manufactured homes


“Williams’ Principle” – Tim Williams/21st Mortgage Corp, Manufactured Housing Institute – Real Estate Publisher Corrects Numerous Errors in Troubling Report About Manufactured Homes

  After direct engagement about a troubling report about manufactured housing, a real estate publisher that will be identified in an upcoming report deleted the following comment from their website on Friday 12.18.2020.   There are more corrections that same publisher made, some as bad or possibly worse, as will …

“Williams’ Principle” – Tim Williams/21st Mortgage Corp, Manufactured Housing Institute – Real Estate Publisher Corrects Numerous Errors in Troubling Report About Manufactured Homes Read More


What Can Manufactured Housing Pros & Investors Learn from Florida Manufactured Housing Association (FMHA) and Bow Stern’s “Hand Built Home” Campaign Promotion?

The year 2020 will soon be ending. It is a time of year that some assess results to see where adjustments or improvement can or should be made. So, what can the manufactured housing industry’s professionals and investors learn from the experience of the Florida Manufactured Housing Association (FMHA) and …

What Can Manufactured Housing Pros & Investors Learn from Florida Manufactured Housing Association (FMHA) and Bow Stern’s “Hand Built Home” Campaign Promotion? Read More

MansionMaxineWatersDoesntLiveHerLADistrictBlexitBishopRipsBidenChild AbuseGaysLesbiansTrumpBidenStatementsCourtPackingSundayHeadlinesReviewMHProNews

“Mansion Maxine” Waters Doesn’t Live in Her LA District, Blexit, Bishop Rips Biden’s “Child Abuse,” Gays+Lesbians on Trump, Biden Statements on Court Packing, plus Sunday Weekly Headlines Review

Perhaps one of the most famous scenes in the classic hit military legal genre movie “A Few Good Men” is when the fictional character Colonel Nathan R. Jessep – played by Jack Nicholson – said, “You can’t handle the truth!” Millions of Americans, after years of gaslighting and brainwashing on …

“Mansion Maxine” Waters Doesn’t Live in Her LA District, Blexit, Bishop Rips Biden’s “Child Abuse,” Gays+Lesbians on Trump, Biden Statements on Court Packing, plus Sunday Weekly Headlines Review Read More


McGlinchey Stafford, ICC, NTA – Changes in Manufactured Housing Laws, Regulations, Installation, plus Manufactured Housing Institute/National Communities Council Performance Debate Update

From the McGlinchey Stafford law firm, which does legal work for the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and others, and is also a MHI member. The following media release from McGlinchey is from JD Supra on October 2, 2020. Their “industry update” will be followed by additional information, including the debate …

McGlinchey Stafford, ICC, NTA – Changes in Manufactured Housing Laws, Regulations, Installation, plus Manufactured Housing Institute/National Communities Council Performance Debate Update Read More


Historic-“2 Million Houses a Year” NHC Spotlights Walter Reuther Plan, Can Lift Conventional Housing, Manufactured Homes and Americans

“The more things change the more they stay the same.” That’s the common translation of what French writer Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr wrote in 1849, “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose,” per Wikipedia and Quora. What follows from the National Housing Conference (NHC), which has the Manufactured Housing Institute …

Historic-“2 Million Houses a Year” NHC Spotlights Walter Reuther Plan, Can Lift Conventional Housing, Manufactured Homes and Americans Read More


“Bully Tactics,” “Owner vs. Tenant” “Bullsh-t” – Manufactured Home Community Owner Seeks Evictions of Residents During Pandemic

It has been an evolving saga of drama between residents and management at Jasper Mobile Home Park in San Antonio, Texas that merits a look back to grasp the recent headlined report.  For instance, it was on May 28, 2020 that the arrest of John Ripley, former owner of Jasper …

“Bully Tactics,” “Owner vs. Tenant” “Bullsh-t” – Manufactured Home Community Owner Seeks Evictions of Residents During Pandemic Read More


Grizzly Murder of 5-Year-Old Cannon Hinnant Allegedly Killed by Darius Sessoms, Mom Hopes Sessoms “Rots in Hell” – Windemere Mobile Home Park, Wilson, NC

The Wilson Times said on August 10, 2020 that a “shooting at 5100 Archers Road in the Windemere Mobile Home Park” which locals say has reportedly grabbed international attention when 25-year-old repeat felon Darius Sessoms allegedly shot and killed 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant. “Police responded to a reported shooting on the 5100 block of …

Grizzly Murder of 5-Year-Old Cannon Hinnant Allegedly Killed by Darius Sessoms, Mom Hopes Sessoms “Rots in Hell” – Windemere Mobile Home Park, Wilson, NC Read More


HUD Secretary Ben Carson Announces HUD Will “Safely Resume Physical Inspections”

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development told MHProNews on 8.7.2020 that they will be “safely resume physical inspections.” It is a clear indication that HUD and the Trump Administration continue to push re-opening the economy and ‘business as usual’ as much as possible. Following their media release, there …

HUD Secretary Ben Carson Announces HUD Will “Safely Resume Physical Inspections” Read More


Beneficial Betrayal? HUD Ripped – “Sheer Sophistry” – Federal Enhanced Preemption of Manufactured Homes

What some in manufactured housing are calling the “deep state” at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is alive and well. That would be a fair reading of the on-the-record comments from Mark Weiss, J.D., regarding HUD’s purportedly problematic response to MHProNews on the question of Manufactured Housing’s …

Beneficial Betrayal? HUD Ripped – “Sheer Sophistry” – Federal Enhanced Preemption of Manufactured Homes Read More


President Trump Praises Florida Mixed Use Retirement Community with Manufactured Homes, Golf Courses, Movie Theaters, More – plus Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates

Fox Business and several other mainstream media outlets picked up on a presidential tweet on Monday. That tweet praised “The Villages,” which is a mixed-use retirement community that has long featured manufactured homes. On a day when the markets are generally rebounding, a brief look at the Villages should prove …

President Trump Praises Florida Mixed Use Retirement Community with Manufactured Homes, Golf Courses, Movie Theaters, More – plus Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Housing Affordability Challenges, Presidential Economic Report and Manufactured Home Opportunities

MHProNews has been unpacking aspects of the newly-released the “Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers” and February 2020 “Economic Report of the President.” While there is a problematic area to their report that will be examined at another time, the focus of our article today will be on …

Housing Affordability Challenges, Presidential Economic Report and Manufactured Home Opportunities Read More


Politics Downstream from Culture, Mad as Hell, Affordable Housing and Manufactured Homes

Andrew Breitbart is among those cited as saying “politics is downstream from culture.” In commenting on that notion, the Hedgehog Review says, “Our lives—indeed, our very species—has storytelling wound into our DNA. From the earliest cave drawings, man has expressed himself in terms of story. Ancient civilizations understood that stories …

Politics Downstream from Culture, Mad as Hell, Affordable Housing and Manufactured Homes Read More


Feeling the Need for Speed? Top Gun 2, Maverick

Between the two Top Gun 2, Maverick official ‘trailer’ videos, they’ve had over 20 million views.     If you are like tens of millions of others, it is the sequel that has been awaited for decades.     What does this have to do with manufactured housing? Nothing. Everything. …

Feeling the Need for Speed? Top Gun 2, Maverick Read More


Davos, Oxfam, 2020 Politics, Investing, Affordable Housing, Wealth and Manufactured Homes

Martin Gilbert, the outgoing vice chair of British investment company Standard Life Aberdeen, told CNBC that “The biggest problem that the people I meet here have — the investors who give money to us — is ‘where do we put our money?’ And that is the big issue they all …

Davos, Oxfam, 2020 Politics, Investing, Affordable Housing, Wealth and Manufactured Homes Read More


Pitchforks Coming – Billionaire Nick Hanauer Unpacked – Bridging Economic, Political and Moral Gaps – Affordable Housing and Manufactured Homes

“What is truth?” – Pontius Pilate per John 18:38   “You can’t handle the truth! … You don’t want the truth because deep down in places you talk about at parties; you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall! We use words like honor, code, loyalty, We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something, you use …

Pitchforks Coming – Billionaire Nick Hanauer Unpacked – Bridging Economic, Political and Moral Gaps – Affordable Housing and Manufactured Homes Read More


Elder Abuse, Manufactured Homes, Liabilities and Publicly Traded Firms-plus Manufactured Housing Investment, Stock Updates

Community associations and resident advocates alike have been making the issue of elder abuse part of the narrative impacting land lease communities and residents who may be 60 or older. This evening’s market focus will briefly introduce a topic that could be fertile ground for litigants, which means risky ground …

Elder Abuse, Manufactured Homes, Liabilities and Publicly Traded Firms-plus Manufactured Housing Investment, Stock Updates Read More


Minority Report – Why Majority Should Engage in Solvable Problems of Homelessness and Affordable Housing

This is being written and published the day before Christmas. While some are scurrying for last minute shopping and bargains, others who once did the same are homeless. Tens of millions more are teetering at the edge. As the video that follows will evidence, numbers of those living on the street, …

Minority Report – Why Majority Should Engage in Solvable Problems of Homelessness and Affordable Housing Read More


Initial Reactions from MHI, Other Industry Members to Manufactured Housing Institute CrossMod Homes Announcement

The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) formally announced this week via a news release to their members and followers their vision for their ‘new class of manufactured homes’ project. MHI said in part the following.   “Today, MHI is excited to introduce CrossMod™, the official name for the new class of …

Initial Reactions from MHI, Other Industry Members to Manufactured Housing Institute CrossMod Homes Announcement Read More


HUD’s Brian Montgomery – William ‘Bill’ Matchneer Exposé – If the Shoe Fits, Affordable Housing, Manufactured Homes – Impacting American Dreams?

In the classic story of Cinderella, if the shoe fits, a happy ending for that lady followed.   In our contemporary era of questionable or problematic behavior, the ‘if the shoe fits’ metaphor can be used differently. If a person or organization fits certain allegedly illicit behavior patterns robbing others …

HUD’s Brian Montgomery – William ‘Bill’ Matchneer Exposé – If the Shoe Fits, Affordable Housing, Manufactured Homes – Impacting American Dreams? Read More


Democratic Dream, Dilemma & Debates; POTUS Trump and Michael Bloomberg Realities, Affordable Manufactured Housing Solutions – Transcripts, Analysis

With divided government in Washington, D.C. not much can be accomplished without bipartisan support. That could prove helpful or harmful for advocacy on several hot-button topics, including, but not limited to affordable housing. Which means the following is of keen interest to strategic thinkers involved in our industry. After 2 …

Democratic Dream, Dilemma & Debates; POTUS Trump and Michael Bloomberg Realities, Affordable Manufactured Housing Solutions – Transcripts, Analysis Read More

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