For new titles the change from Jan. was +24.88 percent, the percentage change from the same month last year hit +7.30 percent, and year-to-date percentage change from same time last year was +4.32 percent. Shipments fell from Jan. to Feb. this year by -12.10 percent, while shipments change from the same month last year rose +26.39 percent, and year-to-date shipments of Jan.-Feb. 2014 increased 31.43 percent over the same time frame in 2013.
Used title percentage change from Jan. to Feb. was +10.42 percent, but the change from the same month last year fell -16.86 percent, and for the year-to-date used titles the drop was -11.52 percent. It takes the state 75 days to process each months title transfers. ##
(Image credit: Texas Manufactured Housing Association)