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Manufactured housing professionals use Google and Facebook for work and personally every day by the thousands.
Further, millions of manufactured home residents are doing the same.
Perhaps the most pressing, there is only one political force that is likely to take on this problem with anything might approach a solution. These points are the ones that no one else in mainstream media are likely to mention, but will be the conclusion of this report on the subject of the raw power that Google and Facebook exercise in the U.S. and globally.
“An eye-opening documentary, The Creepy Line reveals the stunning degree to which society is manipulated by Google and Facebook and blows the lid off the remarkably subtle – hence powerful – manner in which they do it,” per the summary/review on Rotten Tomatoes.
As former Google CEO Eric Schmidt said during a 2010 interview as he explained Google’s code of conduct: “The Google policy on a lot of things is to get right up to the creepy line and not cross it.”
However, as Dr. Robert Epstein explains in the film, “Google crosses the creepy line every day.”
The Verge’s review makes the movie sound too political.
But Epstein explains during the video that he believed the person in the 2016 election that was benefiting from search engine bias was the more “qualified” candidate. Epstein explains how he was drawn into his research into the “Creepy Line” by inexplicable action taken by Google.
Further the Verge made several salient points. “It [the video] takes its title from Google executive Eric Schmidt, who said in 2010 that Google’s job was to “get right up to the creepy line and not cross it.” Schmidt has gotten no end of flack for that quote, and it’s easy to point out that Google is, in fact, often very creepy.”
The Verge’s review says, that “This theory [the premise of the documentary “the Creepy Line”] has been fueled by news about political discussions within companies — like Google’s internal controversy over employee James Damore, who was fired after circulating a memo criticizing the company’s gender diversity efforts. Breitbart recently published a leaked video from a Google meeting just after the 2016 election of Donald Trump, which includes co-founder Sergey Brin calling Trump’s presidency “deeply offensive.”
It’s the Verge that points out the push from across Democratic and Republican party lines for antitrust action against Google and Facebook.
CNS lays out one of several reasons how these experts discovered the problem, in a personal way. “Jordan Peterson,” a “professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, Peterson discovered a day after his testimony against a controversial Canadian law suppressing free speech regarding gender that his YouTube account and Google gmail account had been blocked.”
Manufactured Home Industry Pros and Rigged Searches – A.K.A. “Search Bias”
This isn’t just a search challenge in political issues, because it can happen in business too. There are industry pros who have told MHProNews that sites that once had better search results suddenly and dramatically took a turn for the worse.
If a monopoly of money and information can influence politics, it can clearly influence businesses too.

“Shadows of Liberty” Movie Introduction, Affordable Housing, and You
The fast-paced, engaging docu-drama “The Creepy Line” points out that at one point in time, no one spends more lobbying Congress than Google. Other sources indicate that Facebook is not far behind. But on this most recent cycle, Jeff Bezos has given millions personally to candidates. Is there any doubt that he’s trying to buy votes to prevent antitrust action against Amazon and his other investments, which now include factory built housing?
$300 Billion Market, As Predicted, Jeff Bezos’ Amazon Alexa Fund Dives Deeper into PreFab Homes

“…Epstein’s arguments are delivered in detail by a first-hand source,” but the Verge points out that other headlines and a variety of sources are used throughout the powerful documentary that even Rotten Tomatoes says is “eye opening.” The Verge defends Google by saying that yes, they are biased, but that bias “is complicated.”
This is at the heart of the issue that we’ve been reporting on periodically for some time, which has included the work of Scott Galloway, who argues that regulation isn’t enough. He and others believe that these tech giants must be broken up.
If you watch this on Amazon Prime, you’ll see why the Trump Administration is signaling that operations like these could be targeted with antitrust action after the midterms. You can see a draft executive order on antitrust from the Trump Administration in the related reports further below. That’s “News through the lens of manufactured homes, and factory-built housing,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
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