May Day is crazy’: China’s holiday spending exceeds pre-pandemic levels for the first time
- Nearly half of Americans are nervous about their money in the bank, Gallup survey finds
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax 5.4.2023
- Gallup Poll: Nearly Half Fear Bank Deposits Aren’t Safe
- After the recent collapses of regional banks amid rising interest rates and inflationary pressure, about half of Americans are worried about the safety of their deposits in banks, according to the latest Gallup Poll released Thursday. [Full Story]
- Blackburn: Time to Protect Kids Online
- Blackburn: We’ll See If Biden’ss in on ‘Bribery Scheme’
- Meuser: Biased SEC Blocking Trump Media Merger | video
- Schlapp: EU Conducting ‘Woke Mind Virus’ in Europe | video
- Ernst: McCarthy Debt Proposal ‘Right Direction’
- Graham: Effort Made to Demean SCOTUS | video
- Cruz: Open Border Caused ‘Horrific’ Crime | video
- Good: Bidens Make Subpoena Necessary | video
- Montana’s Drag Story Hour Ban Awaits Signature
- A bill seeking to ban “Drag Story Hour” readings and drag performances in public places in the presence of children has been sent to Montana GOP Gov. Greg Gianforte for a signature…. [Full Story]
- As Debt Limit Looms, Dem-GOP Sparring Intensifies
- Senate Democrats pressured Republicans on the increasingly menacing [Full Story]
- Newsmax Announces New Show With Chris Plante
- Newsmax will launch a new prime-time show hosted by Chris Plante [Full Story]
- Crow Responds to Latest Attack on Justice Thomas
- ProPublica’s latest attack on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, [Full Story]
- Megyn Kelly Slams ‘Destruction Campaign’ Against Tucker
- Former Fox News host Megyn Kelly came out swinging again to defend [Full Story]
- Tucker Carlson Predicted Ouster in Recorded Video |video
- Greg Gutfeld Defends Tucker Carlson
- Poll: 36% Would Watch Carlson Online
- Victor Davis Hanson to Newsmax: Fox Can’t Regain Carlson’s Audience |video
- Dominion Takes Some Credit for Tucker Carlson’s Firing
- Hollywood Pushes Back Against Writers’ ‘Gig’ Claims
- The group representing Hollywood studios fired back Thursday at [Full Story]
- Russia: US Behind Drone Attack on Kremlin
- Russia accused the United States on Thursday of being behind what it [Full Story]
- Former Russian President Calls for Zelenskyy’s Death
- White House: Russia’s Claim That US Behind Drone Attack ‘Ludicrous’
- Ukraine: Russian Drones Downed Over Kyiv
- Ukraine Requests Israeli Aid to Return Children From Russia
- Fear Among Ukraine’s Volunteers Recedes: War Is a Job
- Ukraine’s Zelenskyy Visits International Criminal Court
- NATO: Moscow May Sabotage Undersea Cables as Part of Ukraine War
- Real or Not, Reported Kremlin Drone Attack Unsettles Russia
- Ex-Proud Boy Head Guilty of 1/6 Seditious Conspiracy
- Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and three other members of [Full Story]
- UK Readies Pomp for King Charles III’s Coronation
- The crown has been resized. The troops are prepared for the biggest [Full Story]
- Young Britons ‘Indifferent’ to King Charles Coronation
- Palace Weapons Arrest Comes Amid Coronation Security Push
- Harris Meets With CEOs on AI Risks
- Vice President Kamala Harris met on Thursday with the heads of [Full Story]
- Sinema the Mastermind Behind Biden’s Key Victories
- Although President Joe Biden is expected to rely heavily on what he [Full Story] | Platinum Article
- Dallas City Services Disrupted by Hackers
- Hacker sabotage has disrupted several public services in Dallas, [Full Story]
- Biden Troop Surge Just ‘Smoke and Mirrors’
- Immigration experts say the Biden administration’s plan to stage [Full Story] | Platinum Article
- Fetterman Partially Blames Depression on Brutal Campaign
- Freshman Sen. John Fetterman, who insists he’s both physically and [Full Story]
- Trump Tees Off on ‘Fake’ Accuser, ‘Hostile’ Judge
- Former President Donald Trump told reporters Thursday at his Trump [Full Story]
- Mayor Adams: AOC Subway Killing Tweets Irresponsible
- New York City Mayor Eric Adams criticized Rep. Alexandria [Full Story]
- Gallup Poll: Nearly Half Worried About Bank Money
- Gallup Poll: Nearly Half Worried About Bank Money
- After the recent collapses of regional banks amid rising interest [Full Story] | video
- Pressure Mounts on Regulators as Bank Rout Deepens
- Trone Enters Race for Maryland Sen. Cardin’s Seat
- David Trone, D-Md., entered the race for Sen. Ben Cardin’s [Full Story]
- Jury: Ed Sheeran Didn’t Copy Marvin Gaye Classic
- A jury concluded Thursday that British singer Ed Sheeran didn’t steal [Full Story]
- NFL Faces Workplace Discrimination Allegations
- The attorneys general of New York and California are investigating [Full Story]
- US Envoy to Russia Visits Detained American Whelan in Prison
- U.S. ambassador to Russia Lynne Tracy on Thursday visited American [Full Story]
- Y. Young Republicans Survey: Trump by Two-Thirds
- The New York Young Republicans Club (NYYRC), which is the nation’s [Full Story]
- Bud Light to Triple Ad Spend to Counter Sales Slide
- Bud Light’s parent company said Thursday it will triple its marketing [Full Story]
- Oversight Wants FBI Records Alleging Biden Bribes
- House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer Wednesday issued a [Full Story]
- Hunter’s Laptop Demons Could Haunt Biden’s ’24 Bid
- Charging Decision in Hunter Biden Case Near |video
- Trump Seeks to Move Manhattan Trial to Federal Court
- Lawyers for former President Donald Trump reportedly are filing a [Full Story]
- DeSantis Ahead of Trump in 2024 Cash
- Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis has amassed more cash for a potential [Full Story]
- Netanyahu Bars Israeli Defense Minister From Visiting US
- Netanyahu Bars Israeli Defense Minister From Visiting US
- Israeli and American sources confirm that Israeli Prime Minister [Full Story]
- Effectiveness of Widely Prescribed Heart Med Questioned
- Two new studies have discovered that widely prescribed beta blockers, [Full Story]
- Unemployment Claims Rise, But Remain Low
- The number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits jumped [Full Story]
- Google Bans UK Staff From Saying ‘Man Hours’
- Google in the UK has a new style guide banning familiar, everyday [Full Story]
- Toxicology Tests Negative for Serbia School Shooter
- Toxicology tests on the 13-year-old boy who is suspected of killing [Full Story]
- This Eardrum “Bandage” Clears and Sharpens Your Hearing
- Pressure Mounts on Regulators as Bank Rout Deepens
- Pressure is growing on U.S. regulators to take further steps to shore up the country’s banking sector as a renewed rout in regional lenders’ shares forced PacWest Bancorp to explore options to bolster its balance sheet…. [Full Story]
- Dennis Kneale: Fear of Words Making Us Frail, Costing Us Our Republic
- Trevor Gerszt: Is the US Economy Facing Stagflation?
- Wall Street Sinks as Bank Fears Flare
- de Rugy: Biden’s Late Fees Ploy Seeks Cheap Political Win
- Health
- Lilly Drug Slows Alzheimer’s Progression by 35 Percent
- An experimental Alzheimer’s drug developed by Eli Lilly and Co slowed cognitive decline by 35% in a closely watched late-stage trial, the company said on Wednesday, raising hopes for a second effective treatment for the brain-wasting disease. The drug, donanemab, met all…… [Full Story]
- The Healing Power of Prayer
- Healthy Recipes for Your Cinco de Mayo Celebration
- Study: Medical Marijuana Safely Controls Cancer Pain
- WHO Experts Discuss Possible End to COVID Emergency
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

2022 was a tough year for many stocks. Unfortunately, that pattern held true for manufactured home industry (MHVille) connected stocks too.
See the facts, linked below.
- NOTE 1: The 3rd chart above of manufactured housing connected equities includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services, a manufactured home industry finance lender.
- NOTE 2: Drew changed its name and trading symbol at the end of 2016 to Lippert (LCII).
- NOTE 3: Deer Valley was largely taken private, say company insiders in a message to MHProNews on 12.15.2020, but there are still some outstanding shares of the stock from the days when it was a publicly traded firm. Thus, there is still periodic activity on DVLY.
- Note 4: some recent or related reports to the REITs, stocks, and other equities named above follow in the reports linked below.

2023 …Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory-built housing industry suppliers.
· LCI Industries, Patrick, UFPI, and LP each are suppliers to the manufactured housing industry, among others.
· AMG, CG, and TAVFX have investments in manufactured housing related businesses. For insights from third-parties and clients about our publisher, click here.
Disclosure. MHProNews holds no positions in the stocks in this report.
· For expert manufactured housing business development or other professional services, click here.
· To sign up in seconds for our industry leading emailed headline news updates, click here.
- Manufactured housing, production, factories, retail, dealers, manufactured home, communities, passive mobile home park investing, suppliers, brokers, finance, financial services, macro-markets, manufactured housing stocks, Manufactured Home Communities Real Estate Investment Trusts, MHC REITs.

That’s a wrap on this installment of “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, stock, investing, data, metrics, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship along with numerous awards in history. There have been several awards and honors and also recognition in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.