As part of his Innovation in Housing event is taking place on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., HUD Secretary Ben Carson said that it is accurate to say that there is an affordable housing crisis.
He’s joined in that assessment by politicos and public officials across the left-right aisle say the same thing. The mainstream media, as the two reports from either side of the media divide reflects, includes several issues. But a common point is the lack of affordable housing.
Fox News.
On the Masthead today, MHProNews looks at Secretary Carson’s innovative housing promotion, which includes a spotlight on HUD regulated manufactured homes. It includes particular attention to the issue of enhanced preemption.
Since MHLivingNews posted the report on Seattle is Dying, that video has climbed to over 3.8 million views. Rephrased, this issue of homelessness and affordable housing is an issue that has drawn and held national attention. Nevertheless, the most proven affordable kind of permeant housing known in the USA – HUD Code manufactured homes – are now in their 8th month of year-over-year declines.
Affordable housing is likely to be a 2020 topic. Manufactured homes, if unleashed through a prudent application of existing laws, could fuel the creation of hundreds of thousands of more jobs, numbers of which could be in opportunity zones that Secretary Carson is also leading the charge for the Trump Administration. As an in depth analysis reflects, how this issue is handled, or not could decide who sits in the White House after the 2020 race is over.
That’s a sobering look, just before midnight, at “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes, and Factory-Built Housing,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)

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