TMHA’s Caitlin Nauert, issued this urgent call to action.
“We need your help to pass our right to replace homes bill, SB 1248. An amendment was added to the bill when it was heard in the House. The amendment would exempt all cities in Tarrant County from the property owner rights protections the bill seeks to ensure.
The bill has come out of the Conference Committee with the Tarrant County amendment removed so that the bill would again apply statewide to all cities in Texas.
Representatives from Tarrant County and city advocacy groups are working to oppose the bill and asking House members to not accept the Conference Committee Report. They are calling, emailing and texting members of the Texas House encouraging them to oppose the bill.
If we are to overcome this opposition, we need everyone’s help.
Please call or email your Texas state House member TODAY to ask that they support Rep. Lucio, and vote YES to adopt the Conference Committee Report on SB 1248 so that the bill applies statewide.
If you are unsure who your state House representative is you can go here and enter your address, select “House” under the District Type dropdown, and it will tell you who is your state representative.
This is an urgent request as the vote on this bill most likely will occur later today.
Every call and email matters. This is the last and only chance that this critical bill can pass.
Thank you,
TMHA.” ##
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