There are potential issues that ought to have been raised in the 2020 Census that experts have told the Daily Business News on MHProNews should have been included. That will be a topic of a planned upcoming report.
But today’s U.S. Census topic impacts every affordable housing or manufactured home professional. Indeed, it influences every U.S. citizen.
Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that will decide whether 2020 Census can ask people if they’re a U.S. citizen. Why does it matter?
That decision that will impact allocating House seats, Electoral College votes, and billion of federal dollars, says the Daily Mail. Factually, that’s correct.
Per the Daily Mail:
- The U.S. Census, conducted every 10 years, hasn’t asked a citizenship question since 1950.
- Trump Administration wants to include it again, claiming the Justice Department wants the data in order to help enforce the Voting Rights Act.
- A federal judge said no in January, but now the Supreme Court says it will take the case on an expedited basis so the Census can proceed on time.
Why it Matters?
- Non-citizens included in the Census distort the legal count of Americans who are supposed to determine the relative population of the 50 states.
- Those ratios determine how many seats each state gets in the House of Representatives and Electoral College votes in presidential contests. Rephrased, even if someone in the U.S. who isn’t a citizen isn’t voting illegally, counting them distorts data that – for example – makes California the state with the most congressional districts.
- The Census data also informs spending equations used to distribute federal tax dollars to the states for everything from education to road repairs. That is hundreds of billions of dollars that could be shifted, depending on how the Supreme Court rules. The case is expected to be heard in April.
Rephrased, do you want your vote and citizenship status to be enhanced or diluted? The count of non-citizens matters. If the Supremes rule correctly, by Constitutional intent standards, this should be a no-brainer. For Census purposes, non-citizens should be counted as exactly that, non-citizens.
Wonder why ongoing illegal immigration matters? Why is this topic not heard more in the U.S. media? Why is it British media that is reporting on this topic, that ought to be a lead story on thousands of mainstream media sites in the U.S.?
Writing as someone who came to the U.S. legally, illegal immigration matters. That’s “News through the lens of manufactured homes, and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
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