Various forms of shelter – or housing – have been part of human history for thousands of years. The desire for homeownership is part of the American Dream, but it is more properly part of a larger struggle for freedom and independence.
On July 4, 1776, a group of men gathered in Philadelphia, PA to pledge their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor in a fight for independence from the king of England.
Freedom, independence, housing – all of these are woven together in various ways.
A relatively poor person who owns his, her or their own home is arguably more independent than another household that rents.
The renter is more independent than those who depend entirely on others to provide their shelter.
Yesterday, at the link below, the Daily Business News looked at the issue of manufactured homes vs. subsidized housing.
For years, MHProNews and MHLivingNews has taken the position that subsidized housing is a threat to our industry.
But more than that, subsidized housing is a debatably costly, ill conceived, and failed system. Yesterday’s article on subsidized housing linked above outlines with facts and charts, why that controversial claim is so, plus why it matters to freedom loving people.
All across America – from Hawaii to the east coast of the U.S., and thousands of places in between – affordable housing is an issue that many experts call a crisis. Are those who struggle for housing truly free?
Drawn to the fulcrum of that crisis are manufactured homes (MH). Before June 15, of 1976, millions of mobile homes were part of that same, long struggle for affordable housing in America, and for greater independence.
As dedicated MHProNews readers learned, more than one American president has specifically addressed and praised our MH industry by name.
U.S. President Praised “The Mobile Home Industry,” Manufactured Homes are “Here to Stay”
Because we are a proven and essential part of the free enterprise solution to the affordable housing crisis.
Some 22 million Americans live in a pre-HUD Code Mobile Home or a post-HUD Code Manufactured Home.

Housing owners and all others are only as free as political, economic or safety issues allow them to be. That’s reality.
The protections the founders of the United States of America (USA) fought to include was for the security and privacy of people in one’s own residence.
Freedom has long been a struggle of the more organized and powerful vs. the less powerful.
Governments exist in theory to protect the rights of people. Candidly, that protection by government may only be for the rights of a few. The more a government is able to protect the weak or vulnerable from the ravages of crime, other forms of economic or political aggression, and warfare, the more noble it is seen as being to millions of modern minds.
The framers attempted to create a Republic that would offer the maximum protection for “We, the People.”
Manufactured homes provide affordable quality living for less. That’s an important theme celebrated on

Few of us want to admit or aspire to being a slave or addict to anything or anyone. That’s true for our fellow Americans.
The men who signed the Declaration of Independence risked everything for freedom. Thanks to the risks taken by those property owners on that fateful, risky but glorious day, generations of Americans stand more free. The path towards freedom has been difficult, there’s been stumbling and turmoil along the way, but the same has always been true at every time and place in world history.
Every nation, every society since the dawn of man has struggled for ways to safely protect and shelter people. We can thank God that we live here in the U.S.A., where hundreds of millions of others around the world long to be.
Why do millions globally dream of coming to America? Not because we are perfect, but because we are safer and more free.
Providing good, clean, safe, and appealing homes is a noble profession.
All of those who invest or work in part of the manufactured home industry should celebrate today, and every day that we are able to help others become more free.

From our family to you and your loved ones, and with sincere thanks to all of those who make our work here possible, a happy, safe, and healthy Independence Day. ##